A great game that unfortunately is plagued by some serious issues.

User Rating: 7.7 | Ultimate Spider-Man XBOX
Okay. For a start i can refer to the amazing Spider-Man 2 The Movie game that was one hell of a ride. The only problem i had with the game was that there was to many lame sidemissions that really became tiresome at the end. So the new Spider-Man game: Ultimate Spider-Man is just as good and if you have played Spider-Man 2 before, then you could just hop right in as the controls are pretty much the same. The game has an incredible look and feel to it due to the cool cel-shaded look that makes it feel just like a living cartoon. Another new aspect of the game is that you can play as Venom in some levels and some of those levels are great fun. But the problems this time around comes in the form of these "chase missions". These chase missions appear to often. Most of the chase missions where you play as Spider-Man where you swing around chasing a villain is cool. But the Venom chases are annoing and difficult. There are just too many of these missions to assure a perfect gaming experience. The graphics are awesome and so is the sound. Buy this game if you are a Spider-Man fan but you will certainly find something to dislike here.