seriously gamespot gave this 8.0??? this is the best exclusive game on the ps3 so far

User Rating: 10 | The Last of Us PS3
i cant believe gamespot gave this masterpiece of a game an 8.0 when most of the other reviewers gave it all 10/10 perfect scores,to start off this game is simply the best ps3 exclusive and its the best gift from naughty dog before the end of the life cycle of the ps3,the story of the last of us is about a fungus infection which infect people and transform them into zombies types and all the civilization is now all in ruins and all the cities parks and ecc are all destroyed, survive is everything in this game and not only in the story but also in the gameplay,i will not spiol more on the story, lets talk about the great gameplay, in the last of us u need to survive like in real life, u carry guns but u will have low ammo, ammo is scarse and u need to explore a lot the game to find what u can to go on, u have a crafting mode in the game to craft useful items such as blades to use them for stealth kills and health kits for example uses the same items to create like the molotov, what you will create? health kits or molotov? u need to make good decisions to what create depending on the situation, the first main thing do to in this game to spare bullets and items is to take the enemies always stealth, there are not only the infected as enemies but also humans that will do everything to try to kill you, survival of the fittest, the melee combat is very great and animations in the game looks very great, the game last like 22hrs if you explore well to find items, you can upgrade your weapons with tools you find in the game and also u can upgrade skills like healing fast, craft items faster ecc, the game can be challenging in some parts, the clickers can kill you with one bite, the graphics of the last of us is the best i see on a ps3, some parts are nearly next gen, animations are terrific good and everything in so real in this game like a movie! there is all typese of enviorment in the last of us with seasons change from winter and ecc,naughty dog uses all the ps3 power then the ps3 will start making noises with the disc inserted of the last of us, the multiplayer is very immersive, its different from uncharted cos its all about survival and ecc, the game have a new game plys system but only of the same difficulty u beat the game the first time.

the only thing that is a bit annoying in the game is that sometimes it can be a bit repetitive cos there are alot of areas which u need to take enemies stealth over and over but it can be alot of fun too taking them one by one silent.

there are alot of other things to say about this game but the best thing is to get this game and play it!! dont listen to gamespot this game is not and 8 but full desereve 10 score for the great work of naughty dog, go and get this game now!