Test Drive Unlimited 2? More like Test Drive Unlimited 0.5! Fair step backwards!

User Rating: 4 | Test Drive Unlimited 2 PC
Boy....where to begin....I guess I will begin with the handling....Remember Cruise'n'USA for the N64? Yeah, that with somewhat worse handling comes to mind when playing TDU 2. How is it possible to have a worse physics engine than TDU 1? Oh I know, a FAILED console port, that's how! I have a Logitech Momo Wheel and a Fanatec 911 GT3 RS Wheel, both of which are wasted on this disaster of a game. There are about 20 degrees + / - about the center of complete deadzone that cannot be fixed, no matter how hard your try to tweak the settings.....which have ZERO effect on the handling. You turn the wheel left or right and nothing....nothing.....nothing then he wheel starts moving but quite sensitive and you either spin out or put the car into a tree.

You like drifting, right? Well you can forget about that in TDU 2 because no matter how hard you try, you cannot, for the life of you, drift your car, you end up spinning out instead of a controllable drift. Also, the cars feel like old diesel locomotives that haven't been maintained since 'Nam!

Graphics feel very 2008. They are not BAD but if you were expecting DX 11 then you will be quite disappointed. Ah, but that's okay, DX 10 is just fine. Well it is except you won't see a smidge of DX 10 API in TDU 2....yeah, welcome back, DX 9. I went back to TDU 1 and I smiled a little. A game that is a remnant of a failing Atari is actually better and more satisfying than a "modern" sequel. I guess the pattern of bad sequels doesn't just apply to Hollywood.....

If by some divine miracle, the handling issues are fixed then this game has the potential to maybe be a piece of crap. I like the fact that you can cruise around a beautiful Spanish island and TDU 2 definitely has heaps more content than TDU 1 but the things that matter the most it lacks so they almost don't even get noticed.

The developers have obviously never played a racing game in their life because to allow such a fundamental piece of the puzzle to slip through the cracks is downright unacceptable and ignorant. Whoever developed this game must have been an RPG gamer because I'd rather play World of Subways than this FAILURE!