Hmm, I like this game. It's fun, not long enough but yeah, A fighter is a fighter in my eyes.

User Rating: 8.6 | Tao Feng: Fist of the Lotus XBOX
Well pure and simple (Or enough for 100 words =D) Tao Feng is pretty slick with graphics, the real time damage system and of course that sheer brutality that only a co-creator of MK culd have. Some people looked away at this game when it first came out, I gave it a chance and I liked it. Small amount of fighters but they (like any fighter should) each have their own unique fighting style. Then there's the ability to break arms and legs and the person can keep fighting anyway, Which I of course liked, It's a definitely annoying control set to ge tuse to but once you do, I swear you dominate easily. So even if you dont want to buy this game, give it a good rent atleast.