Best Game In Existance!

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars SNES
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars is exactly what it sounds like. A Mario RPG. And it's my absolute favorite game of all time. I've beat it at least 10 times and I am looking forward to beating it again and again once it comes out on Wii Virtual Console (HOPEFULLY!!). Basically the game takes Mario and friends, some new, some old around the land of Mario and more on a quest for the 7 stars in order to defeat the evil Smithy and restore order to the world. In the process of doing so you help Bowser or rather, he helps you. That aspect of the game is one of my favorite. The music is totally awesome and the sound effects are perfect mario but still fit into this RPG. There's tons and tons of different monsters and many boss fights. The experience and ability system is sweet and to top it all off you have got timed hits in battles which take what might be somewhat bland into something awesome. This game is an abosolute treasure. I'll pay whatever it costs for Wii Virtual console as soon as it comes out. Find a way to play this game.