User Rating: 8 | Star Trek: Elite Force II PC
I enjoyed the original Elite Force and I’m happy with this release. The graphics are excellent as it the sound quality. Game play is easy to learn and fun. I’ve played multiplayer on my LAN with two other people and it is smooth. I haven’t played online yet but I’ve no doubt that will be smooth as well. The AI is a bit ‘stupid’, Chell and other members of the Hazard Team continually walk in front of me when I am shooting. In multiplayer mode the bots, even at the lowest setting, seem to be deadly accurate with every shot. That can get frustrating and annoying as well. The game seems to try and blend FPS action with RPG. You end up at Star Fleet Academy talking to people and I found to drag the game down a little bit… keep the action going! I haven’t finished the entire game yet but what I have played I have enjoyed. I would recommend this game to any Star Trek fan and FPS person… although to me it is (as are most games) very pricey.