A little bit to short

User Rating: 8 | Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty PS3
Quest for Booty is a downloadable game from the Playstation Store and is a mini adventure.


Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction was a great game with a great story but it ended on a cliffhanger. Clank was snatched by the Zoni and this game will tell you all you need to know to what has happened to him


Well you play as Ratchet with some of his weapons from the last game like the Predator Launcher,Nano Swarmers and Tornado Launcher to name some. You don't pick these from a vendor they happen to be given to you sometime in the game. There are a few puzzles but none that are to hard. There are about 4 different worlds in total. You don't get skill points in this game so it might be a bit pointless coming back.


The game has beautiful nice colourful graphics and looks like a Pixar cartoon but really the graphics are nice and detailed but hardly different from its predesscor as you'd expect. It has a nice soundtrack like a Pirate theme to it.


Normal Ratchet and Clank games take about 12 hours to finish but they are full price this will take about 3 hours possibly and don't forget its a mini Ratchet and Clank game and it costs far less than the others at its price.

Overall Opinion

A bit to short and well I just don't think its the same as having Clank as a backpack or playable but it is a nice bit of added content and a good title for its price and for its length it does offer some clever puzzles and good action. It isn't hard though the bosses are easy to defeat

Overall Score 7.8