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#1 unca_laguna
Member since 2003 • 156 Posts

Gaming is a business and so is reviewing games. I make my own mind up about games. I wonder if Gamespot got some advertising money for BF3?! Of course they did...

even if the reviewer end of it is a business, its also journalism. when you go to a website and read a review, you want to read the opinion of someone who knows more about video games than you do (or as much, but has had the benefit of playing the game), and can tell you if the game is a turd or not. you do NOT read a review to be advertised to. that's not even a review at that point, its a product summary. and the fact that "gaming journalism" is considered something of a joke is a thing to be mad about.
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#2 unca_laguna
Member since 2003 • 156 Posts
I heard about this story and I'm reminded of how horror movies usually don't bother with early screening for critics. (and what that means about the quality of the movie) I suppose since game reviewers are a less organized and scrupulous bunch, EA can try little tricks like this.
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#3 unca_laguna
Member since 2003 • 156 Posts

He was raised as a girl by nuns. He's at the very least genderqueer. Even Benimaru from King of Fighters-- for all intents and purposes full-blown g4y-- is manlier than that little nun-boy. Again, I like Guilty Gear. Love it, even. But I can't deny how g4y or at least metrosexual at least 2/3 of its cast is.


I just want to point out that "genderqueer" isn't a sexual orientation, since it has nothing to do with who you sleep with, but rather what GENDER you consider yourself to be. also worth mentioning that in spite of the name, "metrosexual" isn't a sexual orientation either.

I think you're confusing sexual orientation with gender-identity, as you seem to be assuming that anyone who is gay is automatically girly and vice versa, when this is not the case. for example, vega is probably NOT gay a lot of the manga with him will have him complimenting an attractive female character, while it seems the only male he finds attractive is himself. on the other hand, juri han is as straight as a barrel of fish-hooks, but she isn't exactly "butch" is she?

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#4 unca_laguna
Member since 2003 • 156 Posts

Why are we discussing something as ludicrous as SF characters besides Vega being g4y when there's far more homoerotic fighting games out there? King of Fighters, BlazBlue, and especially Guilty Gear... Hell, Eddy is canonically gay with... either Venom or Slayer, I forget. ...or both. It's been a while since I looked into it. And Bridget? Takes g4y to a whole new level of g4yity. From a gameplay standpoint, I prefer Guilty Gear, but SF is filled with some of the manliest men in all of fighting.


I thought bridget was a nun? how can he be gay?

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#5 unca_laguna
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I think that one just depends on how homophobic someone is, brah. most people aren't that disturbed when they find out someone is gay.

I'm not homophobic, I just don't think the sexual preferance/marital status of a character beloved by all ages should be picked apart if it comes into question.

look, when you write a book, you don't just decide what words are going to be on the page, you decide everything about your characters, whether relevant or not. dumbledore's sexualtiy was never relevant in the HP books, so it isn't mentioned. but rowling had an answer when somebody asked about it.

regardless of whether you're homophobic yourself, the reason why its homophobic to be disturbed by such things is because its something you have and WILL encounter in your life. every person reading these words has an important person in their lives who is gay whether you know about it or not.

ok, that's enough afterschool special tolerance crap for one day.

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#6 unca_laguna
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I think that one just depends on how homophobic someone is, brah. most people aren't that disturbed when they find out someone is gay.

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#7 unca_laguna
Member since 2003 • 156 Posts

lol iv never seen a more full proof way to troll , literally props to you TC!TH1Sx1SxSPARTA

how is it trolling when everyone seems to agree? besides, this isn't an opinion question, there are sucessful PC games that flourish through word-of-mouth.

even if the consoles have a minecraft clone, you guys have never had the kind of phenomena that surrounded that game in terms of how it got big.

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#8 unca_laguna
Member since 2003 • 156 Posts

[QUOTE="Crimsader"]How could possibly Juri be gayAllicrombie
my thoughts exactly.

its pretty straightforward. she says "that felt good, didn't it?" during her ultra whether she's fighting a man or a woman. she's a sadist, she doesn't care about private parts.

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#9 unca_laguna
Member since 2003 • 156 Posts

yea, and they got the answer. RE fans want the series' old style, not the action-packed games we're getting nowadays, but it seems capcom never learn. they're releasing Resident Evil: Operation Raccon City as an online third-person shooter.


I think you're projecting your oppinions onto the fanbase. RE4 is still considered a fantastic game by most fans and won the franchise a lot of new fans. furthermore, 5 was still popular, but widely regarded as inferior to 4.

The standards for a "good" game changes with the times. Just because certain game mechanics are no longer popular today, that doesn't mean they cease to be good. It's only because many gamers today have been spoon-fed with easier mechanics in recent years that they can no longer put up with the more difficult "dated" mechanics used in previous generations, i.e. things like "tank controls", item management, fixed camera angles, limited ammo, puzzle-solving, etc.


whoa, hold your horses there sundance. you listed a whole slew of gameplay mechanics there and the only one that was outdated was tank controls. and hatred for tank controls AIN'T a subjective thing, its a terrible, clumsy control scheme. there are even lots of game that have fixed camera these days, its just the tank controls that are detrimental.

they COULD if they wanted, make a game with limited ammo, item management that DOESN'T have your armor in a pocket of your armor, and some good puzzles. unfortunatly, gamers can more easily stomach a person's body ripping apart in another gruesome transformation than they can stomach a puzzle.

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#10 unca_laguna
Member since 2003 • 156 Posts

If hate builds up over internet I think it actually can be very harmful to business. If there is an easy fix to let some steam out, I think developers should do it. The highlightning in Deus Ex is a good example, which I think they solved in a clever way.

One problem though is that people may not always know what's good for them. During playtests of Deus Ex I read they had troubles with players aproaching it like a linear shooter, not using all the extra features that makes the game stand out. Hence the highlightning. I suspect some gamers may turn it off to be hardcore, but they will fall into the linear trap. Then they will probably whine about the game being a standard shooter, or COD clone etc. It's a very difficult balance for developers!Sushiglutton

If a player is SO caught up in the playstyle of the simple FPS's like CoD, to the point that they don't REALIZE there are alternate paths in DX, they are not going to be the type who was complaining about the highlights. the people who made those complaints were players of the first DX, and will know what to expect from a sequel.

furthermore, in order for a player to think that DX is just a shooter, they would have to know nothing of the first game, missed ALL the hype for this game, AND they would have to ignore every in-game tutorial.

look, reality check, there are gonna be a lot of shooter fans who play this game and say it sucks for a variety of reasons. so just take it with a grain of salt when someone says "I don't know what to do" when they don't know how to find the objectives screen, cuz there are gonna be THOSE people. and if they're the type who would need the highlights, and they turn them off, the difficulties are their own fault. people should have a real understanding of their skillsets before they try to be "hardcore".