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#1  Edited By solidfish30
Member since 2008 • 676 Posts

@FPSunionOWNS said:

@solidfish30: honestly kinda sounds like your spoiled and reality hasn't hit you yet no offense

That's a very ignorant thing to assume, and your assumption of me being spoilt is also ignorant. Ever since I was 16 I've been doing my best to achieve a life of freedom, and so far I've accomplished that goal. My life philosophy is very simple, I have a goal for happiness, not financial success. I only make $270 every two weeks, and am completely fulfilled with my living circumstances. I was also quite lucky to inherent a bit of money from my uncle and use the annual interest from that to afford my more expensive hobbies. Furthermore, don't talk about reality, I'm all too familiar with the corruptions of this world. I often find myself feeling depressed when I contemplate human nature in general, and the aspect of death absolutely upsets me. Death is actually the biggest motivation for my lifestyle, I don't believe in an afterlife. So as far as I'm concerned, there is no reason to live. No objective, and every poor fellow that gets screwed over, and lives a life of unfulfillment and regret, dies and lives for absolutely no reason. They didn't even accomplish happiness.

So yeah, in no way am I trying to come across as cocky, but the fact is I don't work. I will refuse to work, it might sound a little melodramatic, but I'd rather just end myself now then to waste the majority of my life doing something that I absolutely despise. Maybe one day I'll find a form of employment, a goal to keep me distracted from my depressing thoughts on death and such other subjects. But all of my interests are extremely unrealistic to obtain, I love telling stories, that's my true passion. But the chances of me ever suceeding in such a medium are very slim, and I don't want to sacrifice what I already have in hopes of ever fulfilling my passion. So I'm currently content, and looking forward to a hopefully long life of freedom.

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#2 solidfish30
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I don't work, never will, I live my life for myself and luckily I've had a parent who happily supports my quest for freedom. I wake up in the morning, or whenever, and do as I please. I don't need to stress about getting dressed, looking appropriate, and so forth. I just wake up and live my life, wanna learn how to play a musical instrument? Crank up an old youtube video. I have the whole day in front of me. I have very few responsibilities, and the greatest library at my disposal (the internet) to learn whatever I please. Furthermore, thankfully due to my minimalist lifestyle I'm not in any type of financial debt, and probably never will be. Plus I have a few things set up down the line to insure more freedom with a little bit of extra income on the way. I'm pretty damn happy all things considered.

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#3 solidfish30
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Also another thing Revelations should be praised on is the Lost Archives DLC. That was truly one of the most beautiful experience I've ever had in a game. The atmosphere was so daunting, and the soundtrack... my goodness. It really was out of this world, I played it all through in one, and was just stuck in a trance. It was an incredibly surreal experience, with more character depth than any of the main titles have ever been able to create bar Ezio and his memorable ending.

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#4 solidfish30
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@Capitan_Kid said:

@solidfish30 said:

Revelations is the most underrated in the series. Brotherhood in my opinion being the worst, II is without a doubt the best, followed by Revelations and III. I haven't played Black Flag yet.

Hold the fucking phone. Brotherhood is awesome!

My main problem with Brotherhood is its extremely unpolished finale acts. Other than that I respect it for its content and replayability, plus the multiplayer was a great addition.

Overall I find AC1 to be the most polished and consistent, with its story being the highlight of the series' plot. I found AC2 to be the best in the series by including a memorable character and an excellent setting, but a rushed story only saved by the jaw-dropping ending. Brotherhood in my opinion tried to do too much, and ended up feeling extremely rushed. It did however include a ridiculous amount of content, but the city of Rome and its atmosphere just didn't click for me. Revelations to me was the emotional climax of the series, ending Ezio and Altair's story in an incredibly emotional ending that hasn't been duplicated in the series yet. AC3 was without a doubt the most ambitious, but it was also incredibly rushed. It had a chance of concluding the series with a great ending, but was ruined due to terrible presentation. The story of Connor however was great.

I'm glad that Black Flag seems to be doing well, I'm also curious to see if it can make up for some of the mistakes that AC3 made regarding the plot. But overall I feel that the annual release is killing this incredibly ambitious franchise, and ruining what little dignity it has left. I believe that the Assassin's Creed series should've been a truly memorable franchise that could have been held in high regard years from now, but the chances of that happening are very slim. It really is wasted potential.

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#5  Edited By solidfish30
Member since 2008 • 676 Posts

Revelations is the most underrated in the series. Brotherhood in my opinion being the worst, II is without a doubt the best, followed by Revelations and III. I haven't played Black Flag yet.

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#6 solidfish30
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The consensus on the fourth installment of Metal Gear Solid seems to be, quite frankly, that it sucks. I personally loved it; though I don't think it's as good as Snake Eater, I did find it to be very fun and entertaining. I loved the multiple settings; each was on a different continent, which made the game feel like a true epic. I also enjoyed the over-the-top plot twists and revelations, such as the cadaver being Solidus Snake instead of Big Boss, and Liquid Ocelot being the result of hypnosis and not Liquid's transplanted arm. I also enjoyed the incorporation of private military companies and the subsequent war economy into the story. As far as the emotional aspect of the game, I thought it was very well executed, coming quite close to that of Snake Eater. The most emotional parts of the game, for me, were when half of Snake's face got severely burned, when what seemed to be Big Boss's corpse was desecrated by Liquid, and when Snake and Big Boss made peace.

The downsides of the game, in my opinion, were the ability to upgrade and purchase weapons from Drebin at any point in the game even though he was nowhere nearby (WTF?), the clunky over-the-shoulder shooting mechanics, and...I guess that's it.

Anyhow, what did you think of MGS 4 ?


I don't think this would be the best place to discuss the intricacies of MGS4. Honestly the opinions on these forums are so extreme that every positive and negative is so ridiculously exaggerated, especially with a successful game like MGS4. I have a lot to say about this game, I love it personally. I see everything that it succeeds at and all of its flaws, and accept it all like I would a flawed and troubled friend. It's a game with a lot of theories surrounding it and its writing, a lot of things were clearly deliberate by Hideo. Like the controversially long cut-scenes and awkward dialogue, but I don't really have the time to go into detail about that. So Blu, if you really want an interesting look at the MGS series, I'd suggest looking at Matthewmatosis' long in-depth review of each game on youtube. Here's a link to his MGS4 review, it's quite long.
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#7 solidfish30
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[QUOTE="solidfish30"]Journey is overrated by the majority, underrated by the ignorant, praised and criticised for the wrong things, and only truly valued by the minority. It's an excellent game that achieves what it set out to do, I've found a lot of replayability in it myself. Not just the core experience, but Journey is one of those games whose mechanics have been manipulated by the community to produce some seriously fun gameplay. It also has the best out-of-map glitches that I have ever seen, and for someone like myself that loves to explore all my games to death, it has produced some of the most terrifying and hilarious moments in gaming that I have ever experienced that were totally unintended by the developers. It's also a very different experience depending on your mood, the developers definitely succeeded in making a game that adapts to your current emotional state. For my 6 playthroughs the game has been terrifying, marvelous, depressing and a truly surreal experience. This is all achieved by the completely underrated multiplayer, the relationship that you can build with your partner can be a truly beautiful experience. My heartless cousin even got a little emotional when his wise partner that had been with him for the whole game created a little love heart in the snow before they ended the game together. So all in all, I've found Journey to be a really unique fun little adventure that for me has a genuinely surprising amount of replayability. I'm glad that it was so successful, yet a little disappointed that only the real hardcore fans caught onto what makes it so great. I guess that's like everything though.m_machine024

Your post makes me want to give it another try.

That's nice, I genuinely hope that if you do decide to try it again you get as much enjoyment out of it as me!
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#8 solidfish30
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It does look good! If there wasn't a modern day story behind the pirate setting i would get it.


I've never understood this criticism. If anything Assassin's Creed does well, it's creating beautiful and immersive worlds. Furthermore, with 4 it looks like we'll have a truly captivating pirate themed landscape to explore. It ticks all the boxes. The modern day setting is such a small and underappreciated part of the experience, it doesn't even have any direct affect on the central pirate plotline. So how would this tiny little part of the experience turn you off? Now if your concern was a genuine criticism then I would agree, for example this game is going to be glitchy. It's almost impossible for it not to be glitchy. That plus the fact it'll probably have terrible level design and unresponsive gameplay that looks good yet rarely works as intended by the user. These are all likely to be sad facts by the games release, and all because of its rushed annual release that this ambitious franchise has been plagued by. Now these here are reasons for one not to get this game, not your complaint of the practically irrelevant modern day plotline.

It's just my opinion, man. I like pirate games (loved Pirates Gold, The Legend of the Black Kat, etc) and liked the first 2 Assassins Creeds, but there's a few things that makes me not hyped for this game. Like i said, i'm not a fan of the modern day setting in these particular series. I like modern day games, historical games, sci-fi games, etc. For some reason i always found this mix in AC games anticlimactic. There are more things, like the fact that underwater exploration is limited to some places and i'm a skeptical about the freedom you will have to explore every bit of the world (in AC games you usually have to follow paths). On the top of that, i try to not support yearly releasing games.

I'll probably end up getting the game, though. The naval exploration and combat do look great!

I completely agree with the modern day story being anti-climatic, I personally think the plot and concept are intriguing, yet it's purely let down by poor presentation. Oh, and I know it's your opinion, I just can't really understand the reasoning behind it. The opinion that the modern day plot ruins the franchise, the modern day setting is so trivial in comparison to the actual games and their content. Although you have given me a bit more insight to where you're coming from, and I did generalise you a little bit, but I can now understand your reasoning. I'll be getting the game myself, but I know it'll be a very flawed experience, I will however appreciate what it was able to achieve with its time limitations.
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#9 solidfish30
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I'm interested in this game mostly for the pirate setting in the open sees. I haven't played an Assassin's Creed since the second and would need to be reassured that the combat, stealth, missions, and traversal mechanics are drastically improved since then before committing to this series again. I liked the idea of Assassin's Creed II, it's just that all of its mechanics were sub par.


Really? I have only played ACII as well and I thought it was an excellent game.

An excellent game, but not for its mechanics. Assassin's Creed has always had rough gameplay, it feels fluent and fun but it lacks precision, and since the level design requires precision it becomes unbearably frustrating to pull off some simple actions. I guess it's more of a problem with the level design than gameplay, because the gameplay works quite nicely, just not for what the game demands.
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#10 solidfish30
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It does look good! If there wasn't a modern day story behind the pirate setting i would get it.

I've never understood this criticism. If anything Assassin's Creed does well, it's creating beautiful and immersive worlds. Furthermore, with 4 it looks like we'll have a truly captivating pirate themed landscape to explore. It ticks all the boxes. The modern day setting is such a small and underappreciated part of the experience, it doesn't even have any direct affect on the central pirate plotline. So how would this tiny little part of the experience turn you off? Now if your concern was a genuine criticism then I would agree, for example this game is going to be glitchy. It's almost impossible for it not to be glitchy. That plus the fact it'll probably have terrible level design and unresponsive gameplay that looks good yet rarely works as intended by the user. These are all likely to be sad facts by the games release, and all because of its rushed annual release that this ambitious franchise has been plagued by. Now these here are reasons for one not to get this game, not your complaint of the practically irrelevant modern day plotline.