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@wampdog29 Just because I currently don't have the funds to buy a game right now, doesn't mean the current selection of games is good. I simply stated that the current selection of games for the console is just "meh". The only game I think I could purchase right now is Scribblenauts. I just don't have the cash at the moment.

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@Squiretrev Well for starters I didn't buy Black Ops 2, my brother did and he bought it for PS3 cos he wanted to play with his friends. My father bought Assassin's Creed 3 for PS3 for my brother as well, so I had no choice as to what it was bought for. That makes me part of the problem? How?

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@alrepairs That's currently what I am looking forward to which is why I still hang on to it. :P But, it's a shame that these games are taking too long to come out, when some of them should have been part of the launch window.

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@Falcoxcalibur @sjawz3288 I have Super Mario Brothers U, ZombiU, and Nintendo Land. I have Arkham City for PS3. I have Assassin's Creed for PS3, I have BOII for PS3. I'm not a fan of sport games, so that's out of the question. The only game I'm really looking at is Scribblenauts Unlimited. Which I wanna get, but I don't think I can shell out $60 at this current moment. :P

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I am too, a little disappointed with my Wii U. I'm looking forward to a new Zelda and Mario, etc. But when? I bought the console because I had hopes of seeing these games in the near future. Not sometime in 2014/2015 (estimating here, because that's what it seems.) If I had known that, I would have never gotten the console at launch.

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@Elem187 @CHROMEFLAMIN @sjawz3288 They still don't have many killer titles. Which is why I sold mine. I enjoyed Mario 3D Land, but Rayman was port, RE Revelations was meh, Ridge Racer sucked and was basically a rehash. Ocarina of Time was another port, and the list goes on. The only games I found interesting were the new Professor Layton and Mario 3D Land. I still don't really look back since nothing else is catching my interest. Sales or not, the games are what people need. I'm honestly looking forward to the new Pokemon. If it's good enough I might pick up a 3DSXL. Unfortunately til then It's just meh for me, and I'm glad I put the trade-in towards the Wii U.

BUT, the same thing is happening with the Wii U. I've had the same 3 games since launch. Mario U, ZombiU, and Nintendo Land. They were awesome games, but when this is as extensive as your current launch titles get, it falls short of expectations which is why my Wii U has sat in standby mode for weeks, now. It's hard-earned money going to waste. They have nothing to show for the console and it's been out since November. A stupid issue for example: How do you leave out the ability to split audio between HDMI and Composite cables? I want audio through my home theatre system and silence through my TV. Unfortunately I can't even do that so I'm stuck using Component Cables from my old Wii. That's just one of the silly issues I caught when setting up my Wii U launch day.

Aside from above, what I'm trying to say is, I shouldn't have to be playing DS games and Wii games on newer consoles just to actually USE the console. They should have learned from the Gamecube. This isn't something new. The launch titles are lackluster and shovelware. Stop apologizing for something you could have easily prevented. YOU'RE THE CREATORS. YOU'RE THE BUSINESSMEN. It's not like Nintendo is a new company. They should KNOW what their customers want. Especially when releasing a new console. Give us something that will actually hold our interest when you release the new console. Not rehashes, and remakes of the same old garbage. Sorry. $349.99 should have gotten me a little more than a current paperweight.


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Stop apologizing. I've had the same 3 games since launch. Just a release a fucking game, already. I'd rather hear, "Zelda U a new 3D Mario, Mario Kart is being released in 2013!" rather than "Oh, so sorry. We know you want more games, so we're making them! Continue to stay tuned for another 6 months for more details!"

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The video was pretty painful to watch since he was overly animated (I know his first language isn't English, but he was beyond stiff), but I'm completely pumped for the Zelda and Mario franchise. I love those games regardless how many times they've been rehashed. :P

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Edited By sjawz3288

That picture looks amazing, but I feel like that's a image we see every generation. The image looks photorealistic, but no game ever achieves that kind of detail. It looks great, but I'll believe it when I see it.

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I can't remember the last time the PS3 had some sort of advantage for games, unless it was an exclusive. I no longer have to guess which console is gonna have the least amount of appeal when released on multiple consoles and compared like this. But, GameSpot has also had an issue with PS3 since it was released and have bashed in since then. Half the time they point things out that I either would never see when playing or don't even notice when they're trying to show me what the difference is. Give it a rest GameSpot, we know who you favor.