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#1 sepheronX
Member since 2005 • 1388 Posts
Cold fear is great, gameplay is so much fun, but in the end, the story is very lacking.  I was kind of dissapointed with the ending.

And you would think, after getting a half clip to full clip of AK74 rounds into the stomach, you would die.... but not in that game, why? cause your an american, thats why :roll:
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#2 sepheronX
Member since 2005 • 1388 Posts
coolmax is a no no.  And I am being generous in saying Rosewill is fine, as it is a rebadged PSU from multiple OEM manufactures (so some units are lemons, some arn't) but the majority of people seem to have half decent units, and Johnny got like a very good unit.

Coolmax do not get.  here is my list of PSU brands to trust:

Silverstone (I believe almost rebadged seasonics)
Coolermaster (I dunno, they have decent reviews)
Antec (only the HE and Truepower series, i got the truepower, its amazing!)
Sparkle (for budget)
Ultra X2 Connect and Pro series
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#3 sepheronX
Member since 2005 • 1388 Posts
do not in any case, cheap out on a PSU, unless you know the brand is good.

Rosewill 450w dual rail

It isnt the best, but from reading on professional reviews (not the complaints on HardOCP, as most of those guys don't even know wtf they are talking about) proves that these rebadged PSU's from some company far far away, are pretty darn good for the price!
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#4 sepheronX
Member since 2005 • 1388 Posts
another vote for Rainbow Six Vegas. Even though it lacks in the AA and AF, it is quite magnificient! If you have an Nvidia card (i never bother to read sigs) then download nHancer, and you could force AA and AF in Vegas, possibly with HDR too. But HDR in that game isn't.......HDR, it is not real life like light, as it is WAy too bright, and it isnt from the sun either, if the lights were like that in the real vegas, people would be getting too many headachs, at the same time, seizures.

HL2 Episode 1 is pretty nice, but cannot wait for Ep2.

Quake 4 on Ultra seems pretty nice!, and same with Chronicals of Riddick.

FEAR isn't as nice as everyone says it is. I admit, it does look nice, but it just feels like they use the dark rooms to really hide the poorly designed charactors, i dunno, but it could be just me.

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter has nice graphics too! to bad the game sucks, I mean, you cannot even pick up a dead soldiers gun?

BF2 still looks pretty darn nice, and so does the mod POE 2.

Oblivian isn't an FPS (unless you have a bow an arrow :P) but it has amazing visuals. To bad the engine is bloated and unoptimized.

I found the game COC:DCOTE had interesting visuals, although, detail isn't that good, it still had interesting visuals :)

I would watch for a game called "The Crossing" (no, its not about how to cross a street) but it looks like it will have magnificient visuals, and its based on the source engine.
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#5 sepheronX
Member since 2005 • 1388 Posts
first, what is your system specs?

Second, CPU communicates with both ram and GPU.  GPU communicates with the CPU to produce images and such as, and the Ram is used to communicate with the cpu, to load data and save data in incraments.  The more ram you have, the smoother games will appear, because instead of the game loading off of the hard drive, it will load off of the ram instead (windows new feature of Readyboost allows Flash Ram to work like regular ram in creating a cache). While a better gpu can produce more polygons and geometric shapes and so forth, producing better image quality and be able to render faster and so on.  A CPU will take the load on communicating on both ends.  The faster the processor, the faster the communication.  Although, when you get higher resoultions, and more things on the screen, the gpu is less dependant on the CPU as it deals with most of the rendering tasks on its own. BUT the slower the cpu, the slower your games will run, due to you bottlenecking your video card, and or being used up too much by backround resources.  Dual cores are best because they can balance out the processes, so that not 1 core is bloated while the other isnt.
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#6 sepheronX
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the e6400 is quite a bit (a lot to be sure) then the x2 4200+ and so is the e6300 better then that.  The greater the processor, the less bottleneck.  No matter what you do, most processors are a bottleneck of the GPU cause the GPU and CPU communicate all the time, and it is well known that GPU's are much more powerful then the CPU itself, thus, requiring more CPU power to communicate with the GPU.

But in other words, you will get very little bottleneck, and a simple little overclock of lets say, 200mhz, will get you a long way!
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#7 sepheronX
Member since 2005 • 1388 Posts

there you go, monitor, OS and all.  Great for future upgrade.  Probably has quite a bit of overclocking potential, maybe be able to get it up to 2.2 or over ghz.  It would be half decent for gaming on pretty decent quality settings (medium/high).  Requires some optimization in order to get games to run smooth (get a readyboost flash drive and away you go).
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#8 sepheronX
Member since 2005 • 1388 Posts
read my fricking post, you will see I missed the monitor.  For software, why not just DL Windows? not like they diserve another penny with all their monopolizing.

But fine, I will look into an OS and Monitor, noob.
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#9 sepheronX
Member since 2005 • 1388 Posts

Here, I only could take a picture, or gamespot forums will not respond for me.......

Yeah i know, its missing a monitor but for a subtotal of less then 600, that there is a pretty damn good system!

Keyboard + optical mouse. Also, has a 500w PSU (dont worry, the Rosewill PSU is actualy pretty good quality PSU, go check out some reviews!) and an x1950gt video card, with a cheap AM2 board with dual core. DVD burner and a beautiful case!!!

Edit: I also have a second setup, that has a 17inch LCD monitor, but it costs at least, 17 bucks more then 600.

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#10 sepheronX
Member since 2005 • 1388 Posts
This game is definetly starting to shape up pretty nicely in the visuals departmant. But will it deliver the goods with gameplay? *queue dramatic music* I'll be interested to see how it turns out when it releases. Side note: I give this thread a 9 out of 10.Alaris83

for a second, i was waiting for the "STAY TUNED TO FIND OUT!"