robertbyronz's comments

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only sounds better the more I hear. shaping up nicely.. can't wait till it releases.

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@00joshua: well I don't think blizzard is going to make that mistake again.

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how could there be any doubt? was there any doubt? it's an amazing game and always has been.

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great for xbox to finally have a proper baseball game.. and really shows the shift in how games are sold. this just shows me that sony is following microsoft's lead in selling games on more platforms. it's like I said.. it's not microsoft being desperate.. it's all about making money and it appears Sony has finally caught on. Now, will we get Forza, Gears or Halo on PS5? We can only hope. I want my games everywhere.

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cosmetics? sigh. we need more varied enemies. it's the biggest problem with this game and square enix refuses to fix it

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Series X/S are the better consoles right now... Sony fans come and criticize all you want about games.. but it's true. Microsoft did their homework and released a better console at launch. Sony will fix the PS5 in time but for now.. the Series X/S have less wrong with them.. things just work.. and that's the point of a console. If I want to fix something.. or wait for it to be fixed I have my PC. There's going to be bugs and Xbox has had bugs as well, which have been quickly patched. 2021 is going to be a great year for games for Xbox and then the final piece of the puzzle will be in place.

I'm looking forward to getting a Playstation 5 whenever it becomes available as I have games that I enjoy on there, such as Spider-man. By the time it's widely available, and not just in small batches, I imagine the issues will be fixed. I hope so anyway.. till then I'm happy to have my Series X. I'm extremely satisfied with it.. whisper quiet.. power to spare, great backward compatibility that actually enhances games and game/save compatibility is simple. My copy of Marvel's Avengers upgraded while I had the console off.. if it wasn't for new game art, I never would have known it upgraded. THAT'S how it should be done.

On another note.. both the Series X/S and PS5 SHOULD have released in 2021. It's clear they were rushed out the door with only a small amount of games available. So many games were delayed in 2020.. it wouldn't have hurt anything, and both platforms would have had a much stronger launch.

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story mode is fun, and playing with friends.. a dependable team can be alot of fun.. what's not fun? is the repetitive grind and the same enemy types and levels that make up EVERY mission. This interview is a complete joke. It's obvious that he has no idea what a game like this needs.... VARIETY: different missions with different enemy types. I could understand at first.. but we should have moved on from Robots after one month at most.. yes Square Enix.. that fast!

I had hoped with the Hawkeye content that it would introduce new enemy types.. but nope.. Robots.. in the desert.. Watchdogs don't count because they were present before the Hawkeye content. It's just a perfect example of recycling content to add filler. They have no idea.

How about Black Panther? Will that be just robots in Wakanda? That's what we can expect. How many games have managed to have different villians for differnet environments? It's been done countless times. Diablo 2 is a good example. If Square Enix can fix that... that'll be one thing fixed.. one thing that still hasn't been fixed since released. After that, please start giving us memorable missions.. not just the same mission over and over with different paint. It's plain lazy.

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@ironhorse89: before launch I had really hoped this was going to be alot like MUA.. it could have been.. but they really messed up the actual missions. AIM should have been ONE chapter out of like 10.. not just what it is.. just AIM over and over and over.. we can't even fight MODOK more then once! It's ridiculous!

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Edited By robertbyronz

So they listen to this, but fail to address what everyone has said.. LACK OF CONTENT! I'm more then happy to grind, but I want more content then fighting robots over and over again. Either way.. I'm going to get Kamala and Widow up to 50 before this patch hits then I'll have everyone there. It's just wrong to lengthen gameplay artificially by making everyone grind even more. It's ridiculous!

They have an amazing foundation with this game.. the graphics are great.. all the character models, environments and buildings all look superb and play great.. they justneed to REALLY deliver on the content.. until they do.. this game will ALWAYS be missing the most important thing.

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glad to see it's in development and on it's way. It WON'T please everyone. There are many fans out there of Halo, and I like the idea of making it into a show and just not a real life first person shooter lol. so much potential here between the flood and the convenant. i'm excited to see how it finally turns out after all these years.