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@Blazen702: it is stupid. the voice commands were better then using the controller. you could do everything with microsoft's iteration. you never had to touch the controller unless you wanted to, or had your volume too loud.

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it reminds me of curved hdtv's. there's always something to try. I personally used and liked using it for the voice commands. it worked well and was much faster then with the controller. I still have my kinect but don't use it since I upgraded to the One X and never got the adapter. Maybe I should now. voice commands were cool, but always felt like it wasn't a mature technology. it's a shame that the status quo wins out most of the time. You can't blame Microsoft nor Sony for trying. It was good technology, although it never got me off the couch lol.

The point of my initial comment is you didn't hear of many new games coming out for the playstation eye before the VR thing, and I question how long that will last.

The One X has the power for it. I think Microsoft is seeing where it will go. If they were really interested, they could have repurposed the Kinect for it which would have done a great job with it. it was great hardware.

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I loved my kinect, but is this really still news? let it go already. How many games are coming out for the Playstation Eye these days?

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@marportex: I agree. cuphead would be a much better add in, but PUBG is PUBG and I think that's the logic here. Microsoft MUST get this game in a better state, and I think they feel confident that they will so why not bundle it now. it's still fun in it's current state but I agree with these comments.. it doesn't display what the X1X can do, but neither does cuphead but both are cheap.

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@lostn: with backward compatibility, Microsoft is doing something that’s good for everyone. It’s something Sony should do to. We spend enough on these games. We should be able to play it for as long as we want. Will I always play every 360 game I have through backward compatibility? Of course not. But I have a choice now. It’s good for everyone, not just or existing fans. Buy a game through Microsoft and you’ll alway be able to play it now.. and in the future. That’s their stance. The games also work on or offline. I tried it. You don’t need to be connected to Live. They’re yours forever. You can’t say that with Sony’s PlayStation Now. It’s a monthly streaming service for older games. Sony is doing older games too. If it wasn’t important why would they? Both companies recognize this and have their own method. Microsoft’s is just better for fans.

They still had a major game with Forza. Games are ready when they’re ready. Don’t you think Spencer wanted to reveal it was ready at E3? Of course he did. It’s a disappointment to him too that it’s not ready. Personally I’d like to know all the real reasons the games were cancelled. There’s something. It’s not like Scalebound just went to PlayStation. It was cancelled. So with each game cancellation there’s more of a story there, and it’s naive to think otherwise.

If you read what I wrote you would see that that release date for God of War of 12/31/18 was on the PlayStation Store. I know it is.. I preordered it already. Would i love it to release sooner? Of course? But it’s not slated to until then. Sea of Thieves is releasing in March of 2018. 2018 is when more games will be released for Xbox One X. The games are done when they’re done, and it’s why I originally posted on here. Articles like this are salty at best, and total fanboy at worst. They’re not needed because they’re short sighted. Microsoft is getting it together. That’s what I meant by Xbox is back. It is. Developers are on-board. You can tell with, like I already said, the release of patches for their existing games. Everyone wants 4K and real 4K. PS4 Pro can only do real PS4 in select games. Otherwise, they’re all 1440p. Also, most of the ones that do native 4K on PS4 Pro are older games, like Skyrim. Not hating, it’s just the truth. Xbox One X has more that hit 4K natively. Even if it’s 4K/30. It’s still 4K. An example? Destiny 2. It’s a modern shooter, with tons of effects going on, which hits 4K at a rock solid 30 FPS. That’s a fact. PS4 Pro can’t do that. There are games. Majority of them are Third Party now, and I’m fine with that. I’ll wait for the exclusives which are coming. TIll then, I’ll play those 3rd Party and have a lot of fun playing them in native 4K. The One X is an awesome console and the best hardware there is for now.. till PS5.. then that game will start again. But you know what? That’s a great thing, because it will keep things competitive which they should be. The One X brings Microsoft finally up to speed. I’m anxious to see what games can be made with it in mind, and have proper support for it and not just patches. it’s gonna be awesome! :)

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Edited By robertbyronz

@lostn: I didn’t say they should have been released in 2013. Also, have you played Forza? Do you know how much can go on and still maintain 60 FPS? A few cars? Forza 7 can have over 20 in one race, all rendered at 4K all moving around and driving on their own, with fog and rain, and lighting all in one scene. It’s 4K/60, which despite being very pretty Gran Turismo Sport doesn’t do. The Forza series is the best out there. Digital Foundry sums it up best:

Hitting 4K isn’t as easy as you think, but Forza does it in both this, and in Forza Horizon 3.

Also there are games. They all just haven’t been released yet. What about State of Decay 2, Sea of Theives, Crackdown 2? How about Path of Exile? These are just some and there are others. Where is the next God of War? It’s not coming out until 12/31/18 according to the PlayStation Store. That’s over 385 days from now! My point is that it’s the same for Microsoft. The games come when they’re ready. Personally I wouldn’t want a buggy game to just have it launch with a console. Sony fans seem to forget this.

Also, Backward Compaitiblity IS a big deal. You’re telling me that there isn’t some game from the past you wish you could still play? Of course their is. Microsoft has done a wonderful thing here.

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Edited By robertbyronz

@lostn: Actually it is demanding. With Forza 7, there's more effects going on.. volumetric fog, rain, and dynamic time of day, etc. Also, each car is rendered in 4K. It's a sight to behold. Have you played Forza 7 on xbox one x? it looks spectacular. I was just making a point that One X does have compelling games that do render at 4K/60. How hard it pushes the Xbox to get there doesn't matter. Gears 4, despite being a year old, is another example. It's not 4K/60 but it is 4K/30, and it's absolutely gorgeous. But for me? The best is Wolfenstein 2. It's drop dead gorgeous and 4K/30. It doesn't hit it all the time, but for me, that's ok. I don't need 4K/60. My point was that Xbox One X does play 3rd Party games better then PS4 Pro, and especially first party titles. RIght now, however does not matter. Let's see in a year's time, when more games are made with it in mind, and not just "patched."

I should point out too that I do have a PS4 Pro, and I have Uncharted 4, Horizon Zero Dawn, Bloodborne, and Nioh and I love them on that platform.

it's time just to admit that Xbox is back and in a good way. I hope more developers get on-board, and I think they will. The industry has been very excited so far about the One X. This is evident with all the patch support.

In my point of view, this is the console that Microsoft should have released to begin with. Not the Original One, not the One S. Same with the PS4.. it should have always been the Pro. At least they're both here now, and for now that's all that really matters.

I do hope there's a at least a few years for the One X to mature, and for the PS4 Pro to be around before the next round of consoles, but when they do, the PS5, and the next XBox.. all I can say is.. wow.. I can't wait. If the One X can do this now.. it shows how awesome the next ones are going to be.

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@LasDK: yep. that's the tech I'm talking about. best thing both Sony and MS can do is now not come out with a new console for like 6 years lol

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Edited By robertbyronz

@erceze: what about Forza 7? it's Native 4K at 60 FPS. it was made from the ground-up for the Xbox One X. That game was made for it. Gears 4 was remade for it and looks incredible. Halo 5 was patched and looks better then some modern games now. It runs at native 4K. These are just a few. I realize they're first party. 3rd party? How about: Wolfenstein 2? Playstation Pro can't display it at native 4K like the Xbox one X does. It runs the game at 1440p. For your reference:

The point is that the Xbox one X is not pointless. It's the best console for microsoft's games, and for 3rd party. For now anyways.

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Edited By robertbyronz

@wretch1d: Sony charges as well for the Playstation network. it's no longer free on either platform. Also, I still got an Xbox One X.. my case is a good example. It didn't stop me from wanting an xbox. those people who want to play PC are already playing on PC. If you want a console, you want it to game in the living room, just not for exclusives alone.

Also, what if you don't have a good gaming PC? You'll get the Xbox anyway. Not everyone games on their PC. In these days, a Microsoft exclusive is more like a company exclusive and not a console exclusive. Microsoft said this themselves when describing gaming beyond generations. your game is your game. you play it whereever you want.

Also, Microsoft has another interest here. They make an operating system, and have been beefing up Windows 10 with better gaming support. Sony doesn't make an operating system, and so they could never do this as it is.