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#1 piercetruth34
Member since 2008 • 1393 Posts

1 Something new

2. Something creative

3. Something fun

4. Something that isn't a 1st person shooter

5. Something without Zombies

6. Something without Cars or Vampires or even aliens. Maybe donkeys. I'm not sick of donkeys yet. I'm not just talking just make a game with donkeys in it either. Motion control is great and all but sony and M$ are just jumping on the bandwagon with something that Nintendo already did. Now donkey control would be something. you purchase your donkey you see and it does things that you can't even imagine.

7. Something that isn't japanese or western?

8. Something with nuts in it without the bolts or maybe the other way around?

9. something that changes the path of time

10. a 12th person non shooter that isn't 3D.

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#2 piercetruth34
Member since 2008 • 1393 Posts

Didn't you hear?

They changed their logo and now they're casual developers


Yeah they aren't exactly "Rare" games anymore lol. It's more like i got paid so i'm going to milk what we did years ago. Maybe we should change our name to that?

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#3 piercetruth34
Member since 2008 • 1393 Posts

i'd personally like to see some new titles that are creative and fresh. Enough with teh remakes and rehashing stuff that usually isn't as good as the original. Some of these developers aren't even developers anymore imo and have forgotten how to make games.

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#4 piercetruth34
Member since 2008 • 1393 Posts

these guys were huge in previous gens with banjo, perfect dark, etc.. This gen they've released some ok games but nowhere near the quality of previous gens. kind of a letdown. once they went to M$ they seem to just be milking things. It's like they got paid and don't really have much to prove anymore. They release some decent games btu nowhere on that level of years past. So I guess i answered my own question. Agree? Disagree?

That affects this gen imo when you don't have as many creative developers really pushing boundaries. I was just playing banjo Tooie ony my 360 which is an old game and it's better than a lot of games nowadays. I havent played anything like this in all honesty this gen.

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#5 piercetruth34
Member since 2008 • 1393 Posts

do you usually leave your ps3 on for long periods, IE media streaming and stuff. Reason i ask is because i've never gotten the rrod or the yellow light of death. But i dont keep my ps3 on when im not using it. i just play a game every once in a while. my computers ive had issues with in the past because i have them on a lot more often.

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#6 piercetruth34
Member since 2008 • 1393 Posts

i wonder how much time has been contributed to sex. Rather than playing wow i would rather spend my time there. I'm a smart guy. Thank you. Thanks a lot.

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#7 piercetruth34
Member since 2008 • 1393 Posts

Im starting to change my mind about 3D actually, its pretty cool if you test it and see it for yourself, i watched a few movies in 3D so far and each time make me more happy about watching them on 3D, i wont change to a 3D TV anytime soon tho, remember its optional


That's the thing though. It's cool to look out. wow. I'm not saying it isn't. Will anyone buy it? It's not necessary. didn't people try this 30 years ago. It failed then. People don't care about 3d. why would it succeed now especially considering how the economy is. It's one of those fad things that people don't need. Yay I saw jaws in 3d. It was great. woot. I'm not buying it.

It's not something that people are willing to bet their wallets on.

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#8 piercetruth34
Member since 2008 • 1393 Posts

1. It's too soon. People just bought hdtv's

2. It's not necessary

3. The economy sucks. Why would anyone in their right mind buy a 3d tv?

4. It's an add on and another lame attempt at one which is really expensive.

5. There is no support at launch

What are these companies thinking? Another huge loss.

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#9 piercetruth34
Member since 2008 • 1393 Posts

a. playing single player games all by your lonesome

b. playing online with friends and family/gf's/bf's/etc

c. playing online against complete strangers

d. playing coop or vs live and in person

e. downloading games and messing with arcade games, demos etc off of live or psn

f. messing with features that are integrated in these online services and consoles(psn, live), like twitter, netflix, blu-ray moves, cross platform chatting, ps home, media streaming etc....

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#10 piercetruth34
Member since 2008 • 1393 Posts

Why not take a game like Monkey Island and expand on it make it more funny, more in depth, more creative for the next gen, better graphics etc. That never happened. Are people just not that creative to do something like that? That would be truly epic imo. Make a truly epic world like that. It doesn't even have to be monkey island but something new. Same goes with the original fallout games. Why not take something that creative and make it even more creative instead of what they did and playing it safe? So much could be done that isn't being done i guess is the point. I know that's some altered reality and isn't what has happened but i wish it would? Where have all the creative people gone? Schafer is looked at as a genius these days, when why hasn't someone come along who is more of a genius who dwarfs him? it's like the movie idiocrisy. Instead of moving forward we are actually getting dumber where people from the past look like geniuses.

Games in a way have become more about graphics pushing and refining gameplay, making it more realistic, instead of creating it. The whole appeal of games back in the day is ebcause it was a form of escapism from reality. I'm just trying to get people to think outside the box here instead of just online integration, better graphics etc..... Those are tools and technology but so much more can be done with them. EVerything is a sequal and an improvement but at the same time it's really nothing new.

We have people playing nostalgia games because it's an easy way to make money, and there really isn't much new that has drawn people away from that stuff. I've been playing the same madden football for years when its basically improved yes and an add on every year, but can you honestly tell me better can't be done?