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#1  Edited By panda30
Member since 2016 • 941 Posts

@Pedro said:

I specified two elements that have been adopted from Uncharted that I don't like. What does Uncharted copying the cover system got to do with anything? Uncharted copying a good game mechanic is great. Any game copying a good game mechanic is great. Is the copying of rubbish mechanics that is a problem. Just like the industry mass adoption of QTE.

1) well if you play gears 1 then you would not be looking at gears 4 and claiming it's coping features that gears had way before uncharted was even a game

2) your posting on System wars "hey look game 1 coping game 2" what did you expect?

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#2  Edited By panda30
Member since 2016 • 941 Posts

@charizard1605 said:

@panda30: And that is a screenshot from the PS3 version

really because it came from the ps4 trailer

LOL 1:12

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#3  Edited By panda30
Member since 2016 • 941 Posts

@Cloud_imperium said:
@panda30 said:
@Cloud_imperium said:
@panda30 said:

yea so is Star tropic and king of figters games come and go all the time that do not mean EA did anithing bad if a game dies off its because WE dont buy it then bitch about it

look at Alan Wake it sold bad because the media shred it to pieces at the time it came out and now they bitching why AW2 is not out PC gamers especially who get hack copy of the game then wonder why there is no budget to make part 2

PC Gamers made Alan Wake more famous. It barely sold 1.5 million units in 2 years on Xbox 360.

Sales reached 3 million in one year after the release of PC version, that also covered its development cost in just 48 hours.

@panda30 said:


Mass Effect its awsom so was Sims and many of thos games what your point here that you dont like games that are good

EA killed those studios with their bad policies. Sim City was broken and had online only DRM. The game didn't work for several days. Sim franchise sells a lot of copies when done right. It has sold over 150 million units. Don't blame consumers for bad EA policies.

Same was the case with other studios. EA wants "moar" and even if the game is profitable, if it isn't "good enough", they shut down the studio, even if it was THEIR fault in the first place. As for Bioware, Mass Effect 2 was their last satisfactory product, that gave players a great experience from beginning to end.

Mass Effect 3 removed dark energy and human diversity plot entirely, which made its story very straight forward, stupid and simple compared to Mass Effect 1 and 2. And don't even get me started on that ending. Dragon Age 2 was garbage, Inquisition was wannabe MMO with fetch quests everywhere and extremely dumbed down RPG elements. Bioware's key people left a long time ago, thanks to EA.

Bioware is not dead they are making andromeda so wtf you on about

Sims4 was not online only again wtf you on about

and DRM? LOL oh as in the future implemented so hackers can pirated the game oh I see that what your really mad about EA and as for ME changing the gameplay that bioware i don't see how your blaming the publisher on this

and as for Alan wake do you know math? whats

1.5 + ____ = 3 let see if you can figure that once you figure that youl see how wrong your

What a useless comment.

  1. No source.
  2. Downplaying my comment without any proof.
  3. Doesn't know EA closed Maxis after Sim City fiasco (which is considered part of Sims franchise (The Sims + Sim City + Spin offs) when sales are discussed).
  4. Yes, they are making Andromeda, but it's not same company anymore. New "Bioware" failed to deliver a quality product after Mass Effect 2. Before then they used to be considered as the most consistent RPG developer in the industry (KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, DA: Origins, Mass Effect 1/2 and so on).
  5. Useless accusations with no proof.
  6. Defending always online DRM, which prevented most people from getting access to servers on launch and was such a failure that EA had to release offline mode as a patch to salvage what they could (because it under-performed due to its bad launch and anti consumer policies) before shutting Maxis down.

1) source? of what

Mass effect A is in developmen and biowere is not dead?

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2) proof of what that according to you Alan wake sold like shit on xbox 1.5 mill and after coming to PC it sold 3mill

FLASH NEWS : 1.5 + 1.5= 3 it sold the same in both pc/xbox TRY MATH SMART ASS

3) EA closed Maxis because Pc pirate the crap out of the game sim4/sim city and not because EA have they is an evil plan to crush gaming

4) biowere is making the new mass effect wtf are you on kid

5)I dont need to prove anything if your a game and watch E3 you should have known this all of this common knowlage dont need prove

6) if buy you games legally and you don't need to worry about DRM

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#4 panda30
Member since 2016 • 941 Posts

@charizard1605 said:
@panda30 said:
@AzatiS said:

Ok, another game on my wishlist for PS4. PS4 has no games , clearly

Sony seems to think so they rather show (lego SW / Division dlc / Battlefront DLC) all of witch are first on xbox then to show P4 at at E3

and no I dont think ps4 have no games but this look protty PS2 dated to me



The top screenshot is from a PS2/PS Vita game. Have the decency to fact check when you are trolling.

my bad cant tell the difrence it looks the same

and I am not trolling maybe you shood re check where you post this at this is NOT PS4 SECTION and likre I say It looks very ps2

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#5 panda30
Member since 2016 • 941 Posts

@AzatiS said:

Ok, another game on my wishlist for PS4. PS4 has no games , clearly

Sony seems to think so they rather show (lego SW / Division dlc / Battlefront DLC) all of witch are first on xbox then to show P4 at at E3

and no I dont think ps4 have no games but this look protty PS2 dated to me



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#6 panda30
Member since 2016 • 941 Posts

@Cloud_imperium said:
@panda30 said:

yea so is Star tropic and king of figters games come and go all the time that do not mean EA did anithing bad if a game dies off its because WE dont buy it then bitch about it

look at Alan Wake it sold bad because the media shred it to pieces at the time it came out and now they bitching why AW2 is not out PC gamers especially who get hack copy of the game then wonder why there is no budget to make part 2

PC Gamers made Alan Wake more famous. It barely sold 1.5 million units in 2 years on Xbox 360.

Sales reached 3 million in one year after the release of PC version, that also covered its development cost in just 48 hours.

@panda30 said:
@bussinrounds said:


@panda30 said:

I dont see how EA is bad they make good games some of the best in gaming and Origin is just that a store PC gamers just love Steam so much they cant get past it


Mass Effect its awsom so was Sims and many of thos games what your point here that you dont like games that are good

EA killed those studios with their bad policies. Sim City was broken and had online only DRM. The game didn't work for several days. Sim franchise sells a lot of copies when done right. It has sold over 150 million units. Don't blame consumers for bad EA policies.

Same was the case with other studios. EA wants "moar" and even if the game is profitable, if it isn't "good enough", they shut down the studio, even if it was THEIR fault in the first place. As for Bioware, Mass Effect 2 was their last satisfactory product, that gave players a great experience from beginning to end.

Mass Effect 3 removed dark energy and human diversity plot entirely, which made its story very straight forward, stupid and simple compared to Mass Effect 1 and 2. And don't even get me started on that ending. Dragon Age 2 was garbage, Inquisition was wannabe MMO with fetch quests everywhere and extremely dumbed down RPG elements. Bioware's key people left a long time ago, thanks to EA.

Bioware is not dead they are making andromeda so wtf you on about

Sims4 was not online only again wtf you on about

and DRM? LOL oh as in the future implemented so hackers can pirated the game oh I see that what your really mad about EA and as for ME changing the gameplay that bioware i don't see how your blaming the publisher on this

and as for Alan wake do you know math? whats

1.5 + ____ = 3 let see if you can figure that once you figure that youl see how wrong your

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#7  Edited By panda30
Member since 2016 • 941 Posts

@Pedro said:

Uncharted 4 enjoyed the liberty of light gameplay, heavy cinematic, annoying two team pace breaking mechanics, lots of walking and the highest scores that one can enjoy. Now if these annoying mechanics were limited to the series, life would be good but the gaming world doesn't work like that. Instead one must copy mechanics that are terrible in other games because one believe that gamers of your game are going to just love it.

The new Gears have blatant Uncharted mechanics and its rather disappointing. I don't want to play a game that has "Help me with this", "Can you give me a boost" or any lame NPC coop which hinders the pacing of the player. In the clip below, they can simply crawl under the damn log but they need to have some nonsensical coop feature. I expect that the game is going to be plagued with this mechanic outside of the lengthy walking sections.

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more like the other way gears always play like this and uncharted copy its cover base

some path enven divided the players to hit switches on difrent places to let player 1 pass so then player 1 had to hit another to let player 2 pass

can find any pics of it but also in coop player 1 has to help player 2 on a broken ladder in SP you just jump up

and some double doors require player 2 to open them

Edit: I like to add that most of this only hapen in coop in SP it dint hapen

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#8 panda30
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il go Halo5

But this is hard to awnser I play a lot of coop most xbox exclusives are coop so yea kinda hard to pick 1

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#9 panda30
Member since 2016 • 941 Posts

yea so is Star tropic and king of figters games come and go all the time that do not mean EA did anithing bad if a game dies off its because WE dont buy it then bitch about it

look at Alan Wake it sold bad because the media shred it to pieces at the time it came out and now they bitching why AW2 is not out PC gamers especially who get hack copy of the game then wonder why there is no budget to make part 2

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#10  Edited By panda30
Member since 2016 • 941 Posts

@bussinrounds said:


@panda30 said:

I dont see how EA is bad they make good games some of the best in gaming and Origin is just that a store PC gamers just love Steam so much they cant get past it


Mass Effect its awsom so was Sims and many of thos games what your point here that you dont like games that are good