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#1 muhamaghat
Member since 2005 • 509 Posts
I been with nintendo for A LONG TIME.. But this is just... not like them... wtf... they are LOSING IT FFS !!! I think this will push many people away.. i mean a code FOR EVERY SINGLE GAME ?! and no unified gamer tags ?! What the F*** are they thinking
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#2 muhamaghat
Member since 2005 • 509 Posts

I have to say i was going to get ps3 here in the uk in 10 days on release ( and by the way, why the frig do we have to pay more in the uk and wait the longest for freaken hardware - uk sucks) but also... they are removing a chip on ps3's as far as i have heard which means we cant play alot of old ps2 games and as far as i know they are only removing the chip for consumers here in the uk.... i mean what the hell?? who decided that? im now a converted x360 owner and proud!


way 2 go. See how sony treats the "minor" europeans ?! i think europeans are cool.. apparantly SONY doesnt... says a bit much about PR eh ?
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#3 muhamaghat
Member since 2005 • 509 Posts


Not sure if this has already been discussed but I hadn't seen it posted yet. Anyway, it brought some information that I didn't know to light. And I thought it was pretty interesting given how a lot of people use associated cost as a factor in determining the "price" of a system (I can't tell you how many threads I've read saying that the 360 actually costs the same as or even more than a PS3, because in 4 years a gold subscription to xbox live will add $200 more dollars to the console price). Now I always thought that was a dumb comparision, but many support the logic in it.

Well for those who believe in that kind of comparison, what do you have to say about this?


The site warns that the US version of the PlayStation 3 comes with a sizeable 380W power supply, which is over twice as big as its main competitor, Microsoft's Xbox 360 at 165W, and over seven times more power hungry than the PlayStation 2.

If a user combines a PS3 with a sizeable plasma display to take full advantage of the graphics capabilities of the machine, users could be burning 1.4kWh of power per hour costing up to £1.19 for a five-hour session.klactose

For us chaps in the US £1.19 = $2.30.... Well I know many people who play on their consoles 5+ hours EACH DAY. In 22 days (basically 3 weeks) that would pay for a YEAR Xbox live subscription! So basically, if you are one of those people who are always on your gaming system, the costs will never even out. And after you add up your gaming times when you play Oblivion or GTAIV (because u know you'll be in those games for a combined 100hrs if you're really having fun) then let me know if you still want to use the associated cost comparison.

And people wonder why I purchased a wii ?!
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#4 muhamaghat
Member since 2005 • 509 Posts
canada blowswayne_kenoff
There is nothing wrong with Canada... at all.... I'm going to guess that your an American ? I don't think Americans are any better then Canadians.
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#5 muhamaghat
Member since 2005 • 509 Posts

now im gonna argue to u about how bad the 360 was at lunch....remember when it came out like almost 2 years ago? some ppl said it burned up or caught on flames like some of the PS3s now remember that?? ooooo so PS3 isnt bad after all rite? cuz the way i see it 360 caught on flames TO and dont say it didnt cuz it did and some lanch games werent even that good yea they had alot but wow some were awfully garbage. One thing that has grabed my attention is 360s online gamerpoints amazing u can even buy urself a game with it if u wanted........................................................just there for show so u can showoff to anyone yes yes very amazing how 360 online features are.....yes they got voice chat and leader boards etc but dont u think PS3 is gonna be able to do that? of course it is NFS2 for PS2 has leaderboards and voice chat so dont u think they'll put it on the PS3 theres a couple of things the PS3 lacks.......its cost ALOT the 360 is almost virtually half price and has very good games out but how long has PS3 been out? 5 months? how about 360 HMMMMMMMMMM CHEEEEE isnt that a brainer..............................yea PS3 didnt have that many games at lanuch but do u think there not gonna have better ones? dont u think there gonna listen to us customers? of course they are Home is an example.....and plus the CEO of sony or somethin said about PS3 online...its gonna updated frequetly (my spellin isnt good so dont be hating) so dont u think its gonna own sooner or later? HMMMMMM.................there price is bound to fall down anyways i wouldnt be surprised if song won the next gen console wars.....there new to the PS3 just like 360 was when it came to its launch......i just want all u fanboys to stop arguin BECUZ 360 WASNT THAT GOOD AT LANUCH NEITHER SO DONT START BLAMIN BAD STUFF TO SONY THEY JUS STARTED AND WILL PWN ALL SOONER OR LATER

p.s dont get all crazy and start posting poo poo FACE THE TRUTH

Twinturbos RULE!!!!!!!!!

And then there was wii... a peacefull little system that has Mario. and the debugger, metroid.. seems weak... but you mess with it and your screwed over.. for life !!.... BTW i stopped reading at... ooooo so PS3 isnt bad after all rite
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#6 muhamaghat
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[QUOTE="killaj2786"]There's about 16 days left in the month and according to, only 2.13million units been sold....

Now I can recall....Sony said they're still on track to ship 2 million to the U.S. by the end of March and have shipped 6 million also by the end of march:

So here's my question.....wut ur reaction to all this? Should sony stop shipping until they actually have a demand or put more Ps3's in the shelves?
Hey, the European launch hasn't came yet hahaha. Check this out

How many europeans are going to play it after sony's obvious shown dislike for them ??? HAHA
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#7 muhamaghat
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Seems everyone is bashing Sony nowadays and have been expecting to see them fall, yet they have'nt . So after seeing the new movie "300" I could'nt help but make this comparison:

Sony = Sparta/300: Proud group of uber elite soldiers not giving into popular belief of their demise, despite being surrounded and outnumbered.

M$ = Persia: An army of average soldiers gaining great ground and endless wealth despite their past history of mistreating/misleading the dominance is clearly the motivation.

Nintendo= The Oracle users (name?): (Old as dirt wise men using the very young as pawns to force their influence on gaming since the beginning of time. Once consultants to Sparta but greed got the better of them. )



So HOW is Nintendo greedy?

Not so much as "is" but "was". They backstabbed and abandoned Sony for the PS1 technology in order to have it for themselves. Needless to backfired.

They ditched sony cause sony was being dumb.. not letting nintendo have shares of the CD disc player.....
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#8 muhamaghat
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[QUOTE="PikaPichu"]I was just at the store and noticed a (working! omgz!!) PS3 demo unit. Some kids were playing a basketball game on it and boy did it look sharp! After seeing that, how can sheep keep saying that graphics don't matter? Don't they realize that a game can be both fun and look nice to boot!?

It seems that the only games that look decent on the Wii are the ones that have a bright and vibrant color scheme. Other games that want to take a more realistic tone tend to look pretty crummy. To illustrate my point assume that a typical 360/PS3 game would look like this

This is assuming that you're playing on a nice HDTV, so those of you who play on SDTVs don't bother.

How can the sheep stand this?! If there's such thing as a 'blind' fanboy, it may as well be sheep because they would have to be blind to choose a blurry mess like that over the sharp HD graphics of the other 2 consoles. :lol:
I don't know where you're hearing about this "graphics don't matter" crap, but it's a bunch of baloney. Of course graphics matter, and whoever says otherwise is in denial (cow-bashing sheep). Similarly, whoever places an unreasonable amount of emphasis on graphics as opposed to gameplay is also in denial (sheep-bashing cows).

I am unlike the other sheep I LOVE good graphics, but i LOVE playen fun games. With the wii, its capable of pulling off games looking sharper then RE4 on Cube. that game looked nice.. wii can do better. wii will do better. sorry for double post.
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#9 muhamaghat
Member since 2005 • 509 Posts
The Wii version wouldnt look as good as the second picture :D
No. But i bet it'd be funner to play.
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#10 muhamaghat
Member since 2005 • 509 Posts
well then take your alien a$$ away. I have SHUNNED YOU