Kizza_Soze's comments

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Haven't enjoyed a Battlefield game since Bad Company 2...... The controls just haven't evolved & feel sloppy & floaty & sh!t compared with better fps's. If they could tighten the controls up more & make the gun play less mundane & boring, it would improve the series exponentially for me.

And Just1MoHr also makes a good point, as I have only enjoyed the single player campaigns of the last few games, so & now have no reason to invest....I skipped my 1st COD game for this very reason in BOPS4. I enjoy the campaigns & barely played the online (that has changed with Cold War though as been smashing the TDM & F4A on that game lol).

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I already bought the game full price for PS4....Certainly won't be spending $40AU for a BS upgrade.......Should be $20 for the new island & free upgrades as the game is newer, like TLOU2...So frame rate & better rez should be a bonus of at most very cheap charge to reward us lucky enough to get a PS5 & be loyal early adopters.

This and the pathetic storage space SSD issues & ridiculously expensive price of SSD storage solutions, & huge price jump in Sony's games (109-129 when I got games for & $68-$89 at most on PS4) is p!ssing me off as a long time Sony advocate....But some of these things I can't justify or defend.

These issues I'm having will have the knock on effect of turning people to the cheaper solution of MS's GP (Walmart shoppers outnumber similar high end stores for obvious reasons). Hell, even after my terrible time with my 360's & Red rings, & even worse, the abysmal output from One....Series X/S has me tempted once Zenimax's former studios start pumping out Wolfensteins, Dooms, Dishonered, etc, etc on a cheap sub service.

Sony are really sh!tting the bed on this one with their game prices, & as much hate as PS3 got/gets for overblown, exaggerated issues, that console delivered & had many things people now complain they don't have....yet back then everyone whinged about the price, so unrivalled 100% native FULL PS1 & PS2 B/C that came standard in U.S & Japanese launch consoles was replaced in other countries launch units with emulation, then quickly omitted altogether (probably also because 80-90% of gamers don't use it or like me, use it once or twice, & are horrified by seeing a game they once loved, that time has not been kind to & it kills a little bit of that nostalgia)...

PS5 is a clusterf&ck compared with PS3...I don't care about these initial sales, etc....& as much as I love Returnal, Ratchet, SM:MM, Sony need to knock these type of things on the head & maybe partner or deal with a SSD manufacturer to give us affordable storage as I'm sick of deleting, etc...I like having a mass of games on my storage, I play A LOT of stuff over a gen, & go back & forth willy nilly across multiple, multiple titles (depending on mood) & this storage issue has me very tentative in my game purchases, as I simply can't fit the games & refuse to keep uninstalling games I'm still playing to put a newbie on. I never had to do that with PS3 & had a 2tb internal ready for my launch PS4 before even plugging it in. It seems both MS & Sony have taken 1 step forward, & 4 steps back by jumping the gun too early with unaffordable decent sized SSD's. I had to add another 4tb external onto my PS4 to give an example of how much space I need for my gaming tastes.

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Beth was on NES & Jaguar & Playstation before Xbox even existed

It won't make their games better in the sense you're thinking, but if it doesn't cut down some of them being bug riddled messes, then you may need a rethink..

I think unless this is highly profitable for MS, then studios within will be hacked, chopped & IP's will suffer & get lost, just like has happened throughout history.... Zipper, Lightbox Interactive, Lionhead Studios, Evolution, Wipeout team, & a few great teams from end of 360 era are all some I've seen wiped out due to a sales flop or 2......& some of my fave devs delegated to dumb sh!t like Rare, & others with Kinect shovelware & Sony inhouse studios on Move crap.....

It may not work out like you think & we may lose gems like Wolfenstein, etc.

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How is a console manufacturer supposed to sell their hardware without exclusives??? It's not feasible from a business perspective for Sony, Nintendo or MS to put their games on competing hardware......

I was opposed to the whole pc thing at 1st...but then I looked at it logically, & that is that pc really is not a threat in that sense, as like myself, some people just like having a specialized, optimized piece of technology that is easy & pain free & hooks up to the 85" tv in the HT/lounge room/etc..

It is waaaaay more hassle free for many of us, & I don't think pc is competition for those of us that game that way & the hardcore pc players are the same in general & don't want a gimped spec console, etc.....So, I think MS & almost forcing Sony to rethink their strategy on putting games on pc is a win, win for everybody....

I went from being against it, to now a proponent for it big time & even not too fussed if Sony start doing day 1's on pc with their new ps releases (although I don't see it happening for a while)...But for me, having thought about it, the more potential for sales, the more chance of success for games that may have struggled.

Returnal should get on pc immediately for instance as it is such a unique, brilliant experience that is a very much made for many of the pc hardcore gaming crowd.

This as well as the crossplay online for games such as TLOU1&2, Unchartered, etc, would give games extra legs.

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The thing is, if GP subscribers get the service for $1 workarounds & some pay full price, it still won't be enough to sustain a whole massive publishers worth of AA & AAA games that will cost maybe 100 to 200 million for a new Skyrim type game, & then the substantial costs of games like Doom, Dishonered, Prey, Wolfenstein, etc.....

Some of these studios will be axed after a fail, just like many Sony ones from PS3 era & even PS4, as well as many MS bought ones like Lionhead & several others that MS axed after 360 starting tanking in last years...except this could be worse.

I would also be interested in the staff movements since the acquisition, because I'm sure Rare lost near half their staff when they signed on with MS, giving us the awesomeness that was Free Radical Design & the incomparable TS series.

Sony really should have bought that studio after Fuse Haze was no TS for obvious time constraint on notoriously difficult new hardware reasons...but I still enjoyed that game & they would have been a force under the Sony banner with Guerilla, ND, & others to collude with.

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And add more large scale fights between factions/rebels, etc, to make it more grand scale as that is what these new consoles should be doing.

Filling these large maps with more action, excitement & mayhem.....I don't feel FC6 will do too much from other games apart from a similar but different story with a great actor.

In honesty, I personally would rather them using a cheaper unknown, & use that extra money to make the gameplay more enticing & exciting.

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Give these games the controls of Rage 2 or COD & it will make them much better.

I love me my Far Cry,s, but the sloppy same ol' controls & responsiveness could do with a major overhaul.

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Edited By Kizza_Soze

Should have made it Oct.11th.....for obvious reasons as well as that is my birthday & I deserve a crappy new virus prone thing to go with my side order of covid on my bday!

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Yes it has gyro aim & wonka waggle for the analogue sticks... MS's controllers cannot compete with Sony's proprietry wonka waggle either!!!

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Days Gone for sure...I.m also interested why WWZ is not here, I haven't played it yet, but it does look good from looking at gameplay on PS store & the new update looks tops with a fps.