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#1 ianpac
Member since 2013 • 28 Posts

If you are interested in equality then the very last thing you would want to describe yourself as is a feminist. Feminism is a sexist ideology promoting female supremacy over males. Lay people who do not read feminist literature do not realize what they are supporting, they think it is just a movement promoting equality but actually it is the opposite. It is sexist, irrational, deceitful war mongering on men so why would anyone want to be associated with that?

Simple question when have you ever heard a feminist list all the privileges women are provided by our society and list all the disadvantages of males. Answer: you never have because to do so would undermine the entire mythology of oppression. Truth is men and women are different, they have differing ways of thinking and behaving and make different life style choices. If people are free to choose their life path then automatically you will see different distribution of the genders.

Ignorance supports sexism. Feminists support sexism against men. Feminists are sexist. Feminists are ignorant.

If you goal is equality and freedom of choice then you are a humanist and humanists cannot support feminism since it deliberately lies and deceives to promote a gender divide..

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#2 ianpac
Member since 2013 • 28 Posts

 It's HER interpretation of the game; she's a critic, a video game REVIEWER, she has every right to inject her own experiences and feelings into a review, that's kind of the whole point.


No it is not the point.  We want to hear her opinion of the game not her opinion on social issues.  She can write a seperate editorial on social issues if she feels so strongly on the matter.

If she was a gun control advocate I do not want her review to contain several paragraphs about how GTA promotes and celebrates gun violence and how we can expect more mass shootings because of this game.

If she is religious I do not want her to claim the game goes against God's wishes and gamers will go to hell if they play this game.

Opinions on social matters should not be in game reviews period and if you cannot see that then you are just deluding youraelf to defend their mistake. 

Other reviewers did mention that the whole game - all the criminality, violence, racism and sexism was greatly exagerrated and may be offensive to some.  That is a fair comment because it is in context with the whole game setting and delivery but to focus on misogyny (and ignore the misandry) which is such a TINY part of the game is nonsense. It belies Carolyn's inability to seperate her personal life with her professional job.

Employers do not want their emploees' personal lives to affect their jobs.  You are supposed to keep them apart.  That is what professionalism means. Objectivity without personal bias. Ultimately it is Gamspot that is at fault here since they decided to publish this - knowing what the reaction would be.

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#3 ianpac
Member since 2013 • 28 Posts

Is anyone here naive enough to believe Carolyn and Gamespot did not expect a sh!tstorm over this review?  Everyone knows GTA is misogynist but it is actually a very minor part of the game so why bring so much focus on it?  Because that is what Carolyn does.  It has already been noted that she injects her personal agenda into her reviews so the question is why choose her?

It was Carolyn's decision to include a feminsit rant in a game review and Gamespot's decision to post it.  The result was very predicatble.  I can think of only two reasons: either Gamespot is so liberally idelogical that they believe they should be preaching the game comunity politcal correctness or they did it for the ratings.  I guess there is a third option: they were too dumb to think of the consquences. 

Wahtever the reason it was a mistake but good luck getting them to admit to it.  Professionals should review games as games and leave their personal politics out of it.  Both Carlyn's and Gamespot's reputation are at all time lows.  I sincerely hope they learn from this.