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@meedokicky @Okamiiiii I see, thats a shame :/

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@meedokicky @Okamiiiii guest character? O.o

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@Okamiiiii :( maybe they just couldnt get him to be balanced enough compared to the rest of the roster?

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is the little dinosaur Gon in it too? from tekken 3? Also if they have Tekken ball mode from tekken 3 that would be the most insane thing ever and would probs make this as good as the best tekken ever (i.e. tekken 3).

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why does she call papo and yo, "papa we yo" ?

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"graceful wooly mammoths truding through the tundra" straight away mammoth on the left has a spaz attack xD

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@AuronAXE The first comment that properly addresses the issue, you sir have business sense and have said everything that needs to be said in 2 paragraphs. Kudos good sir :)

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@Faster_Bill Because they are only starting to realise how stupid us gamers are, buying a new fifa/madden/Pro evo/etc every year (not me) even though its just a scheme to sell the same thing for more using minimal effort to make. They realise that we still pay for games like battlefield 3/MW3/ etc that wont be able to be played multiplayer by the person we sell it to afterwards. they have come to understand that we dont care if we get a good deal or not buy selling to Gamestop/game/ etc. So they thought something like: you know what, these gamers are idiots, why not try and swindle them for more money, we can all do with more money right? so lets give them day 1 on disk DLC, online activation codes for single player games so tehy cant sell it on (skyrim) and why not do the same with multiplayer too. this is the sort of fools we are that we still buy it. To solve this the answer is simple in theory but impossible in practice. To not buy anything that uses this sales practice. in theory it will devastate their sales and they will rather sell the product to make money rather than try and take more but dont get any sales at all. but the reality is many of us dont care and are more interested in playing the game rather than what happens to our wallets and that more and more of our money will dissappear and a faster and faster rate. The truth of the matter is that even if this sales practice continues or succeeds, it doesnt matter because they will get greedier and greedier if they see it succeeds and in turn more and more people with common sense will move away leaving only a pool of fools that purchase these games. This in turn will affect the sales of a "thinking mans game" as a loose example skyrim and the like, these will lose many many players. whereas other games that arent really thinking mans games like Fifa etc, will see minimal loss. Eventually the industry will run dry of customers and create a vast imbalance across different genres due to this practice. The industry will kill its self due to its own greed. It will soon become a pastime increasingly only for the impulsive uncalculated consumer...

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@alkybear "Gamestop started this fight with the concept of used game sales. What they have done is closed a loop and cut the developers out of the money they rightfully deserve. " this is total and utter nonsense. So the fact that I can buy second hand cars from autotrader or second hand PCs from ebay or Second hand anything from amazon is cutting out money from the Car makers and PC makers etc that rightfully deserve the money? NO this is ridiculous. THEY ARE SECOND HAND ITEMS, they have been sold and they do not want to be kept by the original owners, gamestop is acting as a mediator like ebay or amazon but in shop form, people want to use this service to get RID of their games. You want to tell me that I am not allowed to sell a game that I dont want anymore simply because the game company can make more money from someone else that doesnt want to pay as much for brand new but will pay a little less for second hand? HELL NO! this is the most ridiculous thing and idiotic sales practice I have heard to exist. If I want to sell a game that I dont want anymore and for conveniece drop it off at a store, it doesnt matter how much game stop do or dont offer me, if I want to get rid of it I want to get rid of it. And it doesnt matter how much game stop sell teh second hand games for because if people want to buy it they will buy it. The game developers no longer have a say in the matter because these are formerly OWNED goods that people are incharge of now and they can do with as they please either directly from person to person like ebay or amazon or through a medium of gamestop. It is an entirely different business from creating the games and the game developers have no right to interfere. They have made their money now they need to shut the hell up, if you dont like it then dont make the games, but people like you try and turn this around and think that if you dont like the companies doing this then dont buy, I wont dont worry. The industry will halve in no time after they implement this ridiculous practice. The few that dont see the blatant rip off of this scheme will continue to purchase and deserve to lose their money to greedy, foolish games companies.

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I have read so many of these comments and so many people are saying ridiculous things like "make the game longer lasting and a bit cheaper then" but that is completely irrelevant. It is not alright to remove the ability to play second hand games if they increase gameplay and lower prices slightly, what they are doing is essentially selling you a LICENCE to play the game rather than sell you the game itself. As someone put it earlier they are turning the game that is meant to be a product into a service now. The point is once you buy the game you cant sell it on, so if you buy a brand new game (all hyped up etc) and then you realise its crap and dont want it anymore, the publishers dont give a crap they dont care what happens after they sell it they just want your money. And the problem is us gamers really are the fools that these game companies think we are, we recurrently buy games that come out every year like a lot of EA games, we all buy games now that require online codes and cant be sold on for more than peanuts due to online activation keys locking it to your account even though some are single player and have no online component (skyrim) and we still come back for more. Day 1 DLC that is ON the BLOODY DISC we have to pay for extra on top of the $60 or £40 we already paid to get access to what is already ours, and we still come back for more. Im personally getting very very fed up of this corporate greed, Ive been gaming since I was a young lad only a few years of age and its been a hobby of mine for years. But frankly I will not at all let myself purchase anything from game companies or developers that want to follow this practice, I will find a new hobby and probably something far more productive and healthier also. enough is enough and if you have sense you will realise this is shoddy and greedy practice. Also for those going on about the whole "gamestop make more money though from second hand and the game publishers dont get money"... SO WHAT? if you dont want to sell to gamestop then dont if you do then do, same goes for buying from them. But to justify what game companies want to do buy not letting you even have bloody ownership over your purchase simply because they want some of that money that gamestop is getting then it isnt justifiable. Frankly I buy and sell alot of games on ebay and amazon, if I cant do that anymore simply because game companies want more of my money and dont want me to be able to sell it on and get any money back then techincally I dont own the game and the whole industry can go to hell for all I care. any of you that actually have a shred of a brain cell in your head will realise that sometimes the game itself isnt worth compromising your principles and decent sales practice over. For those of you that disagree, I hope you get everything they want to give you for all the money they want from you...Good day