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#1 grimdagamer
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts

So I've been grounded for the past month and a half. I came home today and my grounding was over. I went to my PS3 and turned it on. A message saying that the hard drive had to be rebuilt showed up. I clicked ok. It didn't take five seconds before another message showed up saying that an error had occurred and that my hard drive had to be completely reformatted.

With a sigh, I clicked ok. Then a progress bar appeared with 0% above it. Its been an hour and a half and the progress bar is firmly stuck at 0%. This is obviously not a good thing. I mean... what do I do now? Do I turn of the PS3 and risk causing permanent damage to the hard drive? Do I wait? WHAT DO I DO?

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#2 grimdagamer
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts

[QUOTE="B1ACK_MAGE"]Get Heavenly Sword. I really wanted to like lair, but the controls are just way too bad to be enjoyablePaper_Knife

Nah, the controls are fine.

You just can't play it apparently.

what r u talking about?!? profesional game reviewers around the web have said, almost unanimously, that it had bad controls.

and he cant play it "apparently" because it was badly made.

I'm defending jts31869 on this one. I have beaten Lair. I have no problems with controls. I can't say for certain why professional reviews can't seem to get a grasp of the controls. I can however remind you that they don't have time to go through tutorials like most of us. They have other games to review, so they most likely skip through the learning part. I can't say that is true with all the reviewers, but it makes sense.

Playing Lair is like learning to play video games for the first time, or for that matter, doing anything for the first time. It is a new experience. That means you have to practice to do well. If you have the patience to practice and learn how to play, then Lair is an amazing game with a good story and awesome flight combat. If you are too impatient to get a hold of how to play, then you will ridicule Factor Five for forcing you to do something different. There, that's all there is to know about Lair's controls.

P.S. I have achieved gold medals on 10 missions and platinum on 2, so I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about.

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#3 grimdagamer
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts

Anyone have LAIR?bob_the_can_man

Yeah, I own Lair. I think it is worth a buy, but then again I had no problems with the controlls. I would only recomend Lair if you have the patience to get a feel for the controls. So if you can do that, the game is a blast. I you don't have the time or the want to learn how to play, then pass.

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#4 grimdagamer
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts

if you were any good it wouldnt even matter..jbo531

Exactly what I was thinking

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#5 grimdagamer
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts

PS2- Killzone 1

PS3- Lair

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#6 grimdagamer
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts

Well, I could say some crap about the PS3 having better graphical capabilities or having great games on the way. But when it comes down to it, the Wii has crappy graphical abilities and the 360 has great games like Halo and Mass Effect. Both systems, which are right now, outselling the PS3 and have been for a while. But you have consider Sony's strategy. Now I'm not going to lie to you and say something like I've been there since the beginning and I know exactly what Sony is up to, in fact I really only recently started to pay attention to the system wars even though I own all three of the PlayStations. Truly I am actually a minor, but that makes me no less intelligent. I just read the report of July's sales and I realized something. The PS2. That is the reason Sony will come out on top. The PS2. I mean the PS2 outsold the original Xbox quite well and now its even outselling the Xbox 360. I mean come on... with 120 million units sold worldwide and still holding third in total U.S. sales? The same U.S. that is suppose to be Xbox central? What are those people going to do when they stop making games for the PS2? Buy a 360? I don't think so. A Wii? Maybe, but why not just go for the system that can play all those PS2 games you spent your hard earned money on? Yeah, people aren't stupid, just resilient to move to a more expensive system right now. Just thought I'd say that. Take it however you want. Call me a Sony fanboy. Think that I am an idiot. I don't care. When it happens I'll be laughing. And so will those Sony executives that know their plan for world domination is slowly beginning to work.... On the other hand, look at what happened to Sega. Eh, food for thought.
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#7 grimdagamer
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts
Its a close call between Oblivion and Resistance
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#9 grimdagamer
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts

The reason people are dissin' the system is because of the price. So they complain on how they can't afford it, so people mind as well think it sucks since they can't buy one. Thats how I see it at least.ilikemilk007

I agree