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#1 giyanks22
Member since 2007 • 209 Posts
Yeah I mean I have always thought since Kotor II it would be awesome to unite these three great charecters into one story. To add to my plot I would say that in the end they all die, but they are able to defeat the Sith Army that has been brewing. Now one will ever remember them because these events happened in deep space. Anyone want to add to that?
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#2 giyanks22
Member since 2007 • 209 Posts
Yeah they finally have gotten into a grove since the mediocre Spiderman movies, and the decent Fantasic 4. Xmen was ok, but was a lacked charecter emotions. Sony really screwed up Spiderman 3, because they forced Sam Raimi to change a really good script with the New Green Goblin and Vulture in it, into a horrible script with Venom, Sandman, and New Green Goblin. I'm happy for Marvel, because they have awesome stories thanks to Stan Lee, but they finally have translated great backstories into two excellent movies in Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk.
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#3 giyanks22
Member since 2007 • 209 Posts

I'd rather have Knights of the Old Republic 3 as a single player game that tells us where Revan went to after the first game.


Yeah I would like to see what happened to Revan after game one. Or have the game where Revan and the Exile meet up in unknown space, you have to choose between one of them. And the other one becomes part of your party. It would be interesting if they had Revan and the Exile go into deep space, meet some force spirits, lose their force powers and abilities, so basically they must relearn everything that they knew. Bastilla's deep love for Revan causes her to chase after him, and saves them both from being killed. Then she has to teach them everything they knew. It turns out there is an secret Sith Army that has been in the making for thousands of years, since the original Sith founder Ajunta Pall. Revan, the Exile, and Bastilla have to fight to destory the Sith Lords from creating this great army, and destroying the Jedi since the Jedi are even scarcer than in KOTOR II.

I don't know. I'm just thinking out loud. Any ideas?

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#4 giyanks22
Member since 2007 • 209 Posts
THE fracture vid. Looks awesome. I cannot wait for this game. It comes out in October. The story side of the game looks awesome. I really wasn't expecting this to be a story driven game, but the dialogue looks incredible. The graphics look nice. The funny thing is I thought this game was going to be just about Terrain Deformation, because that's what they originally pitched it as, but the lead of the project at day one has really made this more than just a game about action. I feel like I am going to fall in love with these charecters. Does this game look good to you guys?
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#5 giyanks22
Member since 2007 • 209 Posts
I went into the Hulk not expecting much, but some action. I came out enjoying the movie a lot. I really liked. Any other feelings about it. What movies are you guys looking forward to next. I can't wait for the Dark Knight or for Quantum of Sollace (New James Bond).
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#6 giyanks22
Member since 2007 • 209 Posts
I think in August, but don't trust me I'm not sure. Good question was wondering myself.
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#7 giyanks22
Member since 2007 • 209 Posts

There is a rumor I read about, and it said that KOTOR 3 might be MMORPG. If this is true I think it might ruin the franchise. EA now owns Bioware, so EA would have to buy the Star Wars rights from Lucas Arts, which EA couldn't even afford a small piece of. Hopefully if it is an MMORPG it is a lot better than Star Wars Galaxies. If it is not an MMORPG, or if it is, then what improvements do you people want to see in KOTOR 3.

I want there to be real time action like Mass Effect, but with the ability to pause. So you can actual control your Lsaber attack, and Force Powers with single buttons, but then pause the game to put in advanced commands, like Mass Effect. What do you think?

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#8 giyanks22
Member since 2007 • 209 Posts
I have to say. The lighting looks excellent, but what with the Samurai sword. He better have picked up a ***'s sword or it's just a Bayonet. PLEASE TREYACH DONT SCREW THIS UP!
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#9 giyanks22
Member since 2007 • 209 Posts
you got a good point. Treyach's had since COD3 to work on COD5. Just a little sidenote... Cod5 might suck, but imagine Cod6 Infinity Ward's got two years to pull that off.
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#10 giyanks22
Member since 2007 • 209 Posts

Will Starcraft 2 be coming out for the Mac?

Everyone who saw the stage demo for the Starcraft 2 single player campaign probably realized it's going to turn out awesome. For those of you didn't watch the vid, you need to, but I'll summarize. Basically they have turned the campaign into a part RPG part RTS theme. In the briefing room you can talk with various members of your crew, and you decide how you respond, and your responses effects the people around you. You also get to control what planet your ship orbits. Each planet has a different mission. It looked absolutely incredible, and everything that Blizzard touches turns to gold, so we know the game will be good.

What are you all looking forward to most about Starcraft II?