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#1 gashoe13
Member since 2007 • 511 Posts

Crysis: If you like big, wide, sandbox gameplay, you'll love Crysis

Modern Warfare 1 and 2: If you've ever played a Call of Duty game.... go for it

Bioshock: Like Half-Life? Play Bioshock. Great adventuring, great atmosphere.

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#2 gashoe13
Member since 2007 • 511 Posts

1. Bioshock: Really long 15-20 hour campaign. Depends on whether or not you'll enjoy it. I loved for its story, adventure, and environment, and powers. The actual shooting is actually kind of fail, when you look at it. But it can be really fun to catch a grenade and throw it back at someone.

2. Halo: Combat Evolved: While you probably have played it before, play it again. It's 12 hours long of quality, intense, and awesome shooting. Of course, you need to learn how to play it properly. The only thing you need to know is: Strafe, jump, and throw plasma grenades (they stick to people, vehicles, and etc). So yeah.

3. Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30: Insanely difficult, yes, but insanely fun as well.

4. Freespace 2: Freespace 2 is one of the best shooters ever. Yes, it is a flight sim in outer space but the sheer awesomeness of it is too great to be compared with anything else. You'll be hard-pressed to find any better action. (If you have a new comp, I'd suggest getting the latest freespace 2 graphics update thing).

5. Half Life 1/2: While I didn't like them much at all, some really, really did. Half Life 1 takes time to get to the juicy bits, but once it does....

Half Life 2 is way more adventure than shooting (the shooting really, really, really sucks), so if you enjoy adventure, play half Life 2.

6. Borderlands: A surprisingly shooty RPG. It's very fun with buds, but isn't bad alone, either.

7. F.E.A.R: I'm guessing you probably don't do scary games. Well, Bioshock and F.E.A.R aren't really scary. In fact, they're a lot more awesome than they are scary. F.E.A.R has the most intense shootouts i have seen, ever. It's sooo awesome, and when you couple it with slow motion, it's even better. The only scary bits in F.E.A.R is the atmosphere, and Alma constantly appearing everywhere, but this doesn't really affect you gameplaywise. The only thing that can hit you are these weird ghost things that smack you, and you just shoot them once and they're dead. So F.E.A.R is an awesome choice.

8. No One Lives Forever (1 and 2): FUN! While it is sort of a stealth shooter, shooting still is Ok-ish. 20 HOURS LONG.

9. Deus Ex: If you don't mind the emphasis on stealth, you'll like it a lot. About 20 hours.

10. Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay: While it actually is basically exactly 10 hours long, it's 10 hours of quality stealth, shooting, and intense gameplay. I loved it. YOu will too.

11. Crysis: 10-12 hours. I didn't like it all that much because your suit powers can't be used in conjuction with each other, which sucks. Fun otherwise, if you liked Far Cry.

12. Far Cry: 20 hours or more. If you like a more realistic take on shooting than all out insanity, Far Cry is a pretty good choice. I personally prefer Halo-ish gameplay to realism, so I didn't like it.

13. Left 4 Dead: If you don't mind the zombies, Left 4 Dead stands tall as an insanely intense shooter.

14. Star Wars Jedi Outcast: 12 hours. Once it gets to the great bits, Jedi Outcast is truly amazing.

15. Quake 1, 2, and 4: While 1 and 2 may be kind of short, it's really, really crazy action. A bit old by today's standards, though.

16. Clive Barker's Undying: While it's pretty creepy, it's definitely fun. Fast paced, violent action.

17. Serious Sam: The Second Encounter: Perhaps the most intense shooter, ever. 12 hours action. 300 enemies on screen at once. All the time.

18. Aliens Vs. Predator 2: The old 2001 game, not the new crappy one. It's awesome. For every campaign.

19. Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Old, but the multiplayer can't be beat. Campaign is merely ok.

20. Starsiege Tribes: A bit on the easy side, but it can be really fun.


1. Call of Duty series: I beat each in under 10 hours.

2. Medal of Honor series: Same as previous

3. Star Wars: Republic Commando: Just like Halo, except 8-9 hours.

4. Halo 2: A great game, but only for Vista, and short. So play if you LOVED number one (like I did).

5. Portal: Not a shooter, per se, but really fun.


1. Max Payne 1 and 2: It's basically a shooter, except third person, and you can use slow mo and shootdodges. Hard, but REALLY FUn

2. Stranglehold: Basically Max Payne 2 on steroids, so enjoy.

3. Gears of War: An insanely fun shooter. CHAINSAW KILLS

4. Resident Evil 4 and 5: 4 is quite scary towards the middle, but well worth it. 5 isn't scary at all.

5. Giants Citizen Kabuto: A really, really, really, fun shooter that has you on a beautiful island with buddies. 3 campaigns; each about 6-10 hours.

SO THERE YOU HAVE IT! 30 quality shooters, each one as awesome as the other. If you play all of them, you'll be playing for give or take 300 hours. HAVE FUN!!!!!

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#3 gashoe13
Member since 2007 • 511 Posts

Yes.....Hello, everyone. Name every halo clone you can imagine, in any way at all. PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS.

WARNING: Do NOT use any language or insult anyone in any way because of their opinions. You will be reported. Instead, reply to them politely and state why you think otherwise. THank YOU!!!

For examples...

OVERALL GAMEPLAY AND FEEL: Republic Commando (Same melees, energy shields, and general shooting and weaponry)

FUNCTIONS: Mass Effect 2 (same motion tracker)

PRESENTATION: Crysis (same type of way to segue into different levels)

PORTIONS OF GAMEPLAY: Mass Effect 2 (Energy Shield)

So, basically, the format is like this: CATEGORY: Game (State reason)


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#4 gashoe13
Member since 2007 • 511 Posts

One of the more frequent questions i've asked myself.....


Some games deserve to have that question asked to them. Name a couple if you like.

FOR EXAMPLE: Terminator Salvation. Honestly, how do you make a game about Gears of War meeting Terminator a bad game?

or Avatar the Game. Honestly... it had soo much potential! And they wrecked it!

Name some games that you had to ask yourself, "HOW DID THEY MESS THAT UP?!"

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#5 gashoe13
Member since 2007 • 511 Posts

Title says it all. What games do you think ought to get a newfangled, HD version? Any game. Like The Matrix Path of Neo or something. That game deserves to have a lot of its imperfect gameplay changed and perfected. I've always wanted to run on walls and shoot dudes at the same time in glorious slow mo.

So, name away!

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#6 gashoe13
Member since 2007 • 511 Posts

Yes, ABSOLUTELY grab Citizen Kabuto. I've loved it to death. Combines strategic gameplay with all-out gunfights. RELALY REALLY FUN!!!! I love it. Can get fairly difficult but it's really really fun.

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#7 gashoe13
Member since 2007 • 511 Posts

I'm just curious....

Are there any good hack-and-slash, Ninja Gaiden-ish games for PC? ANd don't tell me Ninja Blade, 'cause it sucks, no matter what anyone else says. I've played and finished both DMC 3 and 4, and I'm pretty sure God of War isn't for PC. So if there are any really good hack and slash games for the PC kind of like Ninja Gaiden (which is rockin' awesome, by the way), plz tell me!!!!!! I really want to play something like that!


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#8 gashoe13
Member since 2007 • 511 Posts

Hey, guys.

Ok, so now I don't know what to play. I beat Arkham Asylum, took out Resident Evil 5, owned the Witcher, defeated Dragon Age, shot up Grand Theft Auto 4, absorbed Prototype, afterTouched Dark Sector, chainsawed Gears of War, meleed Halo 1 and 2, sliced Assassin's Creed in half, stabbed Ninja Blade, destroyed Devil May Cry 3 and 4, and blew up Rainbow Six Vegas 1 and 2.


Recommend me any game. ANY GAME WORTH PLAYING

However, DO NOT recommend me any RTS games, any turn-based games, any top-down RPGs, any horror game (RE5 doesn't count as a horror game, which is why I beat it), or any pitiful, childish games.


I have already considered things like Prince of Persia (2008), Red Faction: Guerilla, and Splinter Cell 3. Tell me which one I ought to get.

If there are any games that I haven't heard of that are really great for the PC, tell me! I'll play them. Thanks!

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#9 gashoe13
Member since 2007 • 511 Posts

Devil May Cry 3's every boss fight. Honestly, Devil May Cry 3 has the greatest boss fights ever. Not to mention the hardest.

God of War's Hydra fight.

God of War 2's.... every fight.

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#10 gashoe13
Member since 2007 • 511 Posts

Once again, another long opinion thing. I just wanna ask everyone, what do you guys think were some compelling or goood or great moments in all of gaming?

To get you started:

1. Resident Evil 4's bagman chainsaw dude.

2. Batman: Arkham Asylum's first scarecrow sequence.

3. The first time you meet an alien in Half-Life

4. Max Payne 2's shootdodges

5. Standing before the daunting Oblivion gate in Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.

6. The final shi-zham of Butcher Bay (Riddick)

7. The Vulture battle in Web of Shadows.

8. The boss fights Psycho Mantis or Cyborg Ninja in Metal Gear Solid.

9. The first time you engage in horseback combat in Twilight Princess.

10.Busting a ghost in Ghostbusters.

11. The first time you chainsaw someone in Gears of War.

12. Dark Sector's aftertouching someone with a glaive.

13. The first time you beat a guy to death with a crowbar.

14. That moment in Grand Theft Auto 4 when your girlfriend calls you by phone in the middle of a gunfight.

15. Escaping from a Gekko in MGS 4.

16. Screaming Mantis. Nuff' said.

Seriously. Anything!