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#1 dynamitecop
Member since 2004 • 6395 Posts

@k--m--k said:

Not high demand, but rather low supply.

Low supply because of the lack of high demand, they don't want to flood the market with something that won't sell and take a massive loss.

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#2 dynamitecop
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@primorandomguy said:

I thought PSVR was unavailable anywhere in the world due to high demand? Lmao.

lol dead

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#3  Edited By dynamitecop
Member since 2004 • 6395 Posts

@freedomfreak said:

Not a fan.

This, The Two Towers and Lego Lord of the Rings were the only Lord of the Rings games I found to be any good.

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#4  Edited By dynamitecop
Member since 2004 • 6395 Posts

@charizard1605 said:
@dynamitecop said:

The 3DS has sold like 60 million units, Nintendo is obviously going to follow it up, the Switch is not a competent replacement for a traditional handheld, it's simply too large and too expensive.

As large as a 3DS XL opened up (actually a bit smaller), as heavy, with the same battery life.

Why is it not a competent handheld again?

No, you're completely wrong.

Key point the size, the Switch has a surface area of 50 square inches, the 3DS XL opened has a surface area of 40.5 inches (no one transports it this way), closed a surface area of only 22.5 inches. You have to carry around a device that is 122.22% larger than the 3DS XL, that's not a competent replacement as a handheld, it's 2.225 times the size of the 3DS XL.

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#5  Edited By dynamitecop
Member since 2004 • 6395 Posts

@dakur said:
@dynamitecop said:
@dakur said:
@dynamitecop said:

It doesn't, frame pacing is an issue caused by improper coding, that can only be fixed by altering the game code.

@dynamitecop said:

They assert absolutes before a situation has drawn itself to its conclusion, something only stupid people do.

I'm just quoting you here from a post you recently made in another thread bashing others for making statements before they have all the information and facts at hand, something you clearly do here by asserting that it won't be fixed as an absolute. So I just want to make it evident that you're a hypocrite who constantly does what you accuse others of doing. You constantly try to pass your poorly informed opinion as facts. Furthermore you also called yourself stupid...

But anyways frame pacing can have multiple causes, some of them can be fixed by more powerful hardware that can render some heavy frames quicker so it's still possible that this could be better in Bloodborne.

I have all the information, I know what frame pacing is, why it exists, how it functions and the reality that it's a problem with game code itself. This isn't an issue spawned of multiple GPU's where microstutter is present due to incorrect GPU sync and can be corrected at a system level by drivers. Bloodborne holds its 30 FPS at nearly all times even on the base PlayStation 4, throwing more power at it cannot correct frames that are drawing at inconsistent intervals from within the renderer, it's a rendering issue, an issue in the internal coding of the game, this won't do anything for that, the game needs to be updated.

No you don't know shit. Whatever Sony does for this "boost" could help faster rendering by the GPU of the individual GPU which will cut their rendering time and allow for more fluidity. That can happen to single individual cards and not necessarily with mutiple GPUs. And that has nothing to do with how a game is programmed, it could be a driver issue that is fixed or tampered with. Stop talking about what you clearly don't know anything about as if you did because you're frankly pathetic and in your own words "something only stupid people do".

Here is a pretty lengthy and good explanation about frame pacing from an expert and what it is so that you can educate yourself for next time and maybe you could stop talking out of your ass for once in your life.


Page 1

"GPU 1 is obviously the faster solution in most respects. Generally, its frame times are in the teens, and that would usually add up to an average of about 60 FPS. GPU 2 is slower, with frame times consistently around 30 milliseconds.

However, GPU 1 has a problem running this game. Let's say it's a texture upload problem caused by poor memory management in the video drivers, although it could be just about ANYTHING, including a hardware issue. The result of the problem is that GPU 1 gets stuck when attempting to render one of the frames—really stuck, to the tune of a nearly half-second delay. If you were playing a game on this card and ran into this issue, it would be a huge show-stopper. If it happened often, the game would be essentially unplayable."

Page 3

"In fact, have a look at the two frame times following the 58 ms delay; they're very low. That's likely because the video card is using triple buffering, so the rendering of those two later frames wasn't blocked by the wait for the one before them. Crazily enough, if you consider just those three frames together, the average frame time is 23 ms. Yet that 58 ms frame happened, and it potentially interrupted the flow of the game."

Notice my highlight of the word anything. This guy, an expert in the subject, is telling people that bad fps pacing could be caused by anything. And here you are telling us that it can be only about the game's coding. Not only are you extremely arrogant but also extremely stupid to think that you know things without actually know them. In fact the expert spends most of his time analyzing GPUs and how their pacing on different games work. If the problem of those games were coding then they would have the same problem on every GPU yet on ones there's an issue and on others don't because the issues he examines have not to do with the game coding. And yet you try to isolate that as the only possible issue.

At least read the article before you make your next dumb and uninformed post you bozo.

Frame pacing issues cannot be resolved by the introduction of increased compute capabilities, the two are not related especially when framerate is not increased. If a game at 30 FPS has inconsistent frame updates on a 6 teraflop GPU, this same game at 30 FPS is going see no frame pacing changes by introducing a 12 teraflop GPU, it's not intrinsically linked to compute, it's an issue in the renderer via game code. All that you'll see by introducing more compute to the situation is a decrease in GPU usage relative to the increase in compute.

Also consoles do not have traditional graphics drivers, another point you're failing to understand, they sparsely need any interim software as developers are coding almost directly to the metal itself. The reason drivers exist on PC in the capacity they do is almost entirely due to the amount of hardware configurations and the need for them all to operate and communicate with the software/hardware as they cannot properly do this via just the API, there needs to be a middleman, and a driver acts as that middleman, consoles do not function this way.

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#6  Edited By dynamitecop
Member since 2004 • 6395 Posts

@reduc_ab_ said:

Well it fits the dynamic of MS's strategy these days, so that list is not too surprising. MS has decided to do away with exclusives; Sony has made no such decision, and thus continues putting out exclusives. Pretty simple.

Sony couldn't competently make this leap even if they wanted to, they don't have any kind of integrated PC infrastructure, they use completely different API than DirectX so they'd have to reverse engineer all of their games during development to port them and pay Microsoft licensing fees and they have no market traction in that gaming sector.

The way Microsoft is going right now is the end all be all eventuality for the future of console gaming and gaming in general. Like Nintendo, Sony and their business strategy is becoming a relic of the past, it's a 90's vision of gaming, it's archaic. It's still successful now but it doesn't have the means to sustain itself going into a more and more integrated future, people in time will begin to reject it and with less and less exclusive games coming to market as time goes on, there's even less reason to hold onto this past representation of gaming.

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#7  Edited By dynamitecop
Member since 2004 • 6395 Posts

The 3DS has sold like 60 million units, Nintendo is obviously going to follow it up, the Switch is not a competent replacement for a traditional handheld, it's simply too large and too expensive.

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#8  Edited By dynamitecop
Member since 2004 • 6395 Posts

@dakur said:
@dynamitecop said:
@Epak_ said:
@thehig1 said:

If it turns bloodlourne from 30fps to 60fps it's good.

It doesn't, probably just makes it more stable. Probably won't even fix the frame pacing. I'm excited for it, but remain skeptical since I don't want to be disappointed.

It doesn't, frame pacing is an issue caused by improper coding, that can only be fixed by altering the game code.

@dynamitecop said:

They assert absolutes before a situation has drawn itself to its conclusion, something only stupid people do.

I'm just quoting you here from a post you recently made in another thread bashing others for making statements before they have all the information and facts at hand, something you clearly do here by asserting that it won't be fixed as an absolute. So I just want to make it evident that you're a hypocrite who constantly does what you accuse others of doing. You constantly try to pass your poorly informed opinion as facts. Furthermore you also called yourself stupid...

But anyways frame pacing can have multiple causes, some of them can be fixed by more powerful hardware that can render some heavy frames quicker so it's still possible that this could be better in Bloodborne.

I have all the information, I know what frame pacing is, why it exists, how it functions and the reality that it's a problem with game code itself. This isn't an issue spawned of multiple GPU's where microstutter is present due to incorrect GPU sync and can be corrected at a system level by drivers. Bloodborne holds its 30 FPS at nearly all times even on the base PlayStation 4, throwing more power at it cannot correct frames that are drawing at inconsistent intervals from within the renderer, it's a rendering issue, an issue in the internal coding of the game, this won't do anything for that, the game needs to be updated.

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#9  Edited By dynamitecop
Member since 2004 • 6395 Posts

None of that is prime rib.

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#10 dynamitecop
Member since 2004 • 6395 Posts

@Epak_ said:
@thehig1 said:

If it turns bloodlourne from 30fps to 60fps it's good.

It doesn't, probably just makes it more stable. Probably won't even fix the frame pacing. I'm excited for it, but remain skeptical since I don't want to be disappointed.

It doesn't, frame pacing is an issue caused by improper coding, that can only be fixed by altering the game code.