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#1 darius343
Member since 2013 • 62 Posts


[QUOTE="stereointegrity"]most overrated dev of all timeway2funny

I think that designation belongs to John Carmack. People are still on his nads because of Quake. C'mon, son. C'mon.

People are on his nads for his countless contributions and innovations in interactive computer graphics.


Exactly! Finallly someone who knows Carmack. People just don't understand how important Carmack is to PC gaming. Without him/Romero/Scott Miller consoles would have ruled the gaming market, He gave away his doom engine and thus paved the way for others like Valve to make into gaming, Its not Quake that is important its the engine ID made that made it special. IMO he is the only developer I put above Miyamoto.

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#2 darius343
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They probably anticipated it would flop on PC and needed more people to buy it, it looks crap and they probably had to beg sony to allow it on their console.



The game has 3 million beta testers frothing at the mouth to try out, the game is still a long way off to release. There has been no major marketing on Bethesda, this game will be far from a flop. If a shit game like Guild Wars 2 can sell 3.5 mil than an Elder Scrolls can sure as hell sell more. Especially if its being sold on both consoles and pc. 

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#3 darius343
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I am going to say it no other game, other than GTA come even close to Skyrim.

The amount of detail and intricacy that went into a game like skyrim.. its astronomical. People complain about glitches, but I dare them to try to make a game so massive, so open and so interactive, and do so flawlessly. Heck I implore you to point me in the direction of a game that can beat TES series .  The little details make the world and the interactions feel so awesome. I found a journal while finding the elder scrolls in blackreach indicating the preils of another party of adventurers that in my first playthrough never noticed, I was stunned at the vastness of blackreach. I found a suicide note next to a dead woman, who committed suicide as a direct result of my actions in the dark brotherhood. I've solved murders, and swayed the tides in a civil war-- Blotted out the sun with a bow belonging to a Deity. Delved deep into the bowels of an ancient dwarven city, and proceeded to steal the "eyes" a gigantic golden statue that consisted of gems bigger than your head. stolen everything of value from bustling capital city city. Assinated emporers, fought for and against demonic influence and corruption in the world. Forged armors and weapons from the bones of dragons and the hearts of demons. I've witnessed a dragon swoop down fromt he sky, grab a Giant's Mammoth and tossed it hundreds of yards a way, only to then witness a battle between Giant and Dragon ensue, I have called down mighty dragons to fight for me, summones demonic menions, did necromancy stopped time, and forught armies of bandits. I've stalked the roads at night as a bloodthirsty vampire, seeking my next unsuspecting prey, and travelled the wilderness on all fours in the form of a werewolf. Uncovered conspiracies, and aided rebellions. The Hundreds (thousands?) of books that are littered across the world are so entertaining, I feel like one could simply read books all day and have a wonderful time.-- And don't get me started on the expansions-- All quality. I have put well over 500 hours into this game through m,y "career" playing it and I am nowhere NEAR finished. And I can play this in BOTH FIRST PERSON MODE AND THIRD PERSON MODE NAME ME ONE GAME THAT DOES ALL THIS, AND ALL


THIS IS WITHOUT MODS just in the vanilla game. The mods make the game soo much more awesome, it was as if the engine was costom designed for mods..... OH!! WAIT is it custom made form the ground up with modders in mind.

Granted they simplified it and took a lot of the diversity offered by previous elder scrolls games, but that is an acceptable sacrifice. Fast travel, and Reactive FPCombat was already in Daggerfall, It was a betrayal to Daggerfall fans when Morrowind came and introduced tabletop RPG mechanics and had no fast travel and terrible journal and npc interaction system, I am happy with the new direction.


  The level of detail, interactivity, influence a player can have.. If it werent for the numerous glitches and bugs that such a diverse, wide, open, interactive world brings.. I would say this game was perfect. 


Come on you elitist whiners"I dare you" to make a game so astoundingly wide and free-range. I implore anyone to find me a game that has achieved such a level of "sandbox" openness as skyrim and done so without bugs.

Only one I know is Rockstar and they suck a PC coding (eg:GTA4) as much as Bethesda sucks at PS3 coding.


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#4 darius343
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Unreal Tournament did the same thing except its mods didn't improve the game (it was already good to begin with), they simply added stuff they wanted. With TES, the mods improve the game (because it out like crap), only then will the creative mods come out. The mods should just skip the 1st step and make their own game, they're clearly better at it than Bethesda.Lulu_Lulu

Bullshit UT or UTmod don't even come close to TES mods. The vanilla game got more GOTY award than any UT game, Also UT3 sucks wtf are you talking about. UT 2004 was EPIC, UT3 was horrible compared to it.  Atleast Skyrim was better than Morrowind and Oblivion, Daggerfall is my personal favourite, but skyrim ths the better game.

Heck I played Vanilla Skyrim for atleast four months after 11.11.11. An enjoyed the crap out of it. Before modding the game to oblivion and beyond.

And it seem I am not the only one why considers Skyrim the best this gen. Cause it was awarded that award recently, along with hundreds of official awards. So in other words GOTY awards >>> Your Opinion.









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#5 darius343
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[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"][QUOTE="black_chamber99"]playing the vanilla pc version..black_chamber99

No wonder.

if you need to download a bunch on community created add-ons in order to 'fix' a game its not that good to begin with

You are an idiot. Why wont you use a feature that Bethesda handcrafted for your enjoyment and GAVE IT TO YOU FOR FREE.


All Bethesda games comes with a very powerful developer kit that Todd Howard himself made from scratch.

He gave it to the community with every copy of the game since Morrowind. This is a feature of a Bethesda game along with the vanilla title, which is STILL good enough to win GOTY form various organisation. Bethesda has consistantly won GOTY for three titles in a row. You don't need tha community to fix anything. The game is great even in vanilla, but the community that Bethesda themselves nurtured and grew and encouraged and the modkit you get from them is a feature for the game for PC players only.


Why complain about this, it is a know fact Bethesda makes their games modable for this very reason because they can't please everyone. And thus they made their games mod friendly and simple so that you can play it whatever you want.


 Heck when they designed the Creation Kit from scratch they used the existing framework from the old gamebryo engine. Though currently the creation engine, is vastly different from gamebryo despite some components of the previous  engine is still there. Because when they were making their engine, they also had modfriendliness. When they made their engine they were thinking of the COMMUNITY. This is why you can make mods like Skywind and Skyblivion, because they are mod friendly and compatible.


 Name me one other developers who does this..... I am waiting!


I think they are awesom dev, anyone who says otherwise is a hipster. Also Daggerfall > Skyrim > Morrowind =Oblivion

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#6 darius343
Member since 2013 • 62 Posts
GDD5 this is a no brainer.
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#7 darius343
Member since 2013 • 62 Posts
Looks really bad to me.
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#8 darius343
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I don't know back in 2007 I made a PC a Core 2 Duo 3gz, 4 gb gddr3 ram and a Nvidia GeForce 8 series graphic card for approximately 650$ in USD.


Two years later I bought a Radon 5450 in 2009 after a cockroach accident that burned my graphic card. That was 80$ more for my PC.


Yet even with 730$ for my platform. I save twice that amount on games I purchased on steam. So I don't know why console players don't just upgrade their existing pc for an extra 200$ every generation. You need a PC wether you like it of not, why not get a good PC. At the same time you can learn a lot of stuff tinkering with your PC.

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#9 darius343
Member since 2013 • 62 Posts
I am thinking of buying a 3ds now, which will be my second handheld after GBA. Can anyone recommend me some games. I know I am buying pokemon X, what other stuff should I buy.
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#10 darius343
Member since 2013 • 62 Posts

How come these threads are so dame boring?