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#1 batman0811
Member since 2007 • 171 Posts

Fast food is crap period and Mcdonalds is like the worst one of them all. i wish they served healthier foods than the crap they sell now.

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#2 batman0811
Member since 2007 • 171 Posts

my problem with gaming is that theres really no challenging games for me to play, and it seems like everything is been redone over and over again. to me games are starting to turn into movies where it seems like they're running out of ideas, i say that because, most games play a lot alike. the last great game i played was bioshock. fallout reminds me of elder scrolls, halo 3 is just like the other halos, devil may cry 4 andninja gaiden are jus like they're prequels. im more than like the minority in this but i need something that is going to blow my mine, i just got batman and its good but just not great. come on videogame companies give me something new and fresh.

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#3 batman0811
Member since 2007 • 171 Posts

i love batman as u can tell by my name, but this game is a little overhyped. it is a good game dont get me wrong, the story is great, the graphics are good, havingconroy and hamil really add some old school flair to the game, but no way is this game as great as everyone is making it seem. batman moves really stiff, sometimesthe camera angle just goes bonkers,the combat is great but i seem to be fighting the same dang people over and over. The biggest thing to me though is that the game is fairly easy and im playing on hard.i rarely die and the boss fights werent that amazing to me. maybe im jumping the gun a little becausei havent beat the game yet, but i dont think it is a 9-10 game, ia really believe its somewhere around 8 or so, which isnt bad but no where close to what the majority of people are ratingit at, granted this is myopinion but to each their own

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#4 batman0811
Member since 2007 • 171 Posts

my boss is actually an organic vegan, and he doesnt eat me for many reasons, 1st off it is not generally good for you, also its not the killing of animals that bug him but that they are feed hormone enhanced food and are tortured which he doesnt agree with. ive heard stories from him where they cut of the beaks off of the chickens and stick them in a farm and cram pack them in. i am actually trying to cut down on meat consumption and eat more fruits, veggies, and breads

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#5 batman0811
Member since 2007 • 171 Posts

I consider myself a hardcore gamer, though I have many breaks, such as now. But I also balance it with the real life of my girlfriend and 2 young children.

hey that sounds just like me i have a girl and two kids also so i try to balance my time between them and then i play games with whatever time is left over. how old are your childern, i have a 3 month old and 2 and half yr old, so i have to play really late at night, when do put the time in to play
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#6 batman0811
Member since 2007 • 171 Posts

i wonder if half of the people here would say the things they said if you were right in front of them. Its kind of pathetic i think for someone to talk crap over the internet knowing that in real life they wouldnt have the balls to say it outright.

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#7 batman0811
Member since 2007 • 171 Posts

Yes, I consider myself to be an's a pencil drawing I did of MC actually.

the MC


wow that is freaking awesome man,

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#8 batman0811
Member since 2007 • 171 Posts

It's because we play so many games that we forget how to be human.

hahaha really isnt that a little sad, that we put virtual reality ahead of acutal reality
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#9 batman0811
Member since 2007 • 171 Posts

can i ask why there seems to be a lack of confidence with gamespot users when it comes to the ways of love/self-esteem. i seem to find tons of people that need help with women/men and i was wondering why is it that we as a people are not taught to have confidence in ourselves and the ways of love. almost every week or so i find a thread containing questions on how to get advice on hooking up with a girl/boy. and then i have these threads about depression and how people seem not to find themselves unattractive. what is up with that. hopefully i am wrong and for some reason all i seem to get is these threads but in any regard heres a couple tips in helping in the ways of love. in a another thread i'll see if i can help with low self-esteem, but for now one problem at a time.

ok 1. 1st off before u can try to please another person and be with them u have to love the person u are. now if u can love yourself how u can u love another. now im not talking about being cocky, but having a inner confidence in yourself, no one is perfect so love yourself for the good things u do and try to fix the bad things u cant do.

2. ok next know your type of girl and be honest with yourself. dont be afraid of rejection because beauty is in the eye of the beholder and not every girl/guy will want to be with you. geez theres billions of women on this planet, sooner or later you'll find your girl or girls. also know the type of women that your attractive to and the ones that will be attractive to your style/behavior. and always alwasy be honest, honesty never fails and any lies always come out.

ok those are just a couple quick tips i believe will help u with love, i could go on more but i have to jet out. let me know if you have something to add or if you think my analysis its just bs to you. since i know this is gamespot i know i will get alot of stupid smart@%% comments, so im ready for it.

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#10 batman0811
Member since 2007 • 171 Posts

I find that they are more close-minded, arggonant people in religion than in anything else. They are taught that because they have this relationship with god and that hey worship god that they are on another level of prestige than the average person. i believe religion has continued to in a way hold people back form seeing the world for what it really is. Like i said most seem to be close-minded and take the bible way out of context, i think that it is the religious people that cause religion to have a bad name, not nessecirly the religion. on the other hand most atheist i have meet have been actually gay which i think is due to the unforunate nature of religious people condemning that group of people. I might sound anti religion but i feel that religion has taken a step back and not a step forward, i do believe in god, but not to the extent that most religious people seem to be.