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#1 _sephex_
Member since 2003 • 179 Posts
Never. Ever. Ever. Boy am I ever glad I picked up a 60 GB at launch.
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#2 _sephex_
Member since 2003 • 179 Posts
Cheap HDTV does not suit the PS3
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#3 _sephex_
Member since 2003 • 179 Posts
Warhawk for when the guys are over. Pain is great multiplayer fun for most. Echocrome should be gnarly when it comes out.
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#4 _sephex_
Member since 2003 • 179 Posts
[QUOTE="_sephex_"]Quietly unveiled at yesterday's PSN session was PhyreEngine, a new "free to use graphics engine" from Sony Computer Entertainment. According to the presentation, the package includes full documentation, "70+ samples" and "full source code and artwork" of sample game templates. Working on both OpenGL and Direct3D, this engine will allow developers to more easily develop for the PS3 by using PC environments they're more familiar with. A "simple recompile" is supposedly all that's needed to make the game run on the PS3. Sony is promising "ongoing development and support" for the PhyreEngine. The ramifications of this subdued announcement are actually quite significant. Three titles have been revealed to have used the PhyreEngine for development: flOw, GripShift and DiRT. Of those three, only one is exclusive to PlayStation. It appears that the PhyreEngine is truly cross platform -- Sony is indirectly contributing to the development of PC and Xbox 360 games. But why make it potentially easier to make games on a competing console? Well, it's undeniable that developers are increasingly focused on multiplatform development. It's been rather commonplace for developers to neglect PS3 with inferior and oftentimes delayed versions of multiplatform games. With PhyreEngine, Sony is making a much more attractive plea: make games on PS3 first, guaranteeing high quality games that will not only match their 360 counterparts, but in many cases can exceed them. Sony's message is clear: start games on the PS3, and they will be better for both PS3 and 360 owners. It appears to us that PhyreEngine is a crucial part of that plan. http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll&friendID=130057014

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#5 _sephex_
Member since 2003 • 179 Posts
Quietly unveiled at yesterday's PSN session was PhyreEngine, a new "free to use graphics engine" from Sony Computer Entertainment. According to the presentation, the package includes full documentation, "70+ samples" and "full source code and artwork" of sample game templates. Working on both OpenGL and Direct3D, this engine will allow developers to more easily develop for the PS3 by using PC environments they're more familiar with. A "simple recompile" is supposedly all that's needed to make the game run on the PS3. Sony is promising "ongoing development and support" for the PhyreEngine. The ramifications of this subdued announcement are actually quite significant. Three titles have been revealed to have used the PhyreEngine for development: flOw, GripShift and DiRT. Of those three, only one is exclusive to PlayStation. It appears that the PhyreEngine is truly cross platform -- Sony is indirectly contributing to the development of PC (and Xbox 360) games. But why make it potentially easier to make games on a competing console? Well, it's undeniable that developers are increasingly focused on multiplatform development. It's been rather commonplace for developers to neglect PS3 with inferior and oftentimes delayed versions of multiplatform games. With PhyreEngine, Sony is making a much more attractive plea: make games on PS3 first, guaranteeing high quality games that will not only match their 360 counterparts, but in many cases can exceed them. Sony's message is clear: start games on the PS3, and they will be better for both PS3 and 360 owners. It appears to us that PhyreEngine is a crucial part of that plan. http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll&friendID=130057014
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#7 _sephex_
Member since 2003 • 179 Posts

i gave up on this boring warhawk

Warhawk only tires when playing by yourself. Get a headset, get some friends (preferably some in the same room), download the new patches are it's a whole new game. Every few months I invite the boys over and try out some Warhawk and it's an entirely different game... I've been impressed buy the updates, patches and add-ons... Keep 'em coming!
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#8 _sephex_
Member since 2003 • 179 Posts
The PS3 has an upscaling processor. Through HDMI. Without HDMI you will see the native resolution of your cable and/or your tv. The 4 cent junk they send in the box it great... if you want something to tie other cables up. Buy yourself an HDMI. or if HDMI is not something your TV supports, a good quality component cable. now for those that believe all HDMI are the same, you are slightly incorrect. HDMI 1.3a and the quality of cable will make a difference when using it for audio. For video only, blah, whatever buy your $5 cable. But once you are running some higher end audio (PCM 7.1 etc) you are going to want to make sure your all digital HDMI is up to spec ( and you AMP too!)
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#9 _sephex_
Member since 2003 • 179 Posts

[QUOTE="Vyse_Legends"]To many games coming out this year if so.:cry:Vojkan80001

probably only in Japan this year

it has been said that the final fantasy 13 series will be released at the same time worldwide (looking for link)

Yeah wright. Kojima gave us his word that MGS4 is coming out in 07(remember vid? ) and look now.

FF13 will be released in Japan first, than after 1 or 2 months in rest of the world.

History may repeat itself but it's not always fact. SE has said they would like to have a worldwide simultaneous releases in the future. If they can, all the power to them.
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#10 _sephex_
Member since 2003 • 179 Posts
While I'm sure it is entirely possible for Uncharted to find it's way to another system, the engine was written for the Cell Processor, and would take a long while to port over. Naughty Dog has built this engine for the PS3 so I don't expect future Uncharted games to be on anything other than PS3 based upon programming alone. If memory serves, the two guys to leave Naughty Dog for Big Red Button, were not key programmers but artists. I personally love to see what people can do with their own creative minds. The visual style of Uncharted was fantastic, It'll be great to see what Big Red Button does. All the power to them.