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#1 ZXPegasus_exe
Member since 2007 • 594 Posts
Erm Exactly how am i supposed to vote without having played the game and im likely to get the 360 AND DS version. I want the 360 mainly but the DS Version means i can play with people here since i lack a wii which quite a few people seem to have
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#2 ZXPegasus_exe
Member since 2007 • 594 Posts
Expected. But i Have SOnic 1,2,3 & Knuckles on XBLA and its a great service so as a downloadable title it sounds good, wonder how much it'll cost. 800-1200 MS Points (Not sure about the MS to PSN Points ratio)
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#3 ZXPegasus_exe
Member since 2007 • 594 Posts

Nice effort too, but you missed out Shadow The Hedgehog and Sonic CD. Advance 3 does take place quite far into the future, due to the character development in the previous game Sonic Battle, which means that Shadow the Hedgehog MUST go before it, and  Advance 1 & 2 go before Heroes, due to the time they were created, the linkability to the other games, and the Chao Gardens etc, and the lack of character development. Sonic Advance 2 also precedes Heroes, as Cream is introduced (with the backstory of how Cream would have been introduced in Heroes being completely irrelevant past an idea in development of said game).

I also left out the Game Gear games, because one & two were alternatives to the Megadrive games, as the systems could not handle the processing power. This in turn means the sequels (Sonic Chaos etc.) are alternatives, and not part of the story themselves. They have settings and stories which were also impossible to place in the main series, or contradictory. The same goes for Sonic Spinball and Sonic Fighters, as well as Sonic Jam. Also, All of those games were only created by a few staff from Sonic Team.


On a side note; Anyone played Pocket Adventure? it looks awesome.



Yeah i get what your saying. I didn't include Shadow the Hedgehog or CD just cos i couldn't make a definite question at the time but i see the connections and yeah. Truesay about the GG games, i started realising that after lloking over it more. There is probably a timeline but its not perfectly straight.  

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#4 ZXPegasus_exe
Member since 2007 • 594 Posts

[QUOTE="kbaily"] Honestly there is no real Sonic continunity just as there's no real Zelda timeline continuity.Darkmoone1

Couldn't agree more. In fact both series have some sort of time paradox issue.

Yes but Sonic is also a Walking Paradox (paradox being submitted in for contradiction which is a type of paradox, the words are interchangeable) First he's blue instead of brown (should have been white to make it more paradoxial), he runs at the speed of sound where hedgehogs are generally slower than that BY FAR, and hedgehogs can swim where sonic can't (though that the faut of the japanese developers not knowing that)> Interesting thing is, some species of hedgehog are nocturnal, so why did we need the werehog?  

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#5 ZXPegasus_exe
Member since 2007 • 594 Posts

Zelda and Sonic both have continuous timelines. Let's not even go there, because I wrote about a 3000 word essay and changed everyon's minds before for Zelda, and Sonic clearly has a plot and structure, linked by the various games.Miyamoto himself expressed that Zelda had a timeline, and although our tiny minds cannot comprehend how the timeline may work exactly, there IS definitely one. 


The reason why Sonic 2006 could be paradoxed, is because you may just want to skip it altogether, being the terrible game that it is. I once sat around my mates and played it on his Xbox, sitting there getting excited about playing. The load times were horrendous, the graphics were alright, there were clipping issues, there were dodgy controls and physics, and more plotholes than Dallas on LSD.


The timeline for Sonic goes something like this:


Sonic1, Sonic CD, Sonic 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Sonic 3D.

Sonic R,

Sonic Adventure/DX, Sonic Adventure 2/Battle

Sonic Advance, Sonic Advance 2

Sonic Heroes, 

Shadow The Hedgehog, Sonic Riders,

Sonic Battle, (After Shadow The Hedgehog, as he knows who Maria is, even though he can't remember his past, he still knows it)

Sonic Advance 3, (Set after Sonic Battle, as a new version of Emerl has been constructed)

Sonic Rush,

Sonic and The Secret Rings

Sonic Riders 2,

Sonic Rush Adventure, (Time inbetween the games)

Sonic Unleashed,

Sonic and The Black Knight,


Somewhere along the line, Sonic and the Dark Brotherhood happens, as thegames opening concludes that long ago, Sonic defeated Eggman, and that the story takes place in the near future.


You can't really count the GameGear games, simply because they were just a cash-in on the Sonic franchise for the GameGear, and they feature things which aren't continuous with the main series. Also, Sonic Fighters is just an arcade game, which features one too many emeralds.


Its a good effort although your missing alot & you would ahve to include the Game Gear games as i doubt they were cash ins. SOME of them WERE and some of them AREN'T cash-ins. Before you make a timeline, set out the games that have connections with each other and then organise it into time lines for example:

Sonic 1, 2, 3 & Knuckles are all sequential

Sonic Adventure/DX & Sonic Adventure 2/Battle

Sonic Advance 1, 2, Battle, 3 (i believe thats how it goes) 

Sonic Rush & Rush Adventure

Sonic Rivals 1 & 2

Sonic Riders & R: Zero Gravity

Sonic and the Secret Rings & and the Black Knight (They do Link) 

These are all sequels meaning that if your going to make a timline these games will all go in order now you just have to put it in with the other games that aren't or don't have sequels and there's your timeline 


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#6 ZXPegasus_exe
Member since 2007 • 594 Posts

[QUOTE="sonichedgehog45"]but didnt blaze died in sonic next gen. how is she going to be in this game? or could that be a part of the story?nintendoboy16
Well she was in Sonic Rush Adventure (which came out a year after Sonic 2006), so there is most likely a chance she'll be in a Sonic Rush 3.

Ahh but you see sonic 2006 Paradoxed itself by having Sonic and Princess Elise Going far back in time to blow out the flame of solaris before it was used meaning they never met and the game happened. Plus if they're going to make a sequel to a game that introduced her and made her an actual character then she's not going to get dropped even if she got axed in another game 

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#7 ZXPegasus_exe
Member since 2007 • 594 Posts

My ideas:

Keep the 2.5D


Sega wouldn't get rid of this because a Rush 3 would still be on DS and if they've read reviews they'll know this is the reason this game did well 

Two teams each with two characters only- I know people hate the fact that Sonic's friends are playable often, but hear me out on this. Instead of three members each team (Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Heroes). Team Sonic can be Sonic and Blaze (the main stars of the Rush games) and the other team could most likely be (and I prefer it this way) Shadow and Rouge. We've never seen them in action in sidescrollers.


Yeah. Fair enough but what would they ad to the somewhat of a story?, how would they fit in? As an easter egg unlockable that changes it so that you can play as them 2 after completing certain events but them having no relevance to the story then yes otherwise no. the problem is: if there is a Rush 3, people will expect it to be Sonic & Blaze only, New characters would have to be really well justified to be put in.


Not only that, we could have times when one character dies, the other can jump in and finish the rest of the way in case one character dies.


That would get rid of lives but but it would be a bit disjointing 

Leave the rest of the Sonic characters in the background or NOT in the game at all- Which is what Sonic Rush did. Shadow, Rouge, and Omega weren't in the game at all, and most of the friends that WEREN'T playable just sits back as background. Those characters that did that are Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Amy, etc.


I think everybody would agree with that

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#8 ZXPegasus_exe
Member since 2007 • 594 Posts

also the wii version had more daytime levels i think someone correct me on that


I heard the Wii/PS2 versions had more Night Acts. Xbox 360/PS3 versions had more Day Acts than Night Acts.

Actually the amount was equal to some degree, you see as the Wii/PS2 didn't have the complete spacing necessary to fit ll of the stages 2 things Happened: 1: Empire City (as a whole) and Mazuri acts (i think, but a part of mazuri) got cut out and in place 2: The remaining stages were cut in places to fit the discs. SO what seems like more night stages is actually the 360/PS3 Night stages Cut up in places. For example there are about 5 eggmanland night acts. Adding the target time limits each level allows adds up to about 42 mins which give or take is the length of Eggmanland on the 360/PS3.

On the Subject of Day acts, In terms of original and different day acts then yes the 360/PS3 had more, its just in the 360/PS3 we got full length night acts to sort of balance it out 

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#9 ZXPegasus_exe
Member since 2007 • 594 Posts

The Special Shoes weren't bought. They were in the Entrance Stages. Kinda of like in the Hotel in Sonic Adventure and in Pearl Harbor in SA2.sonictrainer

Lool i donf think sonic served at pearl harbour but we know what you meant (Metal Harbour if your slow)

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#10 ZXPegasus_exe
Member since 2007 • 594 Posts

[QUOTE="koolkat14"]You know what's weird? :? We haven't seen head or tails of NiGHTS at all. lf you take a look at the recent trailers and pictures, there's no sign of NiGHTS anywhere. l wonder where she is? Oh, l hope she's in. l hope she does :cry:nunchuk28

I hope Nights its on. It will make much more sense than Beat

Oh how so, this is sega All stars  that means both should be in & besides that both characters came from games that pioneered somthing, Jet Set Radio was the first to do cel shading, much like shenmue was the first to do QTE's properly (not god of war) most of them are allstars as their games got great praise but didn't sell well. And yes i do hope nights  is in there, and if they can Anyone from Burning Rangers & One of the Virtuariods from Vitrual-On and a couple of Virtua Fighter Characters