XxTheEvilxX's comments

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No Peter we get it. We are just not as stupid as you were hoping we would be. You already pimp out all your other games to the point where I am surprised we are not paying per button press at this point. You are a total scumbag who worships only money at the expense of your customer base. Rather than rewarding us, you instead push for lower quality crap, laden with micro-transaction mines.You can continue to verbally vomit on us everyday but many people will not partake in your F2P scam. We will vote with our wallets.You show your lack of business acumen by repeating the same bunch of garbage everyday.

Peter Moore: "Huh Huh... It's free to play... Huh Huh... You can try it free.. Huh Huh

Yeah Pete, that's called a DEMO you turd. By the way, since you are making so much money from us gamers, why do buy yourself some hair.

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@suplax Can I get an AMEN? GameSpot likes to write these doom and gloom stories because they are controversial and grab eyeballs. I think they do it more for page views than anything. Most people on here have said the same thing you have. They will not stop buying physical copies. If EA thinks they can pull the plug on it, people will just buy elsewhere. They can't afford to lose that much market share. Collector sets are bigger than ever now. RE 6 has like 10 different sets now with exclusives to ps3 versus xbox 360. They don't seem too worried about it. We should have a new holiday called "Punch an EA Exec for being Stupid Day." I'm all about that

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@JustinFroese Well Done!

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@Renato1984 LOL -- Puff Puff Pass EA. Thinking hurts.

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@SkamArtist You make an interesting point, however; digital works well for some kids but not for others. One will not replace the other. Your son no longer makes up the primary market for games. Back in early 90's sure. But games have become a powerhouse of entertainment. Did you Call of Duty MW3 made a billion dollars globally in just one month according to company filings for 2011. The average COD gamer is in their mid-twenties. In fact, the industry as whole shows the average gamer to be 32 years old now. They grew up on Nintendo and totally love the advancements we have with today's games. One of the popular online articles last year was "I am losing my husband to Skyrim".

So I think you make a great point. But your son's age is not the typical gamer now for the console market. Yes, there are a lot of kids with a console. But they are outnumbered by college students and young adults. Most of them prefer physical hardware to digital because of streaming issues and lack of hard drive space. The only exception to this is the PC crowd. They are older gamers also, but they spend the most too.

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@JustinFroese Amen brother! My guess to your point about physical copies is that it is a direct barrier to their preferred distribution method of Free to Play. In order for F2P to work, they need digital distribution. Free. to Play... which is a lie because it should read, Free to Start. Well that's a demo. But when it counts, you will picked apart by micro-transactions. They already do it in Madden, Mass Effect, Battlefield, etc. But that isn't enough for them. They want more and more. We all know that if they lose a $60 pricetag, they will more than make up for it with Free to Play. There is nothing free about this model. To get the true game experience will cost you triple the $60 price tag. They know what their doing. What's worse is many of these games suck in terms of quality. They also kill Single Player in favor of WoW style of game. They are already doing it with Command and Conquer. What a loss that is. RIP Command and Conquer.

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@weedman1985 @JustinFroese Even Better!!!

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@JustinFroese Thank you. They need to the shut the F*** up. Everyday some jack hole at EA is telling us how the rivers will run red, seas will boil, and the skies will fall. Enough. Free-to-play will die on the vine like the weed it is. Valve and Steam will continue to be successful for the PC crowd. The console market will continue to sell physical disks as well. Look at the multitude of high-end, overpriced collector's sets for the following games coming out: RE6, Borderlands 2, COD Black Ops II, AC 3, Halo 4, and many more. The demand is so high that many sites are reporting records sales already. Meanwhile EA tells me it is all ending tomorrow in a Michael Bay "explosion" of apocalyptic proportions. EA = Electronic Asses

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@DingKing Amen Brother! Well said. Take an already good football product from EA per Madden and NCAA and mix in a little competition, and BLAM! You would have an even better product. If they had to compete with others, it would be even better product than it is already. One good example of that is MLB The Show. This would never exist under that license agreement. Baseball kept it open so you have many options to consider. I think that improves quality over time. You have to be bigger and better to win those dollars. I also think your comment is spot on about paying a King's Ransom for those rights. The NCAA and NFL, not EA, are soley to blame for that.

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Hello DingKing,

I appreciate your comments. You make a great point. Sadly, writing them (Take-Two) would make no more of a difference than it does in this forum. They will not fight it because it is too costly. It isn't about fan loyalty as much as it is about money. My anger is over the two leagues allowing this in the first place. As far as EA goes, I don't think I'm alone in saying they suck. They are the wal-mart of video game publishers.. pushing developers out of business while squeezing every last penny out of consumers. I like a lot of EA games, but they don't make them. Their football games are not garbage, their lousy excuse for new editions are garbage. My apologies for not clarifying that. Fact is, it is time for something better. Most sites are giving it a mediocre score. I will voice my vote by not buying it, and encouraging others not to.