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Edited By Wolfkcing


I agree that female Shepard has a much better voice actor but both versions were just as immersive.

Well. There are some places on the net that seem to respond better to female leads then others. like that game Capcom is publishing. Remember Me. Most of the comments one the article here seemed to be "I don't want a female lead. It's your problem if you don't like it. not mine." The same article on Crunchy Roll(anime site) had more positive things to say about it.

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Edited By Wolfkcing

If I had been asked these questions before the facts came in, I probably would have guessed it was closer to 50/50 playing female Shepard and male. Well. Now I'm enlightened. I actually played as both male and female Shepard's. I don' particularly like male Sheppard voice and I always customized the character. I liked that feature a lot.

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@olegavi323 @Wolfkcing

That cliffhanger thing? I thought that was "good enough."XP Then again, they DID sell 8.5 million copies so maybe not. I'm all for more. It was quite the experience.

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Awesome. I didn't even know we were getting a season 2.

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I think Resident Evil 4 still felt like a game. I think that is where it differs from 5 and 6 which felt like a mess. In 4 you still felt that tension you did in the other games.

Somewhat. As the guy above me says, the ammo thing kinda throws it off.

But on your first playthroughs, it still felt more like the older games than the newer games do. I do remember thinking, "if enemies drop random amounts of ammo, how the hell is this survival horror?"

Still. The game had location and puzzles and exploration. The newer games are constantly changing set pieces.

I don't know what 5 and 6 were, but they were bland, and boring and at times just felt like a mess. Pop and stop shooting and zombies that shoot back. Yes it makes sense from a story stand point. After all, how can they be "smarter zombies" use cross bows and rpgs but think to pick up and uzi?

But from a gameplay standpoint, it clearly takes the series further from where it should be.

I feel I still may be missing a point here but that's my take at the moment.

I loved the older Resident Evils and I loved 4 even if I can't quite say why. Or even say it's quite Resident Evil.

5 and 6, just weren't very good and not very "Resident Evil."

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@Clynol @gun_blade25

True. Why say there are too many of any kind off game if you're a big fan of the genre?

I agree. The original Resident Evil's weren't scary. They did have that tension though. They had you planning and wondering how you'd deal with what come around every corner.

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I've always wanted a remake of numbe 2.

I would hand Capcom $60 right now if they would just start on it. Maybe if we all did they'd do it. Who knows tho.

Stretching it, I know, but I would like them to include all of RE 3: Nemesis too in the package.

A man can hope, can't he?

Fans have done things to show support for a game before. Crowd sourcing seems to be one of better efforts.

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I long ago noticed a distinction between some of the games I played. I realized how much I really disliked the Zelda games. I played through the first Nintendo 64 version of the game and felt nothing of the sense of adventure I felt when playing The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. I felt like all I did was move this polygon-made, mute through a world full of people that didn't matter. It really did seem pointless. Where was the character and story? There was a little of both these in the game but not enough to make me care. The A Link to the past had about as much story, true but it benefited from the fact that I was young and hadn’t played a game like it before.

I avoided Zelda games since then. I thought it must be a sense of role-play I needed. If they say "I'm the hero" I need something to save. I need the world to come alive and I need the characters to come alive. I played and beat Final Fantasy 3 (this was after I beat the first Nintendo 64 version of Zelda too) because I had nothing else to play at the time and while the story and characters were exactly what I was looking for, I actually can't stand turn based combat. Thus, I became a huge fan of the elusive Action RPG with a good story. There weren’t many in those days and for a long time after.

Even Resident Evil games made me feel like I was a hero and role playing, even though these games had b-level writing and characterization. Another gem was the Soul Reaver and Blood Omen series. The game play in some of these games was actually pretty bad but I played through just for the incredible story. Another great game that really let me feel like I was taking the role of the character was that first Spider Man game for the first Playstation. The story was pretty good and you actually felt like Spider Man. I haven’t kept up with this series (too busy) but looking at the reviews, most of the games in this series still seem to be doing well.

I later realized that there are games I do play for the thrill of playing though. Games where I realize I don't care about the story. The act of playing them is so addicting and rewarding. Games like God of War and Bayonetta. Left 4 Dead is another one. I've also grown attached to fighting games. I don't know why really. Perhaps it’s the possibility of pulling off that last minute, from out of no-where win maybe? Or dominating the match and wining without taking a single hit. They do have some interesting characters in fighting games that I do love but, of course, they are hardly ever developed or wrapped an around an original, thought provoking plot.

So. You can get the richness out of games you get from other media. They are rare but there are some great characters and stories in games that you will think about even when you aren't playing them. Why not just read a book? Because you can't influence the story in a book aside from maybe throwing the book out a window. Games offer an alternative take on the story telling format and while many may believe story and strong narrative have no place in games, this article clearly shows and interest in getting more out of our games. At least on occasion.

There really is no reason we can't have choose your adventure games made up mostly of cinematics if there are people who will pay to enjoy it. Don't call it a game if you want but that doesn't mean it shouldn’t exist. This was suggested for the Mass Effect games by one of the writers. Why not? I wouldn’t likely use it. The Mass Effect game play is too much fun but it could just be an option. The Walking Dead Game is almost an example of this. There are still puzzle elements and action sequences in that game but they are minimal.

There is also the social component to many games. Left 4 Dead is just almost a different game when you play with others. You end up telling stories about the silly things that occur. My brother turned a corner and the Tank was just standing there. My brother made an audible noise of alarm and made his character take off away from the threat. The Tank pursed. My brother happened to look down while running for a second and Zoey came rolling up under his character's feet because the Tank had tossed her. It was awfully damn funny.

Surely that's about as good as something that might happen when you and a buddy go fishing? There are also games you can play with your family. Games about dancing. Casual online games are a good way to spend an hour or two with friends and relatives living in other states.

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Thanks. I was thinking that but was hoping there was an edit button i just wasn't seeing.

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damn. A lot of typos. I can delete it but not edit it? 0_e