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#1 ViewtifulScott
Member since 2005 • 878 Posts
Jim Sterling is good for comedic relief, his actual opinions on gaming are worthless.
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#2 ViewtifulScott
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Because people played their last game and liked it, and are excited to see what they can do on more powerful hardware with their next one. It's not exactly difficult to figure out.
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#3 ViewtifulScott
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The one about PS2 and Dreamcast games on PSN? Jim Sterling over at Destructoid just pointed out something about it I hadn't noticed. Here is the list, and what do you see on there near the middle? "Vanquish", and it's supposed possibility of PS3/PSP interoperability. That's right, the same Vanquish that was recently revealed as Platinum Games next title, which Sega is publishing. Pretty exciting to me, because I can't wait to see some Dreamcast cIassics up for sale. Specifically, Jet Grind Radio and Shenmue would make me as giddy as a teenaged girl at a Twilight premiere. Really awesome to see this list retroactively granted so much credibility.

Now, let's see if Sony annouces it's PS2 game downloading service at this upcoming E3. For what it's worth, we've also already seen evidence of Sonic Adventure on XBL, so the DC games are coming sooner than later to a console near you. Do you know where I can find sailors?

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#4 ViewtifulScott
Member since 2005 • 878 Posts

Your insistence on dancing around the subject at hand while trying and failing to be witty only proves you've been completely and soundly defeated.

You quoted a line from the Mass Effect review to showcase a bias for action/shooters that the ME2 review supposedly showcases, despite showing no quotations from the actual ME2 review, and you did a terrible job actually explaining how this showcases a bias on the behalf of the person who wrote the review, who then went on to write the Dragon Age review, which directly showcases the exact opposite of what you claimed... and it was written by the same reviewer. You claimed Gamespot has a bias towards action/shooters over everything else, and have failed miserably to actually justify it, instead writing off all the numerous counter points made against you, and insisting that we do your work for you in justifying your stance. That's the old "Google it yourself" line, which translated to straight talk means "I'm wrong, but I refuse to admit it".

You also failed to answer any of the glaringly obvious holes in your logic that Grammaton pointed out earlier, as you opted to try to continue arguing about word usage to avoid admitting your argument sucks.

- Your title suggests that Gamespot as a whole is biased but you offer only one review to support that claim. It is illogical to assert the entire site is biased based upon one review by one singular reviewer, even if that review was actually biased.

- Your interpretation of the quote isn't particularly astute and you make several inferences that are not supported elsewhere in the whole of the review or in any other samplings of this particular reviewer's body of work.

- You stubbornly refuse to cite any other examples of bias at Gamespot, instead using misdirection and other excuses for your lack of effort in mounting a viable defense of your assertions. This is your topic and your thread; nobody else should have to perform your legwork and telling people to stick to analyzing this one tiny quote or inviting them to do their own research is lazy and certainly not conducive to persuading anybody that you are anything more than an injured fanboy with abloated vocabulary.

- As others have pointed out, that Dragon Age Origins review effectively decimates your already weak argument. Again, your claim is that this bias at Gamespot applies to the entire organization and that review directly refutes such an assertion.

- Your argument takes an even harder hit with the revelation that Kevin VanOrd wrote both reviews. Even if you were to infer that this particular journalist was biased against turn based RPG conventions based on the ME review, that theory falls flat in the face of his Dragon Age Origins review for the PC. This is a turn based, classical RPG in every sense of the word and he actually scores it higher than Mass Effect. Because you refuse to offer any other evidence to support your claims, this information alone ends the debate. You quite literally have no argument unless you can substantiate your claims using other examples. (which again, you still refuse to do) This also suggests your original thesis was never very strong to begin with because even a college freshman in his/her first argument class would look at the full body of work by that journalist before citing a quote from one of his editorials as evidence of bias. Even more interesting is that not only have you not provided evidence of Gamespot's supposed bias but those who brought that Dragon Age review to light have also made it difficult if not impossible to prove any bias on the part of VanOrd personally.


But I doubt you ever will, because you can't. You simply aren't any good at debating, and cannot get over your internet ego long enough to admit that you are outclassed. Maybe it's time for you to go back wherever you've been all these years since making this account, because this is just not working out for you. You've convinced absolutely no one, and embarrassed yourself. Better to quit while you're ahead. Funny you bring up Fox News though, as when I imagine who I am debating with, I get a clear picture of either Glenn Beck or O'Reilly, blubbering and making excuses... desperately signalling to someone to cut their guests mic so they can salvage some shred of their ego and pretend to be right even though a few million people just witnessed their argument being completely destroyed.

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#5 ViewtifulScott
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Considering 2010 is now only one month old, I really fail to see how you can make the judgment.
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#7 ViewtifulScott
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I see evidence of the bias I'm talking about frequently on this site, but I'm not going to write a white paper on the subject, or add an appendix. Fortunately, I don't have to. If you don't think the review I discuss -- which is the only textual proof anticipated in the title of the thread -- makes the assumptions I claim it makes, then you disagree.SpankyBurrito

"If you've played a BioWare fantasy RPG in the past, you'll feel right at home with the combat system. By clicking on your target or pressing the attack button, you don't just swing a sword, but you approach your target and queue up your attack. Once your party has gained access to a good number of spells, stances, and skills, battlefields explode with bright colors and raucous sound effects, and it's a lot of fun to switch back and forth between party members, managing your abilities and taking advantage of various spell combos to wreak havoc. There are dozens of different types of enemies to slice up, from giant spiders and darkspawn, to ghosts and walking trees, to demons and, of course, dragons. Allies will join you in the biggest battles, and the best of these, particularly those toward the end of the game, are thrilling. On the PC, they're particularly challenging, and many battles benefit from frequent pausing and tactical thinking, so that you can queue up attacks across your entire party."

-Gamespot review of Dragon Age.

Your response?

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#8 ViewtifulScott
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You can actually see it on youtube, just do a search for Mass Effect love scene. I've seen more skin on Law and Order.
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#9 ViewtifulScott
Member since 2005 • 878 Posts

[QUOTE="Treflis"]Videogames are entertainment. Just like some people watch TV or Read a book to be entertained, some of us play a videogame from time to time.Mikethechimp

Some of us, and I believe many people on this forum, play it all day long and disregard their other responsibilities.

That's a personal problem then, not something you should project onto the rest of us.
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#10 ViewtifulScott
Member since 2005 • 878 Posts
It`s simple, make sure you do everything and break everything, I bought more than half the accessories in one playthrough. And they do contain a purpose, Within a length of 2 chapters 200- 300,000 halos should be collected at least from what I do, idk if combos give you more halos but I know I alwasys have alot.CleanNJerk
Keeping the combo chain alive is the key. Remember, taunts keep it going, and taunted enemies yield more points per hit. If you find the enemies have a good distance between them, make sure to hold down the X button to have Bayonetta fire her gun at them as you cross the gap. You can also quickly cross the gap with an technique. I think it was one of the crow techs, when in human form you can press R1 twice quickly and teleport instantly behind an enemy.