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#1 Vangaurdius
Member since 2007 • 671 Posts
Firstly, I'd like to say that this can be applied to more than just games. This is the perfect example of what has happened to everyone. But that's a discussion for another time. Perhaps a little to complicated to be a simple metaphor though. Not quoting. Easier that way. Battlefield 3 has less classes. They got rid of the commander position and the voice system. There are less vehicles, the maps all feel the same. They added regenerating health and shrunk the maps. They didn't offer any mod support either. The hit detection was terrible, and still is terrible. The unlock system from BF2 and 2142 was changed to mimic call of duty. There are no longer faction specific weapons. Hell, they got rid of the factions. That's not even bringing in the expansion packs which brought added even more. Battlefield lost what battlefield was because casuals don't like to think. They want instant gratification and that's exactly what they did with battlefield. Command and Conquer is another series they ruined. They got rid of faction specific units because their shoddy engine (they admitted that the engine for 3 was terrible) couldn't handle it. Take how the nod could burrow underground. That was the example they used. The engine can't handle that and would lock up and fixing it would require too much effort and time because of the pressure EA was applying. Then there was red alert 3 which had forgone what Red Alert 1 and 2 had. It went from a game with some silly units but had a distinct feel to them to rejects from the cartoon network. The campy humor and ribbing on awful and cheesy action movies was gone where they tried to be serious, instead of laughing at how awful and hilarious it was, it induced cringing. A perfect example of how the heart and soul of a company dies once EA takes control. People bring up Activision but what has Activision done? Rhythm games were never for gamers. They were made for the high score crowd and family fun. Good riddance. Keep that in movie theaters. They created their call of duty cash cow. But they didn't step on any toes doing it. They didn't ruin FPS gaming. They created a series that set out to provide instant gratification and did it well. They can't be blamed for the actions of other companies trying to copy them because they want the casual crowd. A slight throwback to earlier, but battlefield 2 and 2142 and had a perfect balance between tactics and brainless shooters. 2142 was an amazing game and the titan mode was a great idea to the point where many well renowned servers played it exclusively. While the expansion pack was somewhat shoddy, it did provide more content and the new mobile fortress of doom was a great idea and balanced well. They had left all that behind because there's more money in the brainless masses. It is not Activisions fault and you can respect Kotick, he doesn't play any false humility that insults your intelligence, he tells you straight up. I can respect that. I can't respect false niceties. I'll just some up the bioware stuff because everyone is already informed about all the things going on. From the literally nazi like censorship on their forums that stemmed from the complete and utter disaster that was TOR, to creating false controversy with not only spam bots, but having actual employees at it too. Then ignoring why people were hating on Hamburger (I'll never use her actual name, Hamburger is far more amusing) and review sites automatically jumping to their defense in order to protect their profit margins. Bioware can only really provide media attention, and EA is exploiting that. There are of course games like mirrors edge. It was a great runner that could have had an amazing sequel. But that went out the window. It's not casual enough with enough crazy explosions. They had hinted at a sequel, but they were taking it in a completely different direction and focusing it almost entirely on the shooting. There was Dead Space, but it was a lousy game that relied on predictable jump scares and offered no challenge to anyone except those who struggle with hand to eye coordination. Then there's crysis. The first game was not only an amazing technical achievement, but the gameplay was awesome. Just watch the crysis ironman runs on youtube. You'll see what I mean. They got rid of that too. Once again, not casual enough, and it was punishing. You couldn't just use your abilities as a crutch. You had to think about when and how to use them. Plan out your moves. Even on the hardest difficulty in Crysis 2 you don't need to. They didn't even properly utilize their own engine because of the consoles holding them back, as they always do. There was Dragon Age but it was meh at best. It lacked the complexity to be an RPG, but with added depth and variety they could have had a good game on their hands. Other than that it was series of mediocre titles that went straight for instant gratification. I'm skipping Spore, what happened with that sums up EA perfectly. They, much like Ubisoft and their DRM are anti-consumer. They don't want quality titles that push gaming further into the future, forcing other devs to step their game up, they instead want simple dumb games for the illiterate masses. They dumb down games and throw little rewards, medals, achievements, and unlocks at you. They put the barest amount of effort possible and work their employees to death. They take known franchises and ruin what made them great like Black and White, and create a hand holding carrot stick appearance to make you feel like you accomplished something when there's nothing of substance there. They encourage unintelligent, extremely easy, soulless, and half-hearted games that never punish you for your mistakes. The fact that they are doing so is insulting, and the fact that people defend them even more so. I am mad, I'm furious that I can see what has happened with movies, books, and music happening to gaming. What's next? Sports? I want you to stop for a second. Think of the how glitch ridden battlefield was, how awful their patch support for TOR was, the pointless difficulty found in their single player titles that only make them superficially harder. Making you have less health, giving the enemy way more, does not make a game harder. Everything I talked about was done deliberately and, leading you on so you could convince yourself that you had fun. I mean, you unlocked all that stuff didn't you? Now, before you quietly hide your anger, thinking you can hide your feelings behind emoticons because I've provided valid reasons for disliking what you like and being perfectly frank about my frustration. Why don't you stop and look at the bigger picture for one time in your entire life? Instead of desperately running to the defense of your drug dealer because it's easier to ignore the issue than confront it. I want YOU to HONESTLY ANSWER THIS QUESTION. Not for anyone else, not for me. For you. Is this what you want?
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#2 Vangaurdius
Member since 2007 • 671 Posts


I loathe all this EA hate, they do not deserve it and did more this generation then any other publisher with close to 2 dozen games at least AA. I did a blog on this, and people are just not aware at all at all the information. It's just blind stupidity.


Yes, yes they do. You either have to be 12, mentally challenged, or work for them to think otherwise.

Sigh, such a valid arguement you got.

I merely responded in kind.
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#3 Vangaurdius
Member since 2007 • 671 Posts


Exactly, this gaming community has some of the most fickle and ignorant sheeps of any sort of industry. It's sort of like people with anti-American sentiment, they believe everything that they hear. pathetic


What the hell are you talking about. You illiterate children don't even know why people are mad. Mass Effect 3 was a terrible game right from the start, and battlefield 3 is simply call of duty with vehicles. They've ruined franchises like Battlefield and Command and Conquer. What made those games great is gone. But you're probably to young to know it. I also don't think you know what sheep means you lemmings. And you probably think people hate America because it's America too. It isn't blind stupidity either, you're just to lazy and unintelligent to actually figure out why people hate them.

You are the leader of hate EA group or something? If you say people dont hate EA, because of Origin and Mass Effect 3 ending. You should maybe read and you would notice people loathe Origin (becuase it has problems now, "EA sucks"). I guess the same people didnt use Steam when it was under 2 years or so. Because it was same buggy mess and had problems like Origin. And origin is about 1 year old.

Also people, in this forums too, blame EA for Bioware's Mass Effect 3 ending.

Battlefield 3 is great game. Excellent successor to battlefield 2.

No it's not. And why the hell are you using these forums as a judge for why EA sucks? I already stated why Battlefield 3 is far worse, and with a little bit of research (as in not gamespot and ign) you'd learn why. But then you'd have to leave your precious little bubble of protection here. You can't use the "one year old" argument because somebody else has already done a proper digital distribution platform, and therefor they know what they need to make it work. They ignored that and got deserved anger from the community. And I'm not the leader of some group you idiot. I never said those weren't reasons people dislike EA. Those are just two examples and you ignored the rest.
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#4 Vangaurdius
Member since 2007 • 671 Posts



I loathe all this EA hate, they do not deserve it and did more this generation then any other publisher with close to 2 dozen games at least AA. I did a blog on this, and people are just not aware at all at all the information. It's just blind stupidity.


EA publishes excellent games. Battlefield 3 and Mass Effect 3 off the top of my head.

I, too, cant understand the EA hate. Many pc gamers hate EA because of origin and want EA games to be on steam. Well guess what... steam was crap too, before it hit 2-3 years old (buggy mess). Origin is under 1 year old?

And EA gets hate from Bioware's decision about Mass Effect 3 ending...

Exactly, this gaming community has some of the most fickle and ignorant sheeps of any sort of industry. It's sort of like people with anti-American sentiment, they believe everything that they hear. pathetic

What the hell are you talking about. You illiterate children don't even know why people are mad. Mass Effect 3 was a terrible game right from the start, and battlefield 3 is simply call of duty with vehicles. They've ruined franchises like Battlefield and Command and Conquer. What made those games great is gone. But you're probably to young to know it. I also don't think you know what sheep means you lemmings. And you probably think people hate America because it's America too. It isn't blind stupidity either, you're just to lazy and unintelligent to actually figure out why people hate them.
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#5 Vangaurdius
Member since 2007 • 671 Posts

I loathe all this EA hate, they do not deserve it and did more this generation then any other publisher with close to 2 dozen games at least AA. I did a blog on this, and people are just not aware at all at all the information. It's just blind stupidity.

Yes, yes they do. You either have to be 12, mentally challenged, or work for them to think otherwise.
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#6 Vangaurdius
Member since 2007 • 671 Posts
If doom was done todayIf quake was done today It's not going to be pretty.
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#7 Vangaurdius
Member since 2007 • 671 Posts
EA will be fine Switch it to 5 years. Always makes me laugh. Tortanic sure worked well eh EA? They can rot. Everything they get their grubby hands on they end up ruining.
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#8 Vangaurdius
Member since 2007 • 671 Posts
You win.El_Zo1212o
Taken from various sources. It was a team effort of numerous people to figure that stuff out. I still can't get images to post on gamespot so I had to type it all out. Don't want to steal credit where credit isn't due.
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#9 Vangaurdius
Member since 2007 • 671 Posts
Doom Guy: His maximum run speed is 819.52 map units per second (32 map units=1 meter, based on guy's height) Means he runs at 25.61 meters per second (57.2897 MPH) Usain Bolt ran 100 meter dash in 9.69 seconds. Doomguy could run it in 3.905 seconds. (148% faster) This means he can outrun a lion and keep that speed indefinitely with approximately 200 pounds of equipment. In TF2 doomguy can outrun everything but arrows and the manmelter. (you have to convert to hammer units for TF2) Summary of Doomguy's story: Deimos get invaded and everyone dies except for Doomguy. He then goes and tries to clear Deimos but he gets ambushed and dies, then "respawns" in hell because Deimos became a part of it. So then he clears out THAT hell base place and its new commander and actually get to the outer levels of hell. Then he clears that out and kills the guy leading the invasion. Then the guy in charge of Hell GIVES you a teleporter to Earth so he'll stop messing stuff up. Yeah, you read that right. Hell brought him back to life because he kicked it's behind. When he teleports to Earth there are demons there. So you meet the last few survivors, get them on a space ship, so they can get out of there. The problem is the place that allows it to launch is overrun by demons. So then he kills all those demons, and launches the ship saving humanity. Now this walking god of destruction is getting kinda of tired, so he decides to take a nap. Then some jerkwad commander wakes you up because "Thanks for the help, but we found out the demons are coming from your home town." So then he gets back up. He fights his way to his hometown and go through the portal because there are demons that need killing. Then he fights his way through the SERIOUS part of hell, then kills SATAN. (unless Plutonia/TnT are canon, then you just killed Satan's best friend) Now he's the most powerful human in all video games ever. Even JRPG's can't match doomguy. They need a team, doom guy punches things so hard they explode. Another thing to keep in mind. Doom uses two bytes to measure sector height, maximum value is 65536 units (height value between -32768 and 32768). Doomguy can jump from maximum height (minus his height of 56 units, so 65480) to minimum height without taking any falling damage. So as far as we know according to the Doom engine he can fall from at least 2 kilometers and not take any damage at all.
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#10 Vangaurdius
Member since 2007 • 671 Posts
Because "nice guys" aren't actually nice guys. Real nice guys do get women, whiny people who are only nice when they want something do not.