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#1 ValtheJean
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Funny Val, being that most of the RPG's I come up with have more depth than these. As a matter of fact, Demo and I are the only 2 that come up with any depth in our union. Oh and yeah, by the way, in terms of depth, I don't think that rip off of Portal was very bright. Oh yeah, failed to mention that didn't you? And the reason I don't contribute anything is because when 3 started, I was but a noob. When 4 rolled around, the Portal rip off was so bad, there was nothing I could actually do, since I knew the direction it was going just by playing the game. If you want me to contribute, fine, I'll see what I can do.


Magna rushes at the monster and grabs it by the neck, as he slams it to the ground. "You may need some help." He unleashes gatling gun rounds into the beast. It soon gets up however, and punches Magna, sending him into a wall. "Chaos Cannon!!!" A large beam comes out of the wall. Amazingly, the creature goes through the beam, as he comes out the other side and punches Magna.


@Dem: Although I appreciate being accredited to this, this was all entirely Sonicphc's idea. I really haven't had any say in them. I may or may not present an idea I had, but frankly I'm hesitant to do so at the current situation.

As for you, s0:

Now, that's an interesting statement you put there. If you would care to back that up, I would be ever so grateful. However, I will say that I did some perusing through your little RPG union, and I found a few interesting things.

Firstly, that adventure you first made, there was not only no depth to it, but it was already a complete bite off of already existing things. Here is the prompt to your "in depth" story:


Deep in the bowels of hell, lives evil dark creatures. These bloodthirsty monsters have many names, but people mostly refer to them as demons. These evil creatures have longed for a way to reach the surface and claim this planet as their own. They are waiting, watching, waiting for the darkness of this planet to grow so they can feast upon the power to rise up and take the world. They will stop at nothing until they acquire what they desire. That is why they are making their move now. Upon the day of the eclipse, an ancient portal, dormant for over a thousand years, will open. The darkness of the eclipse shall open this portal, and unleash the terrors of hell it contains. Once it starts, the whole world as we know it, will be no more. Is there a possible way to stop this eclipse? Or, is the world ending like how it was foretold by the lord? Who knows. What we do know is, it will be a very bloody eternity.

This is the prompt. In this story, rumor is going around that an eclipse is coming, that it will spell the end of this world. Our characters must discover what is going on, before it's too late. There's a reason it's dark, which will be told as the story progresses. Yeah, I can get very evil."

Interesting, so, now how long did it take you to realize this was a complete bite off of Hellgate:London (which was already taking from DOOM)? Or perhaps you were just hoping no one would have heard of it? Did you have any sort of context to that, or is it simply an invasion? You see, you are confusing depth with originality. There is nothing wrong from taking other ideas if you contrast them, or add DEPTH to them. Depth is where there is much more than simply: "Hero A fights Villain B, saves World C".

And actually, I thought that "rip" of Portal was very clever. You see, there is a fine line you seem to fail at noticing when it comes to plagiarism. You see, there is using something as inspiration, or there is complete biting off. If you actually paid attention to the Portal RP (which, of course, you didn't), you would see that it was actually ME that started taking quotes from Portal because I felt like making the reference. In itself, the only similarity between Portal and that was that it was a giant research facility in which you are trapped and forced to go through many different experiments. Which I will remind you has already been done. Portal's creativity came from its development in the puzzles, and the character of "GlAdOs".

Now, your little topic right there is a completely different direction. You offer no changes, or subtle alterations which distinguish it from its predecessors. There is certainly no depth, as it is just (once again) more robots (or in this case demons) coming to destroy you, and you have to fight them. Perhaps you had best delve on your own perceptions of depth before you even attempt to justify your motives, hmm?

I fail to see how you had nothing to contribute to that Portal RP. The point of it was to DETRACT people from spending hours fighting (AS WAS EXPERIENCED IN THE PREVIOUS ONE) doing absolutely nothing to progress the story, and so they were brought into an environment which was SUPPOSED to stimulate intellectualism. Of course, that all went to hell when all you could think of was sending more Robots. The POINT was to get people to develop clever and ingenious ALTERNATIVES to solving problems OTHER THAN using weapons. Of course, since you clearly lack any sort of creative intelligence, it was hoping for far too much.

I also kind of find it rather hillarious that you said: "If you want me to contribute, fine, I'll see what I can do." and yet all you did in that post was battle.

Now, I have deterred from my original purpose with these. The point (although amusing to me, I will admit) was not to simply point fingers and tell you how terrible your RPing has been (which yes, I will admit was most of the posting). All I want is for you to either:

1) Simply leave the union if you can't handle your uncontrolled remarks against the Rp's.

2) Reform what you are doing and make an HONEST attempt to contribute positively.

I wont just simply "leave you in the dark", so to speak. Frankly, if you want HELP with ideas on how to contribute, ask any of us. We are all more than happy to work together, you just simply need to throw a bone. Think about the situation, the prompt. Think about what our characters have done, and where they are going. Analyze this, and come up with some sort of idea that will bring about resolution. As your character attempts to accomplish that resolution, other player's will think of their own ideas, and pursue them. As such, adopt your ideas with their own to formulate a story line. THAT is the purpose behind these. All you have to do is break away from fighting robots.

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#2 ValtheJean
Member since 2005 • 966 Posts

ZZZ....mmm...huh? Is this RPG still going? I fell asleep due to lack of interest for it's boring story. Eh, five more minutes...zzz...Soniczero1993

So, I leave for a few weeks, only to find THIS is what you have been doing? Look, let me tell you things as they actually are. Because frankly, I'm really getting sick of your attitude.

You, sir, live in a COMPLETELY delusional world. You have no CONCEPT of reality. I may have only been involved in three of the RP's, but it's more than enough to get tired of your &itching You complain that Sonicphc's topics are boring, or restrict the characters too much. Do you have any idea what you are saying, oh wait, OF COURSE YOU DON'T. The topics are boring to you because you get tired of not being able to CONTRIBUTE at all. You say your characters are restricted too much because YOU CAN'T BLOW UP THE GOD DAMN WORLD!

What the hell have you contributed to ANY of these rps? Oh wait, I can sum up years of posting into one, small sentence: "AND THEN MORE ROBOTS SHOW UP". That's it! That is the only thing you can possibly even think of! All you do is fly around beating on Robots. You don't add ANYTHING to the storyline, and then complain that it's boring. Here's a newsflash for you genius, ADD SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T INVOLVE YOUR OBVIOUSLY DBZ-ESSQUE BATTLES. It's like the one thought process that moves through your mind is: "Oh wait, I haven't killed robots in a while, let's fight some more". And look at your character! What kind of messed up God Modder are you? As mentioned before, it's just a retarded imitation of DBZ. The traditional: "Oh yes, I can destroy the world with a single blast. But for plot purposes, I'm just going to ignore that and go on some tirade about looking for "a worthy opponent"." Maybe next time, before you go into your little pu$$y fit about how much you hate this RP and leave, then eventually come crawling back because of some insecurity unknown to me, just don't bother. Why don't you do us all a favor, and JUST LEAVE? Oh wait, of course, I forgot, you get some sort of sadistic pleasure making a complete ass of yourself. So, if you INSIST on staying here, why don't you do something productive instead of being some winy &itch that no one wants around.

And what the hell kind of moron says these things are too restrictive? The only things you CAN'T do is some retarded blow up the earth maneuver, or just flat out god modding. Both of which you have been playing against. Let me give you some advice, if this were just straight: "Rock beats Paper" then yes, go ahead and make your god awful singular character without any depth whatsoever. But frankly, the point of these things is to jump-start creativity. That doesn't work, however, when creativity to you means not having any sort of resolution or depth, and simply fight monsters all day. Your problem is that you want your character to be a freaking god. Guess what Einstein, anyone can make a godly character with near limitless power. Look at my first character! I was moronic in his creation because he was too much of a "I can do everything" character. What's the point of being able to do anything? All that does it separate you from everyone else, because you have no need of them. And I swear, I'm literally going to have to rip someone's heart out if I hear another: "Is that the best you can do? Ha, you're so pathetic against me, blah blah f_ucklng blah." The point is that even the WEAKEST of characters can eventually win because they use their surroundings, or your intelligence to their advantage. If you go with this attitude of: "No one is gona beat me, I'm a bloody f_ucklng god" then you aren't going to enjoy it very much.

Another thing with your recent activity that simply flat out confuses me: if you're a sonic fan, why the hell do you have to literally beat the living daylights out of him EVERY CHANCE YOU GET? I mean, these RP's get so freaking weird because not only is Sonic (who is SUPPOSED to be the focus in these things) not even relevant, but he's like some f_ucklng pu$$y to your characters. You beat him around like some small puppy sack that just got in your way. Here's a thought, maybe he keeps beating Robotnic because, he is, well, USEFUL. It's like you've made him some completely incompetent boob who can't even defend himself! How the hell would HE be some well known hero if there was some maniacal robot that kept whipping the $hit out of him. And what, do you get some sort of pleasure levelling him to a pulp? "And then I smash him into a boulder, a smouldering crater is all that's left, oh wait, but he didn't die because otherwise I wouldn't have some f_ucklng meat puppet to anally rape for another post". Maybe if you did something with Sonic other than just smashing him into something that would obviously pop the poor hedgehog into a small little puddle of blood, you would find some happiness other than your bizarre "lets kill the guy I'm a fan of".

It's sad to see people throw away good opportunities like this. Here is a chance to express yourself creatively, and all you can do is &itch to the next guy saying that life isn't fair. Go be some suicidal emo somewhere else! You've made it very clear that you don't enjoy being in these, THEN LEAVE!

If you can't come up with anything better, DON'T PUT YOURSELF in these situations. Here's your chance to be a big boy, just walk away and GET ON with your life. I'm sick and tired of people like you acting like complete douches-bags to everyone because you lack the ability to, I don't know, THINK.

So, next time you think that this rp isn't going well. Here's an idea, COME UP WITH SOMETHING INTERESTING. I GUARANTEE to you, the MOMENT you do something OTHER THAN sending more robots to fight, this will start getting fun.

The reason why it seems that sonicphc seems to control the story to you is because you offer NOTHING to go with. Look at Sonichomeboy and what he did, he added that whole thing with his parents, and it got into a giant sub-plot developing his character. And hey, look at the miracle, it brought us even CLOSER to finishing the rp. And then you had to come in being all: "Since I can't think of anything, I'll just randomly attack one of the characters, because EVERYONE wants to just have endless DBZ battles :/ ".

Here's something for you to think about: your coming into the plot destroyed this story you think is "so boring". The characters were already on their way to resolve the conflict, and then you just show up completely f_ucklng everything up!

Which leads me to my next point. Want to know WHY no one has been interacting with your character? It's because you keep RANDOMLY flying in, only interested in fighting. You COMPLETELY deter from the story, just so you can satisfy your blood-lust for a few more posts. How about incorporating your story with everyone elses, huh? Why don't you try something OTHER than forcing your plot on everyone else. Watch, it'll do miracles for you.

Now that I've let off these thoughts, I HOPE that you will actually take these to heart (even though I realize I'm already asking FAR too much). Instead of acting like the little childish boy you've been, act like your age. Listen to what I'm actually saying to you, and who knows, maybe you'll actually create a character that's worth interacting with. And if not, well, frankly I don't care. Even if I have wasted my time talking to a brick wall, it's about time I told you what I really thought. I'm tired of being some little middle man who is just there to deter from the stifling conflict. The point of that union I made was so that I could finally speak my mind, free from your &itching. Instead, you used that as another method to express your unending hatred towards sonicphc.

With that said, let's have some ACTUAL resolution to this plot. As opposed to just complaining about your insecurities.

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#3 ValtheJean
Member since 2005 • 966 Posts

Gerith chuckles and waves his hand. "No no, that is quite alright. Your offer is appreciated, however my role has now changed. I no longer am an acting force here, and I have given you all that I can. In the days to come, I hope that your son will remember and reflect on what I have taught him, for that is all I ask. The fate of this world now lies on the shoulders of those children you see before you. My role was simply to guide and to instruct, not to act. I now realize that I have been rather foolish, and have paid for those infractions. In life, we cannot predict the lessons we will learn, or the experiences we gain, we can only accept them. Before, I thought my role was to be great, to become something far beyond what we might know or expect. But now I see I am just simply another pawn in the great scheme of life."

He continues. His voice though has changed dramatically, he now no longer has the "Bitter, Snappish" tones of an old man. But now, they are sympathetic, and caring. "This world is far too complicated for someone like me. I am just a simple creature with simple ideals. You should be proud of your child, he has developed quite astutely. In fact, it may even be him that saved me from my own corruption. Good...evil...Right....wrong. It no longer matters anymore. Life in its entirety is to change and evolve, and so I will do so as well. The fate of Chaos Earth and what will follow is no longer in my hands. It is time for me to accept the changing winds. For now, I bid you farewell, as I go to my broken homeland. It is there, where the shattered ghosts of the past shall guide me to whatever end."

With that, he slowly climbs back into the Bathysphere, closes the hatch, and instantly disappears.


Back in the underground city which he once called home. Zaer'dreth, along with many other "Chaos Monsters" under Gerith's control appear to be waiting for him.

Zaer'Dreth smiles. "We have been waiting for you. The nexus is prepared, all we need now is to wait for the others to end Chaos Earth and then..."

Gerith raises his hand. "No...No Zaer'dreth. We will not..."

Zaer'Dreth's face changes dramatically into an enraged look. "WHAT?" He screams. "What has been our purpose this WHOLE time?"

Gerith's eyes glow brightly, the chaos monsters begin to scream frantically, eventually fading into dust. Zaer'Dreth is left alone, on the floor, barely "alive" (or at least what you could call that).

Gerith begins to walk down the morose streets of his ruined home. "No Zaer'Dreth. It is time to rise above this. Yes, the energies of Chaos Earth would first funnel through the Nexus here before returning to their original owners. Yes, if I had stood there, and channelled these energies I could become a force beyond imagination. But I have seen what this power brings. It will not give me what I truly desire, for that is impossible. A single creature is far too insignificant to try and change the entire world. Everything eventually will crumble beneath him, leaving him even less than he started. The only thing I desire now is to live what is left of my life in peace, without the Chaos that has abruptly disturbed it. I now shall wander these shattered halls, a silent guardian of the secrets and knowledge within. This world is far too large for me to change..."

As Gerith wanders down the halls of his city, he pensively meditates on the events that occurred. "Strange, really. There was a point where I had the entire world in the palm of my hand. I could have performed the most incredible feats of power, and I turned it down. was seeing the innocence in that child that finally brought me to this resolution. Despite my efforts, he would not turn on his ideals. He would not adapt to the circumstances. Perhaps that is a power far greater than the one I refused? Perhaps...or maybe I simply envy the relationships it brings, and the warmth therein. Regardless...I sent them on the correct path, and I am sure they will not fail their quest. I may not admit it openly, but I do wish them well." He chuckles at that moment, and adds: "even for that annoying bionic creature...Kyson was it?"

Zaer'Dreth slowly fades away, leaving a solemn darkness in the city that was once a magnificent metropolis. And there, Gerith slowly awaits the last of his days....

-End Gerith-


Yeah, sorry for pulling this at the last minute. College has been really kicking my buttocks time-wise, and I want to have a little bit of time to catch up. I'll probably join in the next RP that occurs, but for now, I'm going to leave it at this. I decided it best not to drag the story with what I had planned (which I kind of explained to some extent, excluding the motive, in this post), and just let the ending be the ending of Chaos Earth. It probably seems out of character, but I kind of like it this way, it gives some resolution to Gerith. I also wanted to end this with him not being evil, so that worked out. I know he seemed rather evil at times, but it would have worked out. ;) .

Anyway, sorry once again. Enjoy the rest of the RP, and I'll see you guys in the next one (hopefully).

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#4 ValtheJean
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I apologize if I have made this confusing, I always assumed you guys understood what I was doing. Basically, I've been making a point that he wants to end Chaos Earth but (just like me) has no idea HOW to do it. That's kind'a why I need you guys to make the first move, because I have an ending all plotted out, just it needs to be right as Chaos Earth ends. And as an FYI, I have told you about it before sonicphc, back when we thought we were ending the rpg. If you'd like, I'll PM you and refresh your memory.


Gerith claps his hands together, and for once he actually seems happy without being fake. "Well then, I suggest we retrace our steps then. It is exactly where we left it." He starts moving in the general direction where the (Thingy) is.

*I'm just going to assume you all follow since we haven't really anything else to do.*

Gerith assumes his original position in the "pilot's seat". He turns to Kyson. "As before, I will require some sort of coordinates. Considering you would most likely know where this 'New Orleans' is, I will hand the controls to you." With that, the levers and whatnot shift to the "co-pilot's chair", which Gerith obviously wants Kyson in. He explains all of the controls and whatnot that I can't bother to actually type telepathically to Kyson.

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#5 ValtheJean
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Gerith growls. "Well then, we seem to be, once again, in a path of indecision and confusion. However you decide to resolve this, do it quickly."

He turns his attention to Eddie, of whom he feels he has been neglecting. {Your thoughts are troubled. Perhaps you can be more specific to what bothers you, and I might ease the confusion. These past few days have been trying for you, that I understand. But the last thing you or I can afford is delaying over confusion and doubt.}

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#6 ValtheJean
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Gerith growls internally. He had hoped to use the "Bathysphere" (Really, what should I call it?) for other purposes. However, he decided that it will still work out as he had planned.

"The Bathysphere is exactly where we left it, and should operate as intended." He gives a disturbing glare towards Kyson. "Assuming, of course, no one here decides to randomly explode..."

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#7 ValtheJean
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Gerith smiles almost maliciously. {Well played, but unfortunately you have made an error I intend to expose. You see, your plan might have worked if I had been an average inhabitant of your world. Of course, since I am the only one here who knows anything about "My" culture, it seems you have no proof of malicious intent. And now, I have the pleasure of wiping that revolting little smirk off of your face. Though I must say, this little banter has almost impressed me.}

His face then turns into a sudden "Surprised and Astonished" look. He speaks as if he has been wrongly accused, and wounded very powerfully. (This of course, is spoken for everyone to hear, not Kyson alone). "What? Why, I cannot understand where you have received such indications. The legend of Chaos Earth is told among my people to be the day of great reckoning in which billions will die. If you mistook my intentions for malice, you are horribly mistaken. I know only what the legend tells, and that is: "Great lights shall burst in the sky, and shall consume life as we know it". Now, how was I meant to understand this was an Armageddon only to the human species?"

He starts taking his time with this one, as he wants to savor every moment. "I also have made no indication of hatred towards the human race, or any other species for that matter. I always assumed we shared similar genetic material, nothing more. Considering I come from a land with only one species, it's rather difficult to distinguish the many different forms you "Outter Worlders" seem to take. Chaos Earth was a threat I knew nothing about, and so I decided it best to prevent it instead of find out for myself. All the things I have done have revolved around the prevention of Chaos Earth. I may bitterly comment towards other creatures, and I may even take the lives of others, but what is one or two lives compared to total annihilation? Or so I thought at least. I am a simple creature, I do what is necessary to accomplish my goals. You mistake it for evil, I simply believe it to be common sense. Any sort of "Mass Genocide" is far too boring for me, it accomplishes nothing. What good would it do me if the human race is wiped from existence? Hmm? It would most likely have severe economic stress on your social stability. If Billions of creatures were to simply "die", then what of the economic factors? Machinery shut down, farms wasted. The impact would be far greater than you would expect. Of course, based on the information I have gathered from you all, your "Southern Anthropomorphic" league would rise dramatically in power. So, since I am not a member of this so-called league, you can assume that my intentions are to end Chaos Earth, nothing more, nothing less."

He smiles again. {Do not try to tempt me, you can either accept the fact that I wish for Chaos Earth to end, or you can continue to foolishly try to twist these creatures against me. Now, will you finally explain how we end this, or shall you point fingers at the wolf, or that tiger?}

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#8 ValtheJean
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I'm actually leaving for college tomorrow, so you'll probably see a bit less of me, I'll still try to post when I can, but don't be surprised if I "Disappear" every now and again.


Gerith growls. He wasn't planning on the incompetence that had just occurred. Still, he couldn't blame Eddie, after all, it was miraculous that he even LISTENED to a word Gerith said, let alone followed them. It didn't really matter to him in the long run, as he had more important designs to craft.

Gerith glares harshly at Kyson, and speaks with an obvious "Fake sincerity" tone: "Well, I certainly hope that fall did not injure you beyond repair, after all it would be quite tragic if any harm were to befall you," His tone changes more into an annoyed snap, "Especially after those wonderful performances you have demonstrated. I was quite impressed by the flexibility of your allegiance to those who claim to be your companions."

He loosens his glare, obviously tired of the pointless nagging. "So it has come to this, our world seems to be in a rather unfortunate apocalypse. You, at least by what you have said, seem to know more than the average "Stoic Hero" we seem to find all around these parts. Well then, perhaps you should make good on those claims, hmm? You explain everything about Chaos Earth, and then..." His tone then becomes a very apparent sarcasm which then turns to a more perturbed feeling, "We all gallantly charge the battlements and slay whatever the problem is and save this rather desolate rock once again from extinction, all the while never once being recognized for our valor, I might add. So, are you finally prepared to divulge some information on the matter, or should I shield myself from your next onslaught against your own comrades?"

He was rather angry at himself at this moment. In his heated rant against Kyson, he had made a fatal mistake: he shouldn't know about Chaos Earth, in fact he shouldn't even know the name. Still, he shrugged it off, and waited for Kyson's reply, even IF they caught on to anything, they still had a common goal: to end Chaos Earth. Of course, he would simply fail to mention the next phase after it, the phase he desperately waited for.

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#9 ValtheJean
Member since 2005 • 966 Posts kinda ill just go with my instincts


Ascalon goes back to Babylon and Neo. he notices Babylons new blade. suddenly a chaos creature appears in front of Babylon. he slashes at it and it vanishes.

Ascalon: amazing!

Neo: yeah

Babylon: it is...(whispers) thank you!

Neo: now lets get ready to rumble*


* this is asuming the dragon lord is yet to be taken care of


Unfortunately, the Dragon lord has been dealed with (for now). I appologize for not making that clear.

Sorry I haven't been posting in a while, lots of things happening, including a hard-drive being wiped and whatnot. I'll try to keep it up, but I can't guarantee anything.


Gerith quickly takes the crystal, and smiles. "Good." He turns to the group as a whole. "Now then, it is time to deal with a more urgent matter. Namely, Chaos Earth. No doubt you have noticed the extensive ruptures of energy in the sky. These ruptures are directly tied to these "Dark Masses" you once encountered. Who is causing them; I do not know. Where we head next; I do not know. It is now in your hands ("Your" being the group as a whole). If life as you once knew it is to continue on our planet, then this threat must be eliminated. I now pass "the torch" to you all."

He couldn't help but continue smiling. Everything was going exactly as he had hoped. Sure, he COULD have told them more about Chaos Earth, but then he would have to explain how he KNEW about it, which would cause unneccesary complications. He then thinks of an idea.

He looks towards Eddie. {The one I was speaking of before, this "Kyson", he knows more than he would say. He has withheld much information from us, and it is time that he reveals it. Take the group Eddie, and capture him. Only then will he reveal everything to us...}

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#10 ValtheJean
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Gerith sighs, and shakes his head in disappointment. {Then you have learned nothing. You seek my help, and I offer it to you. I ask that you simply learn from what I have to teach you, and you only go as far as it is comfortable for you. Life is not a matter of convenience, child, it is a matter of choices and consequences. We now face a great peril, one that has not seen an equal in magnitude for some time. I have blessed you with the knowledge I possess, and yet you still deny its importance. Now is no longer the time to act childish, now we must accept what has become. To fight for everything, to immaturely wish for everything, with no sacrifice, is simply a fools game. To make such attempts is to lose everything. You must now make a choice. It is for you, and only yourself to decide. Will you accept the reality of our situation and do what is ABSOLUTELY necessary to "save" this planet, or shall you condemn the entire populace for the sake of trusting one creature? Think child, think about what you are fighting for. You were forced to resort to murder, to slay another to protect the ones you love. Do you think it could have BEEN any other way? You had to CHOOSE to fight him, Eddie. It was a choice. And the reason you chose that was because you were willing to sacrifice your own morality for the sake of those you love. Now, are you willing to make the same choice? Are you willing to go farther than you normally would for the sake of another? Learn from my wisdom, child, learn from it. Learn, and you may yet live to see the things you wish come true...}

He then holds out his hand, suggesting he would like the crystal in Eddie's hand. {Now, give it here, child. I shall protect it from any and all who would try to use its dark power....}