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#1 TleilaxuMaster
Member since 2005 • 272 Posts

Sometimes I feel like the only person in the world who cares more about the gameplay than the story in Final Fantasy.

That being said, I must admit that I actually enjoyed the stories in FFX and FFXII quite a bit.

FFX. Everything about the characters and story is sublime. To date it is the only game to have made me cry, and that's saying something.


Let me guess. Tidus and Yuna laughing scene, right? Gets me all teary-eyed every time I see it. :P

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#2 TleilaxuMaster
Member since 2005 • 272 Posts

Golden Sun, maybe?

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#3 TleilaxuMaster
Member since 2005 • 272 Posts

I say your valuable game time would be much better spent elsewhere. I'm about 90% through the game myself and I'm still wondering when this is supposed to start being the best game ever. The story isn't good enough to make me forget that everything else about the game is boring. To be honest, the only reason I still pick it up these days is because it's so tedious and dull that it helps me fall asleep at night.

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#4 TleilaxuMaster
Member since 2005 • 272 Posts

Honestly, Final Fantasy I and II are not that great. I'm sure they could be considered fine games by the standards of twenty years ago (well, the first one can, at least; the second tends to garner more mixed reactions). But today, with almost every other Final Fantasy being better in every possible way, the only reasons I can think of for wanting to go back to the beginning are nostalgia or (in my case) curiosity about where it all started. In the former case, you can be somewhat forgiven for having fond feelings toward the game. In the latter case, if you're able to enjoy the severely outdated gameplay mechanics and excessive amounts of grinding these games entail even after experiencing the later, better Final Fantasies, well, more power to you, I guess.

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#5 TleilaxuMaster
Member since 2005 • 272 Posts

100 CIassic Book Collection for Nintendo DS

I know it's not for Wii, but this has the best story hands down, 100 times over. Nothing else comes close.

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#6 TleilaxuMaster
Member since 2005 • 272 Posts

I like Super Mario 64's intro because it lets you mess around with Mario's face. :D

Also, Civilization IV.

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#7 TleilaxuMaster
Member since 2005 • 272 Posts

FFXII wins for finally getting rid of random encounters.

After that, I love FFV for the job system, FFX-2 for the crazy fast-paced battles, and FFVIII for the junction system (and also because Quistis is awesome).

Most of the rest of them are okay. FFI, II, and III aren't aging very well, though, and FFIV is just plain terrible.

Outside of FF, Dark Cloud 2 is probably my top pick.

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#8 TleilaxuMaster
Member since 2005 • 272 Posts



If you take a deck of playing cards and give it a nice, good shuffle, you will create a random sequence of cards which has never existed before and which will never occur again.


you can't say that it will never occur again. actually, changes are that at least one sequence of cards has existed more than once.

it has. in order.

In order doesn't count because that hasn't been shuffled yet. :roll:

According to Wikipedia: "There are exactly 52! (about 8×10^67) possible ways to order the cards in a 52-card deck. The magnitude of this number means that it is exceedingly improbable that two randomly selected, truly randomized decks, will ever, in the history of cards, be the same."

And since Wikipedia says it, you know it has to be true. :D

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#9 TleilaxuMaster
Member since 2005 • 272 Posts

If you take a deck of playing cards and give it a nice, good shuffle, you will create a random sequence of cards which has never existed before and which will never occur again.

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#10 TleilaxuMaster
Member since 2005 • 272 Posts


Disagree with me if you want, but I didn't say anything that wasn't true. FFIV is the most restrictive FF in terms of party/character building. And that's why I don't like it.


yeah, thats the reason why I couldnt give it a 10/10 but seriously, theres more to a FF game than just gameplay. theres alot you can forgive in a game with bad gameplay (much less an average or just slightly sub par one), if it has a great story. I think FFIV accomplished this better than almost any game before it. it opened up many doors for the genre and told a story that easily lives up to our standards today. I think that the story was enough to carry this game, especially for the time. I know you are entitled to your opinion but a 5.5 is quite harsh and think your given reasons, though accurate as they may be, are not enough to justify it. and, "worst of the series?" thats just insane.

I'd like to say a few things in my defense before you lock me up in the loony bin.

First, I believe that gameplay is the single most important factor in any game, FF included. They are called video games for a reason, after all. And I also believe that bad gameplay is one of the hardest things to forgive. And for an RPG, not letting you control any aspect of your party's development is a serious issue I can't ignore.

Second, I don't think FFIV's story lives up to the standards set by the FFs that came after. It may have set the bar for its time, but that bar has been raised since then. It's not a bad story, but it's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. And that's just not enough to make me forget that I'm playing a bad game.

Third, I'm scoring the game by today's standards. I have to, because I played the game for the first time only a couple of years ago. Maybe if I had rated it when it first came out, my score would have been a bit higher. But there's no way to know. I have to call it the way I see it now. And that means I have to be harsh.

And there it is. You don't have to agree with me, but I believe my score is justified. And I've done my best to explain why.

Now you have to answer for that 5 you gave to Final Fantasy VIII. :P