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#1 Sonysexual1
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1. Driveclub may have day/night cycle, but it also has arcadey physics, no god rays, 30fps (possibly less than 1080p when considering the aliasing especially in cockpit), barely any other cars on screen. Every preview I've seen has praised FM5, and basically every Driveclub preview has a general feeling of "meh" by the previewers.

2. Forza 5, and Ryse (LOL @ the QTE gameplay) actually look good if you would take off your fanboy goggles for a second.

3. BF4 on PS4 is only 720p or slightly better, and no one has confirmed all other PS4 games as being full HD, so what the hell are you talking about?

Forza 5 runs smooth in full HD, something the PS4 launch titles lack.


1) Drive Club also has dynamic lighting, global illumination, dynamic weather system, dynamic environments, realistic car damage. God Rays aren't resource intensive and aren't realistic. DC is aiming to look like a realistic driving game, unlike Cartoonza 5.

DC is confirmed to be 1080p. Aliasing due to no AA in demos. Custom AA will be in the final version.

2) Forza 5 looks good like how Super Mario Galaxy looks good from an artistic standpoint. It's just not technically impressive.

3) BF4 is running higher than 720p on the PS4. Optimization will bring it up to 1080p.

Resogun runs at 1080p, 60 FPS without any optimization. It's also more technically impressive than Prebakedza 5. 200,000 voxels all with their own physics and lighting calculations. Even DF admitted the Xbox ONE wouldn't be powerful enough to render the game as it is.

DC is aiming to be a realistic driving game????? hahahahaha have you ever played any Forza game?? They have already been a realistic car game!! its Microsofts answer to GT. You are completely fvcking fan boyed the fvck out!! wow! only the recent Forza Horizon stepped away from the realistic track racing style game and was basically what drive club is lol and it also got dark at night....Forza 5 to car enthusiasts is what a racing game should be....down to the smallest detail when it comes to under the hood, suspension,brakes,modifications...,I work on cars! have been for years and Forza has proven to me accuracy when it comes to vehicle specs, while having great gameplay and graphics. DC hasnt even shown me great graphics like Forza 5 did at e3!!! Your not even japanese lol get the fvck off the Sony bandwagon!! Open your fvcking eyes! stop being a loyalist for once, im getting both cuz im adult enough to admit that both consoles are good in their own are some stupid ass stubborn kid that cant admit that and its sad! You just keep throwing out theories! no facts...and that makes you so ignorant.

Cartoonza 5 isn't a realistic racing game. Get your eyes checked, little boy. 

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#2 Sonysexual1
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I don't give tens all that easy. A ten on a ten point scale to me is almost flawless. The orange box is about the only thing I can give a ten to.cainetao11

But you can easily give Mark Cerny a 10/10 for his design of the PS4, right?

I'd give Microsoft a 2/10 for the Xbox ONE architecture.

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#3 Sonysexual1
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The Last of Us
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#4 Sonysexual1
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If SONY scores this as a PS4 console exclusive, it's gameover for Microsoft.

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#5 Sonysexual1
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[QUOTE="kbanna"] Interesting, thanks for responding. Have you seen any area where the X1 may hold an advantage? How does the 50% gpu advantage translate in real in world games? More draw distance? better physics? 50% graphics fidelity (Just looks a hell of allot better??) bottom line i guess is , if I'm playing a game what will stand out right away as a clear difference in each version. ThanksShensolidus

The X1's only advantageous is in its CPU clock speed, and that is thanks to the recent upclock that occured (which, fun fact, actually occured sometime in late July, and it forced most devs to have to return their dev kits en mass) While its better than nothing, it isn't something that will have any sort of impact on games necessarily. A CPU increase with a better memory configuration would've been a big difference, but until we get some expertly coded and efficient ESRAM memory management systems in place (which we've heard may take as much as TWO YEARS) it won't be something the X1 will necessarily benefit from in the short term.

So you'd like me to quantify the power difference right now, hmmmm... Let's see. Let's say you're playing a high-end PC game with a mid-tier rig (maybe its 3 years old or something, I dunno). Now, you start trying to play the game on ultra settings but the game is like a slide show, it locks up constantly, it might even crash because one of the rendering pipelines couldn't process the workload fast enough. So, what do you do? Well, you go into the options menu and you start lowering settings don't ya. Change the texture resolution from ultra to high or medium, maybe you turn down the anti-aliasing, Shut off dynamic lighting, turn down the Effects (FX) quality level to get it playable. You get the game to play at an optimal performance. It doesn't look as good as ultra, you know it doesn't, but the game is still in a playable state at a decent frame rate.

Right now, there are quite a few multiplats that are shutting down these effects to get the game to run at their intended performance settings at launch. There are a few high profile launch titles that i'm sure you guys will be able to tell from, but there are some exclusive that are getting a visual downgrade that most people aren't expecting.

But again, it won't be THAT big of a deal because they'll at least be playable at optimal framerates and resolution... as long as those higher end effects being turned off doesn't bother people, they won't really care. Then again, if you could spend a $100 less and get those effects turned on, why wouldn't you. ;)

lol... Ryse and Forza 5. You heard it here, folks. It's pretty obvious. KI is 720p. Dead Rising 3's resolution hasn't been confirmed, meaning it's probably 720-800p.

The only exclusives left to be downgraded are those 2. "Does not represent final build quality" RYSE and Cartoonza 5 are going to get gimped. Xboners am cry. :cool:

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#6 Sonysexual1
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50% more power =/= 50% better performance.

Not that the ps4 has 50% more power anyways.


Indeed. It looks like there might be an 80-100% difference.

20 FPS to 30 FPS is already 1.5x more frames. Combine that with 900p to 1080p and it's well over 50%. :lol:

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#7 Sonysexual1
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There is no 50% power difference in anything, but the GPU.

In regards to the overall power of both the PS4 and Xbox One, the difference will be smaller than 50%, and in the grand scheme of things it won't make much of a difference. A slight resolution increase, maybe some additional AA, but nothing that's incredibly noticeable.

Plus, since both are using similar tech, all the experiences should be smooth regardless. It won't be like Bayonetta, GTAIV, Skyrim, etc where they were barf on the PS3, and decent on the 360 because the complexities of the system. It'll be more like decent on the Xbox One, and decent +1 on the PS4.


1080p30fps to 900p20fps is a pretty huge **** deal.

You do know that almost the XBox One games are running in 1080P right? :roll: I think the only one that's not is LocoCycle. Most of them are running well over 30fps.

Go do some research.

KI - 720p

Titanfall - Sub-1080p

Dead Rising 3 - No confirmed resolution, which means 720p.

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#8 Sonysexual1
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There is no 50% power difference in anything, but the GPU.

In regards to the overall power of both the PS4 and Xbox One, the difference will be smaller than 50%, and in the grand scheme of things it won't make much of a difference. A slight resolution increase, maybe some additional AA, but nothing that's incredibly noticeable.

Plus, since both are using similar tech, all the experiences should be smooth regardless. It won't be like Bayonetta, GTAIV, Skyrim, etc where they were barf on the PS3, and decent on the 360 because the complexities of the system. It'll be more like decent on the Xbox One, and decent +1 on the PS4.


1080p30fps to 900p20fps is a pretty huge **** deal.

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#9 Sonysexual1
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- More open worlds. Xbox ONE games will be highly linear. - More dynamic effects. Xbox ONE games will have lots of prebaked crap. - More 1080p titles. Lots of Xbox ONE games are sub-1080p. - Better performance. PS4: 1080p30 FPS. Xbone: 900p20FPS. - Better load times. - Better graphics.
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#10 Sonysexual1
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[QUOTE="sts106mat"]cows believe edge?Guy_Brohski

I don't care for Edge. They are obviously a bias magazine. Don't think they've said anything positive about the Wii U or XBox One in any of their articles. They should just change their name to PS Edge and go work for Sony.

Even back before the PS3 was released, it was the same thing. One Edge article from around 2006 stated that they heard "sources" claiming that the PS3 would push "way better textures" and have "much better bump mapping" than Xbox360. This was a couple months before it was proven that the PS3's GPU was lame and then Gears of War came out and kind of proved those propoganda pieces wrong.

Link to the edge article?

Edge was the first news outlet to break the 8 GB GDDR5 RAM news before the unveiling. I think their sources are pretty accurate.