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#1 Sonysexual1
Member since 2013 • 811 Posts


[QUOTE="percech"] The fact that the actual cars have far more detail on Forza 5 than on DC just makes it even more pathetic that they can't hit 60 fps on supposed superior hardware.Tighaman

Yes, because only character polygon count is what shows processing prowess. :lol:

Why do you Xboners feel the need to downplay the graphical superiority of the PS4? Are you that insecure? it's like you guys are trying to find a reason to convince yourself that the PS4 isn't stronger than the Xbox ONE.

you dipshit it does show prowness more polys in a game and framerate shows how powerful your game is and forza showing both to be superior on the x1. You a hater but after you get owned you will just change your account to another stupid name lol

Slightly higher polygon count when everything looks like trash definitely shows power superiority. :lol:

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#2 Sonysexual1
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Both games look good, and obviously your judgement is going to be swayed by the console you're going to be picking up. Having said that, the latest Driveclub video from their Chile track looks worlds better than anything i've seen out of Forza 5. It's very, very impressive stuff. A bunch of people I work with saw it yesterday and couldn't believe it either.

After seeing the game looking like that, I actually don't mind it isn't running at 60.... specfically because it looks as good as it does. A game like Forza, which is aimed towards simulation racing, has gameplay that requires that level of smoothness far more than Driveclub, and that is perfectly okay. 

Locked framerate and resolution can be an indicator of a console's strength, but it is relative to what else the game is rendering. Driveclub is rendering MUCH more on screen at any given one time, with no dips in performance. If you're a Forza fanboy or an Xbone fan, more power to ya. I think you'll be having a ton of fun with that game. 


Hey, I have a question.

Do you happen to know the realworld bandwidth of the PS4's GDDR5 RAM? How does it compare to the Xbone's eSRAM + DDR3 RAM realworld bandwidth?

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#3 Sonysexual1
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[QUOTE="percech"] You're making shit up again just to sound like you know what you're talking about. I let you in on a little one here believes anything you say and nobody here actually takes you seriously when you bring up your half-assed attempts at explaining how both systems work. On top of that, you can stare at the trees all you want, while I look at every little detail of the interiors and the actual cars. When I'm going 160mph+ why would I care about how detailed the random tree outside is? How would I even notice with all that horrendous motion blur?percech

This has nothing to do with whether Evolution is targetting the right things or not. This has to do with proof of power superiority. You claim that a slight polygon bump is indicative of superior power when everything else looks like trash. Explain yourself.

I'm claiming that Forza 5 is aesthetically superior. I never claimed it was technically better. Cars look superior in every way in Forza and believe it or not, that is actually important in a racer...I would also mention FPS is one of the most important aspects of a proper racer and look at that, DC falls flat in that category as well. :)

In response to my question about why you're using Forza 5 to prove why you think the Xbone has superior graphics, you replied, "I don't need to do anything. The games speak for themselves." They prove Drive Club is more technically impressive. So instead of debating about how much power fully dynamic environments require (Which is probably more than Forza 5 requires in its entirety), you flip-flop and say you were takling about aesthetics, not technical prowess.

You constantly flip-flop on your claims to convince yourself that Forza 5 doesn't look like ass.


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#4 Sonysexual1
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[QUOTE="percech"] This is implying that you're actually driving and not playing a video game. No, in a video game I look at everything because I can. :)percech

So you can look at the last-gen environments of Forza 5, correct? :lol:

You apparently have no idea how much processing power is required to make the environments dynamic. The dynamic lighting alone probably requires 40-60% of the processing power of Forza 5.

You're making shit up again just to sound like you know what you're talking about. I let you in on a little one here believes anything you say and nobody here actually takes you seriously when you bring up your half-assed attempts at explaining how both systems work. On top of that, you can stare at the trees all you want, while I look at every little detail of the interiors and the actual cars. When I'm going 160mph+ why would I care about how detailed the random tree outside is? How would I even notice with all that horrendous motion blur?

This has nothing to do with whether Evolution is targetting the right things or not. This has to do with proof of power superiority. You claim that a slight polygon bump is indicative of superior power when everything else looks like trash. Explain yourself.

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#5 Sonysexual1
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[QUOTE="Sonysexual1"]Xbox ONE games will be mainly corridor games with 2-3 enemies on screen at once. They will have last-gen physics, last-gen lighting, no dynamic lighting, no global illumination, last-gen physics, last-gen particle effects, last-gen destruction, and every other last-gen effects. Xbox ONE games will be like last-gen games at 1080p 30 FPS with slightly higher polygon count. A lot of Xbox ONE games will also be 720p.kingoflife9


Indeed. If the Xbox ONE tries to have more than 2 enemies on the screen at once, developers need to make concessions on the graphics, resolution, and effects.

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#6 Sonysexual1
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[QUOTE="percech"] I don't need to do anything. The games speak for themselves. I'm not the one claiming 50% difference and then releasing shit. In a sim game, every detail on the car does in fact matter if you are a car enthusiast. The interior and car models are much better in Forza and that is a fact. :)percech

While the environments on Drive Club are head and shoulders above Forza 5 prebaked crap. You don't look at cars while you're driving. You look at the outside.

This is implying that you're actually driving and not playing a video game. No, in a video game I look at everything because I can. :)

So you can look at the last-gen environments of Forza 5, correct? :lol:

You apparently have no idea how much processing power is required to make the environments dynamic. The dynamic lighting alone probably requires 40-60% of the processing power of Forza 5.

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#7 Sonysexual1
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[QUOTE="percech"] The fact that the actual cars have far more detail on Forza 5 than on DC just makes it even more pathetic that they can't hit 60 fps on supposed superior hardware.percech

Yes, because only character polygon count is what shows processing prowess. :lol:

Why do you Xboners feel the need to downplay the graphical superiority of the PS4? Are you that insecure? it's like you guys are trying to find a reason to convince yourself that the PS4 isn't stronger than the Xbox ONE.

I don't need to do anything. The games speak for themselves. I'm not the one claiming 50% difference and then releasing shit. In a sim game, every detail on the car does in fact matter if you are a car enthusiast. The interior and car models are much better in Forza and that is a fact. :)

While the environments on Drive Club are head and shoulders above Forza 5 prebaked crap. You don't look at cars while you're driving. You look at the outside.

The dynamic lighting alone requires more processing power than half of what the Xbone is processing on Forza 5.

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#8 Sonysexual1
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[QUOTE="Sonysexual1"]Be honest, Xboners. Forza 5 could be run on the PS3 and the 360 with a slight graphical downgrade. It's not really a technically impressive game.percech
The fact that the actual cars have far more detail on Forza 5 than on DC just makes it even more pathetic that they can't hit 60 fps on supposed superior hardware.

Yes, because only character polygon count is what shows processing prowess. :lol:

Why do you Xboners feel the need to downplay the graphical superiority of the PS4? Are you that insecure? it's like you guys are trying to find a reason to convince yourself that the PS4 isn't stronger than the Xbox ONE.

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#9 Sonysexual1
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Playstation gamers tend to be older and classier than the Xboners. All the mature games feel right on the PS. All the crappy games with poor storytelling, crap plot, and corny scenes belong on the Xbox. The typical xboner is a 10-year-old prepubescent punk who wears a towel as a cape and runs around the house thinking he's a superhero. Xboners need to grow up.
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#10 Sonysexual1
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Be honest, Xboners. Forza 5 could be run on the PS3 and the 360 with a slight graphical downgrade. It's not really a technically impressive game.