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Honestly the only thing I care about is how long its going to take in the game until I can import my teams from past games (got them all ready to transfer on Black).

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Edited By Soggs


Just want to take a moment to say I'm actually enjoying this discussions/rebuttals you all have. Not a "LOL STFU" in sight.

Game design has been tossed around between carbon copies of formulas that work (sometimes paying off, sometimes plain awful). New concepts arise every now and then, though as time passes and more and more games flood the market, its pretty easy to find elements from previous games in newer titles. Its a bloodthirsty, often uncompromising road being in the game industry. You have to guard what you think is unique with all you have.

Sadly, this is just another in a list of examples of blatant, lazy, development. This time, its just a little bit different because its an 'independent' company. Usually Nintendo is the culprit believe it or not. Super Mario Bros. 2 is nothing more than another game, Doki Doki Panic, with Mario characters instead of the intended Japanese characters. They didn't even change the enemies!!! Another example would be Starfox Adventures. It was going to be 'Dinosaur Planet', and then Miyamoto's all like 'oh hey you got a fox, we got a fox, lets get together and make your game part of our franchise, YAAAAY!'

I love Mega Man, and Ive loved every game Inafune has been involved in (he even helped work on one of my top RPGs, Breath of Fire III). I just dont approve of what this project seems to be, a straight up clone of Mega Man that ISNT MEGA MAN.

Yes, we can all just blame Capcom for this, they drove Inafune to this point. But that doesnt excuse the fact that Inafune really didn't even TRY to make this something different. He's making Super Mario Bros 2 all over again, this time its just not the big corporation behind the decisions.

Lastly, we honestly don't even know what the final product will be, just off what Inafune has pitched so far. Its annoying seeing robot masters being renamed, the main character given a slightly different look and approach to powerups but still maintaining the basic formula that is identifiable mostly to MM. Its really annoying seeing the art and music practically looking like a Mega Man sequel. You dont paint a horse with stripes and call it a zebra. Perhaps it will evolve enough to become a standalone game. Or it might just prove me right and end up being both praised (and ridiculed) for being a copycat game of a dying franchise (at least in games.)

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@mav_destroyer @Soggs

Well that argument really doesn't work in an industry that has teams changing sides constantly. Its one thing to make a 'devil may cry' -type game, its another to make a game with a white-haired, coat-wearing, smart-alec type protagonist and call it "Demon Sobs Sometimes 10".

In the end, only Inafune really knows if he's doing this for the fans, or just capitalizing on Capcom's mistakes. He got what he wanted, and only time will tell if Capcom strikes back.

I'm a Mega Man fan, and this is not what I wanted. Just because its a dev breaking off and doing what the public has asked for, it doesn't excuse lazy storywriting or even game development. He took more than just the formula for a good platform title, he took the characters and their conflicts, and remade them into new bodies with new names.

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@headcrab200 @Soggs
You mean the gameplay that already looks like you could put it side by side with a classic side-scrolling mega man game and it would play out incredibly similar? I know its not out yet, but based on what we have seen so far, its pretty much a Mega Man clone.

Fan desires or not, its a copyright infringement that Capcom would be nuts not to go up in arms over.

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Edited By Soggs

@psuedospike @Soggs

Also, Tron: Uprising 's protagonist? Another blue and grey character, except he doesnt glow in the dark.

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Edited By Soggs

Just bought a 3DS XL and I hear the announcement for the 2DS...

Dammit Nintendo! >_<

Eh, I'm guessing the XL is a better choice at this point.

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Edited By Soggs


I watched the whole thing, and I laughed at the sheer amount of blatant Mega Man references. You don't put those things in without knowing you're just remaking an old project with a new face. It's not something to feel proud about.

It's just a point of view in the opposite direction of the people backing this project. You can't patent a game formula, so that is perfectly acceptable. But the fact remains, Mega Man is not Inafune's creation, just the biggest notch on his game dev resume. He was a lead dev that got his name noticed by the people that played and enjoyed those games that he was directing. Its a little like Stan Lee (no offense to Stan the man, but its true), who got into the limelight of the fans and now he's a household name. But are the people who co-wrote many of the characters we know from MARVEL ever mentioned? Not nearly as much :(

He's trolling, as close to the term as I can describe it. He got burnt by Capcom and now he's flipping them the bird by going to America for support. And we gave it to him without even asking for details.

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Keiji isn't technically the creator of Mega Man. Its Tokuro Fujiwara. Inafune is essentially just the name everyone knows because he was always in the title credits. He's a great game developer, but he's never alone on the projects he produces.

From K.I himself"
"I'm often called the father of Mega Man, but actually, his design was already created when I joined Capcom,"

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Look, I am all for independent game design (I’m doing it myself). I am all for someone saying to the company that (probably) screwed them over ‘HEY SCREW YOU GUY, I’M GONNA FIND SOME LOOPHOLES AND MAKE MORE MONEY THAN YOU PAID ME IN THE FIRST PLACE!’

But if you PLAN on doing this, at LEAST try to give us something that isn’t straight up a direct copy of an already established franchise.

OK, so you might still think it’s got enough ‘unique’ attributes to stand on its own, sure. But lets look at the story of this game and compare it to MM.

Straight from the Kickstarter:

So what makes Mighty No. 9—the character as well as the game—different? Simply put: the ability to transform! Of course our hero, Beck, earns new weapons as he defeats each of his fellow Mighty Number boss robots, but more than that, his body itself can also reconfigure into new shapes, allowing for all kinds of new skills and abilities!

Letsee where have I heard this formula before…OH YA ROBOT MASTERS GIVING MEGA MAN HIS POWERS…COME ON!!!

And it goes on, with the story behind the ‘Mighty Numbers’ *coughRobotMasterscough*

Once, you worked together, side-by-side—but now, your fellow Mighty No. robots have lashed out, taking over key strategic locations across the globe and infesting them with their minions. You have no choice: the other Mighty Numbers…Must. Be. Destroyed!

But it won’t be easy. Although they were originally designed for industrial purposes, the Mighty Numbers have all become fierce warriors, seasoned through seasons in the most popular spectator sport of the future: robot-on-robot combat in the Battle Colosseo!

Industrial robots turned evil, HOLY CRAP THAT’S NEW…..NOPE!

(MM1, Guts Man-construction, Ice Man- Artic research, Elec Man -Power Plants… get the idea.)

Even the ‘spectator sport’ was done in Mega Man 6 with the World Robot Tournament.

Ok, that’s all I got, because in the end it doesn’t really matter what I think, this game is funded and coming out. But I won’t get it, no matter how much people praise it. It’s nothing but a Mega Man game trying to pass off as something new. Inafune is trolling us all with a big smile on his face. Way to go Capcom, you drove him to this.