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#1 Kusimeka
Member since 2007 • 419 Posts

@luxuryheart said:
@blackhairedhero said:

Tencent dominating the industry... please explain how that would be a good thing in anyway. And all these games would most likely come to consoles.

It isn't a good thing to be honest. It's lowkey promoting laziness from companies. Instead of studying the market to get a foothole in there, they just jump on the bandwagon of Tencent. SMH.

Though hopefully Tencent puts their foot on Square Enix's neck to do better because the way they manage their teams is just atrocious. Final Fantasy XV in development for a fucking decade, and it was one of the worst main final fantasy games in the series. Final Fantasy VII Remake and Kingdom Hearts 3 are taking forever to make, and they're constantly delayed. I know that people like Square so they don't want to criticize them, but there is no excuse for them to be that bad.

Yeah, they are a shadow of their former selves.

I think the Dragon Quest team have it together though, but I also think that's largely because they know what type of game they want to make. Dragon Quest always stays true to its roots. Final Fantasy is always trying to be so many things, and as a result it's a complete mess.

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#2  Edited By Kusimeka
Member since 2007 • 419 Posts

@NathanDrakeSwag said:
@nintendoboy16 said:
@NathanDrakeSwag said:

Yes it is. Graphically it is the same and the gameplay is the same. Adding a few new characters that they probably already had planned for DLC on the WiiU that they couldn't sell because no one bought the system doesn't make it a new game.

So, New Vegas is a port of Fallout 3? Uncharted 2 and 3 are ports of Uncharted 1? Street Fighter Alpha is a port of Street Fighter II?

No. No. Yes.

You are dumby dumb.

@Ant_17 said:
@techhog89 said:
@Ant_17 said:

@techhog89: Yeah, because i DID call it a port.

Did you really think you can change my mind?

No, because you're a troll. A really bad one at that. You can't even make up a good reason for why it's port or what makes a game a sequel vs. a port.

I told you.

If they use a new engine, i won't call it a port.

You seem to not notice that you said that, that i won't call it a new game even if it has a different engine. And i corrected you.

You seem to have something personal with me...

And so are you.

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#3 Kusimeka
Member since 2007 • 419 Posts

It's my GOTY so far. 62 hours in and on post-game. I think Dragon Quest 11 will beat it out though.

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#4  Edited By Kusimeka
Member since 2007 • 419 Posts

@Archangel3371 said:

I’d like to get a PS4 Pro but I really don’t like the stories that I’ve been hearing about how hot and loud that they run.

I've had my Pro since launch and not had any issues with sound/hotness. I don't run it in 4k but will always use the Pro options (improved graphics, FPS etc).

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#5 Kusimeka
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Your thread is late by over a year. We don't care. Switch is ALSO a handheld, and in handheld the visuals impressed me far more than any PS4 Pro game. Do you care? I doubt it.

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#6 Kusimeka
Member since 2007 • 419 Posts

@phbz said:

@Kusimeka: Not really, my expectations for a more expensive game are more related to the more non essencial gaming aspects of a game than with its core qualities. For example, a 9/10 game to me must have really good gameplay mechanics regardless of budget. That's where I feel that a game like Owlboy fails, those qualities are just not there. I guess we just have to disagree.

I get what you're saying, but unfortunately in our world, money plays a big part. You're welcome to your opinion, but you are in the severe minority.

I haven't played Owlboy, so I can't comment on that.

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#7  Edited By Kusimeka
Member since 2007 • 419 Posts

@phbz said:

@Kusimeka: Well a 0.10s difference is huge on 100m while being a small fraction, and a £0.05 to £0.15 difference is tiny while being the triple. My point is when evaluating a game IMO the price differences aren't that significant to the point that should have a big impact in scores (except exceptions that have more to do with business practices than price point).

You have answered yourself bud. Do you know what context means? (I don't mean this disrespectfully).

Yet, we are talking £20 to £60 here in your words. Whether you like to admit or not, £20 to £60 is pretty huge in commerce. E.g. £20 will get you a budget beard trimmer whilst £60 will get you a great one.

The difference in your price example can be the difference from budget to high quality. You would not judge a £20 beard trimmer in the same context that you would a £60 one. There are expectations that come with the price you pay, that goes for absolutely anything.

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#8 Kusimeka
Member since 2007 • 419 Posts

@phbz said:

@Kusimeka: I said, to me. When I'm going to buy a game it's kind of irrelevant the price point since where not talking about a lot of money. While a record time is a RECORD, it's something that most can't achieve, it's in the name. ?

Of course if I payed £60 for a 1h game I would be pissed, but other than extreme cases I think price should be left out of reviews. I'm playing Hollow Knight now, and in all honesty £10 for it feels like a steal. But if it was a Ubisoft game, made by 500 people at £60 plus a £40 season pass, plus microtransactions, to be able to play the exact same game I guess that should be taken into account too.

A record has nothing to do with it, I am talking about the context of numerics. I know you said to me, but you also appeared confused. I was trying to help you see it in a different way.

Good point. But I don't believe price should be left out unless it's a small amount. Three times as much as is not a small amount, that's my point.

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#9  Edited By Kusimeka
Member since 2007 • 419 Posts

@phbz said:

@KungfuKitten: Personally I don't take into account price point, as to me I don't see a difference from 20 to 60 as a big thing. But I'm OK with reviewers making that distinction as long as they make sure to mention that.

But it's odd to me, it's not like, let's say, a TV were sometimes you can see a review being a bit harsh when is £2000 but after a while you have an update where they recommend it because it's now £1000.

And honestly, one of the biggest problems with big games it's how much filler they have. To the point that it's frequent for me to feel like my overall experience is lessened because of that. I don't mind paying full price for a well balanced 8h game, I really don't need to climb walls non stop or get into filler shooting sequences to feel like I have my money's worth. On the contrary. Uncharted 4 is a classical example for me. I mean, I can clearly see that's an expensive game to make, its production values are evident. The last thing I needed from that game is getting to a point of saturation like I did because its pacing was ruined, just so that costumers feel like they have their money back. This is a problem also with movies. Do we really need a 3h Transformers movie? What's wrong with the old 90m action movie? Jebus! Worst thing is that much of this is actually caused by consumers that demand quantity over quality. Maybe something to do with changes in our society that are too deep for me to even understand.Edit: This is to say why I also tend to prefer smaller gamer over AAAs. They deliver a much more focused and polished experience, IMO. But with Owlboy I didn't find the quality to be there to justify such high scores.

How can it not be a big thing? It's three times as much. I don't even see why they need to mention it really, it's kind of common sense. Using your logic, it's like saying Usain Bolt sprinting 100m in record times isn't a big thing because he's only a few seconds faster than someone else. In context, it's huge.

I guess I could see your logic in a retrospective review, but even then it's in the name, the game is being compared to modern games rather than a modern price.

@blueinheaven said:
@TheEroica said:

@blueinheaven: who are they leeching off of? I've been gaming since the 2600 like a lot of folks and I get excited for games that revisit modern takes on a wonderful genre of gameplay style....

The 2d action platformer, for example, widely considered an "indie" focused approach in 2018.

What exactly has, "surpassed" the experience of playing one? I've played different experiences... FPS, jrpg, wrpg, TPS, etc etc... All of which have amazing examples of what makes them great, but to me highly developed 2d platformer, top downs, rogue action games, and every other genre deserves to be developed and offered to us equally.

God of War 2018 does not "surpass" Super Meat Boy, for example... Being able to work with a small team with the freedom and flexibility to make bold decisions? More of that... I want waaaay more of that.

You're talking about genre I'm talking about presentation. I play lots of genres but draw the line at ugly pixellated graphics it's not what I want to look at when I play a game these days. It seems to be a design choice and to me it's a lazy one and tbh it's a bit pretentious that people are constantly passing off this garbage as 'pixel art' just my opinion.

Why is someone lazy if they lack the technical skill or resources to create art that meets your mighty expectations?

And what's so "garbage" about it if so many people like it?

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#10 Kusimeka
Member since 2007 • 419 Posts

@storm_of_swords said:

This is definitely one of the games that I think is in the most need of a remake. I'm hoping that the remake of Resident Evil 2 does really well which will then motivate Konami to remake Silent Hill.

By the way, whatever happened to the Resident Evil 2 remake? I haven't heard anything about it in a really long time.

I was about to say "have you been living under a rock?" then realised this is a 9-month post that has been bumped. Sigh.

Anyway, to your past self, RE2R is coming and it looks amazing!