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#1 Kool-AidMan
Member since 2002 • 3162 Posts

Since when is Kid A post rock? :PinoperativeRS

I was waiting for someone to ask that.

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#2 Kool-AidMan
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[QUOTE="rawsavon"] Yeah...no one cares about the Spurs. They have been apart of two of the lowest rated Finals in modern history. It is not that everyone hates them (like the Lakers). It is that no one cares about them/finds them to be so boringrawsavon

I don't see how they're boring. Manu and Tony make some amazing plays. We shoot the 3 a lot. We're just generally fun to watch.

The reason those were some of the lowest rated Finals is because people generally just dislike us.

Look man...

I don't dislike the Spurs; they are a Texas team. I root for them (after Dallas and Houston)

But you are being one of those blind fans.
-the kind that are very hard to have a real sports conversation with
I am willing to say what my team is and is not (as evidenced by my comments about the Mav's in this thread).
You need to do the same.

They (Spurs) are old and boring
3 pointers =/= exciting (otherwise the 3 point shootout would top the all-star game ratings)
-the Spurs have no personality (tony, manu, and duncan)...they are quiet and go about their business...no flash...nothing wrong with that, but it is boring

Your logic is flawed...severely
-you say no one watched b/c no one likes them. This is about as false a statement as it gets
-people HATE LA, they HATE the Yankees, they HATE the Cowboys = ratings
...so if people hated the Spur, they would watch them (wanting them to get beat)

They do not watch b/c they do not care b/c they are boring to watch
-their Star is called the 'BigFundamental' after all...does not get much more boring than that

Calm down...

I don't "need" to do anything.

I think they're fun to watch you think they're boring, it's not that big of a deal.

I appreciate the technical aspects of Tim Ducan's game. I look at the game differently than you.

Also I see more Lakers jerseys, Yankees hats, and Cowboys jerseys than any others - Seems like your logic is flawed.

The Dallas Cowboys are "America's Football Team"...doesn't get much more hateful than that(sarcasm)

"3 pointers =/= exciting (otherwise the 3 point shootout would top the all-star game ratings)"

Where's the validity in this statement? Just because it's not the top rated event at all-star weekend doesn't mean it isn't exciting.

Also if you don't think Manu Ginobli has flash or personality then you must not watch many of our games.

Same damn thing from all of you. Your team is old (referring only to Duncan).

You should learn how to respect people's opinions that differ from yours.

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#3 Kool-AidMan
Member since 2002 • 3162 Posts



The Spurs, the team everyone loves to hate.


Nah I think thats the lakers if you are not a lakers fan most likely you hate them. Fans from other teams usually get extremely riled up when the lakers step into the building.

Yeah...no one cares about the Spurs. They have been apart of two of the lowest rated Finals in modern history. It is not that everyone hates them (like the Lakers). It is that no one cares about them/finds them to be so boring

I don't see how they're boring. Manu and Tony make some amazing plays. We shoot the 3 a lot. We're just generally fun to watch.

The reason those were some of the lowest rated Finals is because people generally just dislike us.

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#4 Kool-AidMan
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Radiohead is the most overrated band of all time. They're good, but damn their not musical genius's


U2 is without a doubt the most overrated band of all time... easily.

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#5 Kool-AidMan
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This > Superman

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#6 Kool-AidMan
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I prefer The Bends, OK Computer, and Hail to the Thief over Kid A.


No love for Amnesiac:( Also nobody here seems to like Pablo Honey for some reason.

All of Radiohead's albums are great. Except for Pablo Honey. :P And Amnesiac is one of my favorite Radiohead albums! Kid A>Hail to the Thief>In Rainbows>OK Computer>Amnesiac>The Bends>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Pablo Honey

Pablo Honey is easily the worst of their albums but Hail to the Theif is your #2 ?!?!

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#7 Kool-AidMan
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[QUOTE="Serraph105"] 17 is illegal for people where I live and personally I have no interest in a person that young anyways except for maybe a one night stand with a chick who is 18, but I don't even really want a one night stand.Mr_Manikin52

Yeah I mean that's why I said I know we're talking about dating. I know some younger girls that are just as intelligent, capable, and sexually mature as any girl you'd find in her 20's. It really just depends on the girl. I know what you mean about the one night stand thing. I've had enough sex for two lifetimes and I'm at the point where I want someone I can be with and depend on. I've always preferred long term relationships.

Youthful women are so much sweeter. :P


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#8 Kool-AidMan
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I'm 25.

Oldest: 30-31 Kourtney Kardashian's age ... 8)

Youngest: 17-18 HECK yes. :D


That's about right for me as well. I mean there are some ridiculously hot younger chicks.

I know we're talking about dating and not just smashing though...So it def. depends on the girl in question.

17 is illegal for people where I live and personally I have no interest in a person that young anyways except for maybe a one night stand with a chick who is 18, but I don't even really want a one night stand.

Yeah I mean that's why I said I know we're talking about dating. I know some younger girls that are just as intelligent, capable, and sexually mature as any girl you'd find in her 20's. It really just depends on the girl. I know what you mean about the one night stand thing. I've had enough sex for two lifetimes and I'm at the point where I want someone I can be with and depend on. I've always preferred long term relationships.

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#9 Kool-AidMan
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Oh nice!

Elliott Smith is great for sure, and definitely his best album.

I'd say that Sigur Ros'Ágætis byrjun is one of my all time faves as well. One of my all time favorite artists.


Great taste.Ágætis Byrjun is one of the prettiest albums ever. I can listen to it over and over, it really proves how music can transcend the language barrier.

While I love Sigur Ros (listen to Jonsi's solo album if you haven't), my favorite artist is Elliott Smith. I don't know which album is my favorite, just that Roman Candle is my least favorite. For anyone who hasn't listened to Elliott Smith before, go listen to him now!

Elliott Smith is my favorite artist as well. It's hard to pick a fav. album of his, if I had to it would be Figure 8.

Elliott Smith is probably the most underrated musician ever (IMO).

I got to see him in 2003 at the Steamboat in Austin just months before he passed away.

Such a terrible loss...

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#10 Kool-AidMan
Member since 2002 • 3162 Posts

I'm 25.

Oldest: 30-31 Kourtney Kardashian's age ... 8)

Youngest: 17-18 HECK yes. :D


That's about right for me as well. I mean there are some ridiculously hot younger chicks.

I know we're talking about dating and not just smashing though...So it def. depends on the girl in question.