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#1 KaptainKernal
Member since 2006 • 1787 Posts

I'm one of those people who have had canker sores. :P They're more sore and annoying than cripplingly painful for the most part. If it's swollen, though, that probably isn't a canker sore.

Either way though, I wouldn't worry about it. I think you'll live.


Yeah, I don't think I'll keel over in the next few minutes, but it is rather bothersome. It feels like an alien in my own body...

*suddenly keels over and an Alien from Aliens pops out to wreck havoc on humanity*

Hm, I wonder if having an alien burst from your Uvula would kill you. Also how much harm it could cause to humanity if it was able to fit in a uvula in the first place.

What if it then consumed my body and now was human size! Zomg!:shock:

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#2 KaptainKernal
Member since 2006 • 1787 Posts

Thanks for trying,:) I thought it might be but I know some people who have had those and they say they hurt really bad. Mine is kind of sore and swollen.


I'm one of those people who have had canker sores. :P They're more sore and annoying than cripplingly painful for the most part. If it's swollen, though, that probably isn't a canker sore.

Either way though, I wouldn't worry about it. I think you'll live.

Yeah, I don't think I'll keel over in the next few minutes, but it is rather bothersome. It feels like an alien in my own body...

*suddenly keels over and an Alien from Aliens pops out to wreck havoc on humanity*

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#3 KaptainKernal
Member since 2006 • 1787 Posts

Could be a canker sore. Either way, if your doctor wasn't worried about it, I wouldn't worry about it either.GabuEx

Thanks for trying,:) I thought it might be but I know some people who have had those and they say they hurt really bad. Mine is kind of sore and swollen.

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#4 KaptainKernal
Member since 2006 • 1787 Posts

Yup, the little punching bag in the back of your throat. I recovered from a severe fever combo'ed with a sore throat for the past week. I basically have slept 2/3's of this past week and ate basically nothing, but drank plenty of fluids.

Reovery is almost over!... Except, during this crappy week, my ulula was swollen and irratated. That sucked it felt like you were gagging on somethign non stop. So the swelling went down a little but now it has this milky whitish bulge on it. Its disgusting and sore. Someone said it was a scab or a ulula version of one which will go away. Another said it was a oral lymphoepithelial cyst. Don't ask me what that is because I have no idea.

So yea... its gross, irritating, and annoying. Grace me with your brilliance OT! :D

What might it be and what do I do? And besides "go ter yer doctorz" he basically said nothing useful...

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#5 KaptainKernal
Member since 2006 • 1787 Posts

[QUOTE="magicalclick"]What does war has anything to do with polar bear? I am confused?Nerkcon

This is the conspiracy.

1. We need oil.

2. the U.S. Government is working for someone else

Woah. The U.S government is a person?? :shock: C'mon, you kidding me right? ........Right?

*Dresses up like a crazy old man*

No I'm not! The Government is all in control of one person we don't know about. He is cruel and evil! :evil: We need to grab our guns and our touches and our pitch forks before it's too late! Yeah that was a joke. But I don't trust the government anymore. This guy raped a little girl and the Judge claim some crap about the world is evolving in a higher standard of living and let him go. What possible country could he be using as a standard? What country allows that?

The hell are you talking about?

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#6 KaptainKernal
Member since 2006 • 1787 Posts

I even saw a chart once that showed the raised of global warming and and population of polars bears and polars were completely noneffective by it. In fact, their population was increasing. Didn't really bother me until I see all these donations and websites dedicated to saving the polar bears and all these news of how bad we are with oil and all these prices going up. On the news today Russia is preparing (or already is) drilling. Should we add Russia to the list of people we want to 'stop' to save them? And to be honest, if there horrific sci-fi event happened IFL that all life on earth is dieing, I say we let the useless animals die and save all the dogs, horses, and other trainable useful animals above bears... which EAT us.

My favorite wild animal is wolf anyway so I could care less about bears. Giant fat smelly things...

And even if it's true though... I say let them die, unless the donations are going invent in a attack to stop Russia from getting the oil. Encase you're wondering, I'm anti-government but I'm slightly in the republican favor.


^ A perfect example of ignorance.

you cant be anti government and in favor of republicans....choose one...either way you are an idiot.

Well, Republicans in theory go for less governemtn restrictions. So in theory yes you could. But then you would cross into something else. Liberatarian. ROFL Liberatarians! Awesome!

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#7 KaptainKernal
Member since 2006 • 1787 Posts

Whoa whoa whoa everybody. Lets take a step back here for a second.

The term "emo" to me is a fashion statement which expresses a state of mind, not always, but from my experience yes.

The term "Jew" is either an ethnicity or religion or both together.

Some of you people are putting them in the same boat as a group of people who are or have been actively destroyed.

Sure Russia is being downright stupid with this weird ass law, but saying the almost total annihilation of a ethoreligious people to the restriction of a fad which might go away in a few years (like most fads, remember hollahoops or car fins?) is utterly ridiculous.

And yes I say fad. And I am totally leaving out any use of the word "depression" her. Depression is a serious illness, not some fad populated by kids who hate their parents for not 'understanding' them and therefore "hate life" and listen to sad music all day.

Yes the above sentence is a stereotype, but do I care? No.

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#8 KaptainKernal
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2nd Amendment FTW!

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#9 KaptainKernal
Member since 2006 • 1787 Posts


Yes! I see the light!

I see the light!

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#10 KaptainKernal
Member since 2006 • 1787 Posts

[QUOTE="SSCyborg"]Find some weeaboos?Rakushoujo

You must have not read the note, that says I'm not trying to be Japanese. Just so you know, I want nothing to do with people who want to be Japanese.

Doesn't sound that way to me. :?

Talk to people maybe. It really works. Hell, at my high School there is a HUGE Japanese Club... and like no one there is Japanese.

Making friends should come naturaly and I am sorry that you ave to come to an onliune forum to find help on the matter...

The number 1 way to make friends is don't be anti-social.