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#1 JNKtastic
Member since 2010 • 183 Posts

Or draw spells like Esuna or Blizzard. :D

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#2 JNKtastic
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Yay for you getting back into Final Fantasy! :P Anyway, I think the only problems I've had so far were in a certain boss fightnear the end of disc three when there was some minor slowdown due to a particular magic spell (cast by the opponent). Other than that, I'm very pleased.

I think I remember you saying that earlier in an earlier thread unless I am totally mistaken (in which case, sorry!). I'm glad to know that you didn't experience any other problems. :)
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#3 JNKtastic
Member since 2010 • 183 Posts

Uhmmm... let's see.


- STICK 1 - 2GB: save games and save game slots for Crisis Core and Dissidia, a smaller collection of my most often played music, a smaller collection of my favorite videos, a smaller collection of my favorite images and themes and wallpapers

- STICK 2 - 16GB: a collection of most of my music and some videos/movies

- STICK 3 - 16GB: a collection of my PSN games - currently FFVII and FFVIII and I will be adding DJ Max Fever and Reel Fishing

- STICK 4 - 8GB: a collection of artwork



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#4 JNKtastic
Member since 2010 • 183 Posts

FFVIII has got to be one of my all time favorites because of the storyline, the characters (except for one who annoyed me a lot) and character development, and because of the combat and equiping/junctioning system that the game utilizes.

It's a very involved game that requires strategy to effectively make use of everything and it comes with some really neat side quests that gives the game replay potential, especially if you're interested in what some of the side quests and side missions have to offer and you missed out on them on your first play-through.

With that said, where I haven't run into any problems on my PSN copy, I have these pieces of advice for you in general:




- Save often and don't be afraid to use a new save slot. You never know when you might have made a potential whoopsie in your gameplay and in FFVIII, the potential for this happening is often enough.

- Remember that some Missions/side quests in the game are time-sensitive meaning that if you leave the area and head on to the next Mission area, you might not be able to go back.

- Things are seldom useless in the game. Don't accidentally throw out or sell things you think are useless.





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#5 JNKtastic
Member since 2010 • 183 Posts

wrong! , jus take take ur psp go back to the retailer OR get them to order you the battery, there IS a battery at the back u jus unscrew the plates on the back.

Thanks for the correction. I was told numerous times (including by a local games retailer) that the Go's battery was non-user-replaceable and when I took a look, it seemed that way, too. Can you actually buy the battery yourself and replace it or do you have to go to a retailer and have it custom-installed for you?
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#6 JNKtastic
Member since 2010 • 183 Posts

Do YOU think the price point difference is worth it for you for the Go, the issue of UMDs aside? :)

Here are some questions I would ask myself:


Do you absolutely hate carrying around game cartridges and/or Memory Sticks? (Go still uses Memory Sticks, just a different sort from the older series)

Do you mind buying a different sort of Memory Stick? (Go uses a different Memory Stick compared to your 100X)

Do you mind the fact that the Go's battery is non-replaceable? (The Go's battery cannot be replaced unlike the older models)

Do you foresee yourself putting the Bluetooth functionality to good use?

Do you like the slider functionality of the Go?

How do you feel about the different shape and size of the Go as opposed to the older models? (If you can or haven't already, visit a game store or someplace that will allow you to hold a Go and see if you like the feel of it)

Do you like the idea of the onboard 16 GB of storage? (Sort of related to question one and two)

What are the main uses of the PSP for you? (For myself, it's portable gaming, music, movies, videos, and the occasional Skype)

Do you mind downloading everything and having no 'hard copy' of your games and/or movies? (I like my cartridges, maybe you don't)


Maybe other people can chime in with other questions that might be useful in helping you make a well-informed decision that's the best for you and your situation. :)

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#7 JNKtastic
Member since 2010 • 183 Posts

well i have to think the price is a result of the 16GB memory sony included with the system, and if the games on the psn were cheaper people would be complaining about how they have to pay more just because they want a hard copy.as for the library i have to think there is a technical issue with gettting some of the older titles up. they might get put up eventually but who knows.

The 16 gig onboard main storage is NOT worth the extra money in my opinion, but I agree with your sentiments about it being one of the reasons for the price hike between the 3000 and the Go. If you know where to shop for Memory Sticks, you can get 16 gigs or two sticks of 8 gigs at a fairly decent price. And yeah. My local game stores often have awesome discounts and sales on games - PSP titles included every so often - and so I dislike the idea of being forced to buy only through the PSN only to find that there's a huge price difference between the physical hard copy game and the downloaded one.
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#8 JNKtastic
Member since 2010 • 183 Posts

Which comics are you hooked on lately?

And of COURSE I'm hoping for some PSOne love!!!


Here's one for you folks of the forum forest... Ol' Stoney just got himself "FFVIII" last nite... how's THAT for a shocker from the "REEL FISHING" kid!?!

I never played it, went right from VII to X and I've read so many overwhelmingly positive things about it I had to do it...

But I'm still lokin' for that "Treasures of the Deep", "R/C Stunt 'Copter", and "Colony Wars" ("Wing Commander IV" is just a bit too primitive in comparison).


I picked up FFVIII and FFVII myself. :)

I played both on my PC before and can't wait to play it on my PSP now.

@ xaos: YES for Vagrant Story! I'd love to have that one myself.

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#9 JNKtastic
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[QUOTE="Marvi_I"] Thought I might as well ask here too. What have you used the bluetooth for? What do you mean by savestates? So in the PSPGo you can only download games through PSN but in the 3000 you can buy UMD games and download them through PSN? Is that correct?damann22

Bluetooth so far has been quite useless on the go.

Savestates allow for you to play a game and then exit back to the menu to do something else, then come back at the exact same point u exited at. This is for up to one game at a time.

Your third question's answer is a yes.

Bluetooth enables me to connect to wireless headphones and my cars speaker system so I have my entire music collection able to play through the car stereo. Also i can use the ps3 controller to play games like resistence retribution with the better control system. So I think bluetooth isnt quite useless.

As for someone who said the 3000 is more ergonomical well I doubt you have held a go by itself without a a gamestop or best buy stand. The GO feels much better to hold then the 3000.

Its a matter of preferrence. Make a pros and cons list and see which one you like best. Easy as that

Thank you very much for the Bluetooth example. That was a reason that I considered the Go when I first shopped around for a PSP but ultimately went with a 3000. My biggest consideration with the Bluetooth was that I wouldn't use it to its fullest potential (I'm glad you do!) and that I had no idea at the time how the Bluetooth would affect the Go's battery life. As for the ergonomics, I did actually hold a Go and a 3000 and I was simply more comfortable with the 3000 for whatever reason. And I agree, a pros and cons list is always the best option in cases like this. What one person likes another person might not and what one person might consider a useful feature another might think to be useless. Consider your own preferences and desires and then make your choice. It won't be wrong if you do it that way. :) Either way, you'll be the proud owner of a PSP of some sort.
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#10 JNKtastic
Member since 2010 • 183 Posts

And because editing a multi-paragraph message is a royal pain, I will just post my additional thought here:

I DO like having game cartridges, so I definitely don't mind buying UMDs, either. So where the ultra portability is a really cool function to have, it simply wasn't something I needed since I could get my hands on actual cartridges.

They remind me of my MiniDiscs and I have a pretty big collection of those, too, which I love.