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Edited By FenixNoT

@LandauTST Yeah I see your point :) most games at E3 were on PCs in the background, sneaky devs.

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Edited By FenixNoT

@constantterror No they won't. They'll support the 360 for years after the next console launch. They abandoned the original Xbox to the 360 at launch because they could instantly bring backward compatibility for almost all of their games and provide a better online service. You have absolutely nothing to base your claims on whatsoever, other than your own mindless opinion which is clearly ruled by Sony. Stop being a fanboy and actually read some statistics before you go spouting nonsense all over the place. And sorry but Xbox Live is a hundred times better than PSN, considering it's never gone down under a hack attack for a month and has solid reliable connections and doesn't take forever to download updates. On top of that, anyone who suffered from the 3 red lights issue on their consoles had them repaired for free even if they were out of warranty and were refunded in full if they'd had to pay for it already. Yeah MS really don't care about their customers.

Oh yeah, its also nice that when Sony put the PSN back up after being down for nearly a month they changed their EULA so that their customers couldn't bring a class action lawsuit against them. By signing up to use PSN you literally revoke your right to take Sony to court for providing you with a poor service. Enjoy being taken for a ride by Sony mate, they couldn't care less about you.

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Edited By FenixNoT

@GamerMani The PS1 was also much cheaper and games were cheaper and easier to make then than they are now. It's ridiculous to compare consoles of a current gen to consoles of a previous gen, especially when you consider all of the differences in market conditions between then and now.

And by the same logic the PS3 is also miles behind the PS1 in sale value, consider it isn't doing as well as the Xbox.

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Edited By FenixNoT

@constantterror PS3 is underselling the Xbox. You're a fanboy and you don't know what you're talking about. Every comment you leave stinks from Sony's massive digital member having been there only moments before.

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Edited By FenixNoT

@GamerMani The PS2 had sold 154 million as of november 21st 2011. 11 Years after its release. At the same stage in its life cycle as the 360 is now, 7 years in, it had sold almost 70 million units. The 360 has sold around 67 million. So they're nearly identical in sales. If the 360 is still that far behind in 4 years, your comment might actually have some weight. But until then consider it debunked :).

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Edited By FenixNoT

@constantterror The controller isn't compulsory to play the games, it's optional. And I really doubt anyone will buy a console and trade it in because the controller has a full HD colour touch screen in the center. Like "OH CRAP I'VE BEEN RIPPED OFF, THERE'S A TABLET WITH MY CONSOLE". Like it or not the Wii outsold the other consoles by miles. The Xbox and PS3 are around the 65 million mark while the wii sold 95 million. They have a massive fan base already, their next console is practically guaranteed to sell well, regardless of what they do with it. It won't be a THREAT to the current gen, or even the next gen, because most people are likely to stick where they are.

Most Xbox fans will buy and Xbox and most Sony fans will buy a PS4. They're only likely to switch based on which one looks more promising, comes out first and has better content coming to it.

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Edited By FenixNoT

@CreayBsD Also agree. MS don't mean that they aren't going to bring a new console out. They aren't going to stop making and selling 360's as soon as it's released though. Odds are the new consoles will be too expensive for most people to get as soon as they come out.

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Edited By FenixNoT

@LandauTST Yeah I agree, the Xbox hardware is sadly out of date. The playstation isn't too far behind although it has a slight stronger processor and graphics card. Exclusives are definitely coming out on top as far as the PS3 goes. Although the Halo 4 graphics surprised me for an Xbox game.

Kinect is really clumsy and gimmicky, I don't like it. As I've mentioned already, just look at PC games if you want to see how far behind the consoles are. The Witcher 2 is one of the most graphically impressive games ever made. Smashed most machines that tried to run it on full when it came out.

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Edited By FenixNoT

How are Sony the underdog? They're a massive global company with a ridiculous amount of revenue and industry experience behind them. Their console has better hardware than that of the Xbox. They aren't disadvantaged to Microsoft in any way. The online features provided by Sony aren't as good as those provided by MS to their customers. This is a fact. The Xbox 360 has done well because it's a good console and Microsoft are good at giving their customers value for their money. The thing is that they're only implementing a browser now, nearly 7 years later. But despite this they've still outsold the PS3 which has a better Graphics card, processor and a Blu-Ray player.

The original Xbox didn't barely make it either. It sold extremely well too and was a very reliable piece of hardware. Hence the Xbox 360. Halo is one of the biggest selling shooter franchises of all time, as is Gears of War, which is Xbox exclusive. So it's hardly pathetic that they make a game that millions of fans adore and which has given life to one of the most passionate gaming communities ever to exist.

Aside from this, explain to me how you expect the next Xbox to fail. Do Sony have some super sneaky trick up their sleeves to catch the "arrogant dogs" off guard? And how is Sony still winning? Last I checked the Xbox was out selling it and Sony let their PSN get hit by hackers and go down for a month. They also don't provide something as simple as party chat to online players. And before you come out with the classic "PS3 players get online for free" defense, that's because the service is poor. The connections are unreliable and playstation updates take forever. I know this. I have a playstation and an xbox and a gaming PC.

In my opinion the PC trumps all but the stupidity of everything you just said astounded me so much that I just couldn't help but argue my point. Also, on top of everything I've mentioned above, Sony entered this generation of consoles a year after Microsoft, meaning Sony had the advantage in that they could change and tweak their console to be better than the Xbox and provide a service which gave their customers everything Microsoft did and more. They failed to do this. They had the advantage, not Microsoft.

I am not an Xbox fanboy. I just hate stupidity being thrown around for everyone to see. Keep it to yourself, you might infect someone with your mongoloiditis.

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Edited By FenixNoT

CD Projekt Red are amazing. I love their stance on DRM. Like he says, people crack it anyway and all it does is infuriate the people who pay for the game. Bought D3 there and the DRM is so irritating :(