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#1 FatalDomain
Member since 2005 • 1783 Posts
As a gamer well experienced in the use of emulators on the PC, I understand the reasoning behind reviewing retro games. There have been many instances where I would download a game based on fond memories only to realize the game only held my attention for about 30 minutes or less (not time friendly)...The disappointment felt was short lived, because overall the game was free. Just think how gamers would react if they downloaded a retro game for a fee only to realize they wasted their money on a title that is weak and offers no nostalgia or fun....

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#2 FatalDomain
Member since 2005 • 1783 Posts
Hell why not wait 'til 2010? I heard the games will be fantastic then and the other consoles will just stop making games so Sony can catch up.heretrix


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#3 FatalDomain
Member since 2005 • 1783 Posts
[QUOTE="JediA_basic"]No online?
Terrible load time??
Has to load 2G on harddrive???
If you've ever played a Virtua Fighter game, you'd understand why it isn't online. There are moves, extremely powerful moves, that require the player to press buttons within 1/60th of a second. In a 60fps game, that means you're pressing a button within the time it takes for one frame to pass by on the screen. So, if you have any lag that is over 1/60th of a second? You're screwed.

You do realize that VF is online in arcades in Japan dont you?!?!? To put a end to the cronic mis-information on this topic, when Sega mentioned online wasnt possible on a console, they had the Playstation online network in mind!!! The PSN network this gen and last is broken and patched together leaving third party devs to support their own games... Sega will not provide servers and manpower to support VF for consoles....Only time will tell what is in store for the 360 version, but overall most devs arent too keen on providing everything including the kitchen sink (hardware/software support) for one franchise, only to have Sony get all the credit for touting its online network....

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#4 FatalDomain
Member since 2005 • 1783 Posts
Sony has to many trends and statistics fighting against it

-The Most exspensive console has never won.

-Sony has never won a video format war.

-with the exception of the ps2 every trojan horse multimedia sytem has come in last place or flopped.
(I cite the psx and the psp).

-Sony has never launched a console against a major non sega rival.

-The trend has been that every company gets arrogant and fails in there third console cycle.

You forgot to add the following:

No console has won three consecutive generations...!

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#5 FatalDomain
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[QUOTE="cakeorrdeath"]Failure breeds failure just as much as success breeds success.Raidea

Agreed. But that doesn't mean a company can't turn itself around. Sony have dug themselves a hug hole this generation, and they can only climb back out with quality games, it might be a long time, but I think Sony will get themselves back on track.

Having said that, I still feel this is the generation that has broken Sonys grip on the home console market.

Your comments/logic are valid but there is one serious problem that has nothing to do with you....its the fact that Sony is not concerned with the gaming aspects of the PS3 and now that the public has caught wind to this, they are not buying into the hype of the PS3 just to support a movie format....

The logic you use would have been beneficial to the Dreamcast, N64, Jaguar and many other systems that had good gaming potential but drifted into exile due to the lack of support. This logic wont help the PS3 because Sony had all the support the industry could have ever wanted, but chose to spit in the face of the same devs that help them dominate the market by the direction on the PS3 project(movies first, games second)...Some devs are giving the PS3 benefit of the doubt (from past success and profit) but overall the industry does not consider the PS3 the cash cow system of this generation which is why the PS3 is getting leftovers and crappy ports....Other than Resistance, there is nothin on the market from Sony (first party) that justifies the purchase of the PS3. When the globally considered AAA content does come from Sony, it may be too damn late for the industry to care....(same as the N64)

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#6 FatalDomain
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I don't understand the whole Europe loving Sony thing. I thought Europeans loved football/soccer more than they loved Sony, and last time I checked, there won't be a FIFA or Pro Evo game on the PS3 until 2008...Spamwell

Its not about a particular region loving a certain company, it all boils down to the games...This simple concept is the reason Sony is in the current mess they are in. Sony forgot they had the most third party support due to supporting devs, which lead to more hardware sales, they thought people were buying  their console for the name "Playstation" and not software...

In all honesty what draws in the gamers, are the GAMES!!! As you can clearly see this gen, the name of a console only takes a console so far (Wii is a silly name, and most gamers were turned off initially with the name Xbox360!!!) but they are currently running the market due to the software on these systems, while the popular sounding PS3 is getting more movies than games....yeah I went off on a tangent, but hey its SYSTEM WARS!!! wooohooooo:lol:

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#7 FatalDomain
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But to get back on topic IF the Wii was a global flop and the 360 and the PS3 were the only consoles gamers had to flock to, MS losing Japan would have been a big deal. But since the Wii has all but wiped the floor with both systems (sales) in Japan, you can pretty much count out that region as a negative for the 360. The console race this gen will boil down to America and Europe and who has marketshare in those regions....

So in a nutshell MS doesnt need Japan afterall, and they can thank Ninty for the help in the preventiion of Sony's homeland domination....

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend....."

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#8 FatalDomain
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[QUOTE="cakeorrdeath"][QUOTE="ssjlv4nappa"][QUOTE="cakeorrdeath"]PS3 is hardly running away with it in Japan. They are selling about 80,000 units per month to the 360's 20,000.

That puts them on pretty much level footing.

yeah 20,000/80,000 = 20/80 = 50/50 = equal footing.

Simple maths.

I meant gap in America is 50,000. Gap in Japan is 60,000.

And you actually think they will continue like this? PS3 has one killer app. Later this year when we get better and more games Sony will easily start selling more PS3s then M$ sells 360s.

Nothin wrong with supporting your console of choice, but it bothers me when gamers make comments like this. Its not as if Sony is in competition with the Phantom or the Jaguar II where support would drop off immediately for the consoles as the PS3 picks up steam, this is MS and Ninty and both systems will be heavily supported during the same timeframe as the PS3...

Meaning the PS3 would need a few "GTA type exclusives or system sellers" to herd (no pun intended!!) the casuals into PS3 land. The lineup Sony has is very impressive, but those titles cater to the hardcore/early adoptor gamers....All of the casual gems (multiplat games) are already on the 360 which leaves only the hardcore gamer and Sony fanboys touting MGS, FF, Tekken and other Sony traditional titles as anything worth owning for the PS3...Contrary to fanboy belief those titles mentioned are not system sellers, they are just very popular titles that gamers grab who already own a Sony console....Yes I said it!!!:P

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#9 FatalDomain
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I dont care about the reviews...All I know is that I am enjoying my game!!! I was a lil skeptical from playing the demo and the lack of interest I had in it, but once my wife bought it last night, I damn near stayed up all night shooting villians and leaping from rooftops. Its a nice break from Gears and also proves that graphics dont make a game FUN!!!

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#10 FatalDomain
Member since 2005 • 1783 Posts

notice how the xflop's version looks 2x darker than the PS3s? its becoming a usual thing now to make games on xflop with over done shadows to make the game look betterl1mIt

Sorry but your fanboy comments are null and void. Its not like the 360 hardware magically added more shadows to give it the 1up over the PS3 version. It was obviously EA's original vison of how they wanted to develope their franchise, unfortunately they have to compromise with the PS3 while they didnt have to with the 360....Next excuse please!!!

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