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It is really nice to see a company focused on games, sadly Nintendo isn't one of them. Nintendo is focused on selling consoles with selling games second. If Nintendo was really focused on games maybe they wouldn't produce the same gimmicky Mario game several times over, maybe they wouldn't force wii motion gimmicks onto their games, maybe they would actually innovate for once. As much as i like Nintendo's games I'm not going to go out and buy a WiiU for 2 games at the most. Nintendo needs to step up and realize that it isn't the 90's anymore and their is a lot more then just Nintendo and Sega. Nostalgia will only get you so far, if Nintendo can't adapt to the times then they should get out of the console market and maybe actually focus on games for once.

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I built my gaming rig 2 years ago and it was more powerful then the Ps3/360 and its still more powerful then the Ps4/X1. Ram is cheep, video cards have already come out with DDR5, the I7 is more then enough to run any game on the market as we speak. Right now this is just bullshitting us. I have nothing against the consoles, in fact i own a Ps3, Wii and have played on a 360 many times but a console will never reach a PC because they are locked down with tech they made during production. So by the time the Consoles come out they may be a year or a few months behind. My PC has lasted me two gens and i can safely say this gen may be getting close but its not there.

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Edited By DrBomberJack

Although the promise of a new Conker or Banjo game sounds nice, Rare just isn't what it once was. Many devs have left and Rare is just a name now with none of the talent it once had. Although there is a chance that the game will be good who know.

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Edited By DrBomberJack

@BJCentral @DrBomberJack I never said anything about how the next Xbox is going to be bad and how its games are bad or how the PS is better, all i said is how this promise of exclusives seems to just be hype and nothing more. To tell you the truth i play on a PC and haven't touched a console in years now. If anyone is the bitter fan boy here its you. So go have a cookie and sit in the corner till you're done.

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@dlCHIEF58 @DrBomberJack
Most of these games are not even exclusives. Many of these stuck with the 360 because it would be simpler to port over to the 360 instead of the ps3 from the PC. But since both use x86 there is no reason to stick with the 360.
Alan Wake, Left 4 Dead, The Witcher, America's Army, Divinity, are all franchises that have been on the PC and will most likely move be on the PC, Xbox, and PS next gen. While all the Rareware IP's such as Conker and Banjo are dead along with crack down besides Killer Instinct. The other games you named are one shot games that will most likely not come back and even if they do there is nothing to stop them from going to the Ps as well. The only game in that list that is really an exclusive is Fable and unless that pulls a 180 i don't see people really willing to jump off a cliff for it.

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Edited By DrBomberJack

Although the promise of exclusives is important for a console i can't help but feel that this promise will fall flat. To my knowledge the 360 only has two exclusives left, Halo and Gears of War. Most games have gone cross platform by now when most devs realised that they can make more money by making a game for more then one console, this will be even easier now that the Xbox and PS both use x86. There have also been no hints that any dev is making exclusives for the next Xbox. So unless Microsoft managed to convince a bunch of devs to make next gen games and keep them a complete secret i think Microsoft is just hyping up their next console. Or these exclusives are just one Gears game and 7 Halo titles

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I can't shake the feeling that this game is going to resemble Sniper Ghost warrior in a lot of ways.

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All feelings of EA aside this guy is right. The WiiU came out at a really akward time thats barely as powerful as current Gen when next gen is right around the corner. The WiiU is this gen's Dreamcast, solid idea but horrible timing and poor line up. Nintendo thinks that a selling a console with little to no third party support can be justified with a Zelda/Mario title. Nintendo needs to get with the times or get out of the console market

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Although it features 82 updated levels i can't help but feel this is just a way of Nintendo milking the whole "Year of Luigi" thing to pump out another game.

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Sadly i fear the WiiU is far beyond the point of no return and Nintendo's console market might be the same if they don't so something.