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They removed battle screen transitions since Chrono Trigger in 1995. Why are they still here? When you see enemies, you should be able to fight them then and there.

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I'm hoping his words ring true. Honestly, it left a bad taste in my mouth when he said that he designed her that way cause he likes sexy characters and wants people to cosplay as her and for her figurines to sell.

I've been a huge fan of Kojima since Snatcher and Policenauts, despite having perverted character and game design in both those games, but this felt like it was Kojima's lowest point. Here's hoping to a good game with a decent story, and characters.

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@frozenux @Dechorus He's just a developer at the studio, he wasn't at all responsible for Cortana's design. Everybody has a right to express their opinion, especially when it's valid. His affiliation with the studio is completely irrelevant; he isn't a character artist creating provocative women and then pointing fingers - *that's* hypocrisy. Don't be ignorant..

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I feel like people are only bagging on Cortana to shut him down and call him a hypocrite.

If you don't have an issue with this character design in MGS, then you don't have an issue with Cortana in Halo.

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Edited By Dechorus

@ViciousRDS @Dechorus How is this viewpoint sexist?

You're right in that it's harder for it to be taken seriously, but it isn't sexist. Don't be ridiculous.

I understand very well the MGS series. The "tone" of MGSV so far however feels more similar in tone with other more serious films. Blood Diamond comes to mind.

You don't see women like that dressed in Iraq shooting people.

Kojima made her like that cause he is delighted by sexualised women (see every game he's ever made; Snatcher, Policenauts, MGS, and so on).

And because he wants to see cosplayers. Oh, and the figurines.

If you can't even fathom that somebody might have this opinion without sounding sexist (or an opinion that differs to yours, regardless of what it is), then you can leave your barely counter-arguments at the door.

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@wongph The Witcher handles nudity much more tastefully. Besides, it is a fantasy setting, and MGSV is set in reality, in real countries, with real issues.

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Edited By Dechorus

Can you imagine Black Hawk Down, Saving Private Ryan or The Hurt Locker with a slutty soldier on the front lines? Would you then imagine the director of those movies saying "we hope people dress up as her [to promote our movie!] and sell some merch!".

It *is* disgusting. You kids who disagree should pipe down.

Sexuality is fine, but MGSV is tackling a ton of serious themes as shown in the E3 trailer. Child soldiers, female torture, etc... does a sexualised woman wearing stockings as pants belong in the mix? No she doesn't. Kojima might have crafted a "reason" she's like that, but this was definitely shoehorned into the story. He said it to you straight, he wants his characters to be sexy for the figurines and cosplayers. That is ultimately the reason.

When tackling certain "taboo" themes as he put it, you have a certain responsibility to handle them with care and sensitivity. Women and children are being tortured and killed in this game... which is taking place in REAL countries with REAL issues. Her character is insensitive and distasteful, and trivialises the nature of the subject matter within the game.

Put her in another game.

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the not so good framerates? yeah, basically when i look at a lot of crap. but when isn't there lots of crap? lol. the game is a giant sandbox with so much stuff in it. i want decent framerates >:( ... my pc seems to earn it, lol. I'm also running on Vista 64bit. Incase that is known to really bog down performance?

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Hey guys. Ok I have an 8800 GT, which should be 512MB, correct? Well, after performing a dxdiag run, it says my video ram is a whopping 2.2gb. I don't understand how this works. At system requirments lab, the recommended video card is the 8800GTS 640MB. But again, it says mine is better, and the bar is maxed out. Besides, my actual performance on Crysis isn't amazing or anything. I still seem to have less than smooth frame rate on medium with not that amazing resolution. What's up with that? o.O Oh yeah and i got 4gigs of ram and a quad core amd, so the CPU part seems to be sufficient enough.