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It's good to see that people with brains still exist here @ Gamespot like you "HuhJustaBox" and "thegame1980." The reason most of the people here that responded to my topic are so hell bent on hating on me and giving in-into Sony's crap is because they've already been stooped into believing they're getting something when they're actually getting nothing more than stuff that would've been otherwise free before Qore came along. People keep saying this, "it only cost $2.99" crap but fail to realize it's still robbing content that would've been free from the get go. (Paying $2.99 per mag does add up you know)

Sony is giving you nothing more than what Gamespot, IGN and Gametrailers offer which is, developer interviews and all that other nonsense. So let's stop acting like a digital magazine is so much of a wanted new thing because it's not, it's just another way to make you pay your way online by making your free PSN account feel like it's 3rd class, while Qore subscribers get 1st class. I know these games when I see em! Sure you can say "well it'll eventually be free", but who the heck wants to wait a month for a demo that's purposefully being held back due to Qore?

You seem to be doing a lot of whining and complaining for nothing.. which may be the reason why people are flamming.. now you complain about people not being able to understand your point.. and that might be because you don't have one except for the fact that your a cheap, inpatient ass clown.. but i digress.. let's see if you can understand my point..

1 - Yes I understand that 2.99$ may be a lot of money for some people (but for you to comlain about it.. after buying a plasma no less.. is what earned you the ass clown comment..).. but it would only be one purchase.. not 2.99$ a month.. and besides with the subscription it doesn't come out to 2.99 a month but approximately 1.99$ a month.. or 2.01$.. never the less.. if you want the motorstorm demo that bad.. then cough out the 1 paymeny of 2.99$.. besides.. its not just for the demo.. its for the exclusive developer interviews that Quore Provides.. and as a bonus you earn access to the motorstorm 2 demo.. 30 days Before is releases..

I don't know if you got that so let me dumb it down for you... the demo is a bonus to the Quore "issue".. and if you want it so bad.. you would pay without complaint.. if not.. then be patient like everyone else.. I for one.. could not care less about motorstorm 2, and there fore will be patient enough to wait for the demo.. which will be free of charge...

but.. on the other side of the point.. i wanted access to the Naruto Ultimate Ninja storm demo and therefore paid the 2.99 $ and did not feel cheated or ripped off.. because it was worth it. (thats what makes you cheap because if you really wanted something so bad.. you wouldn't complain about the price to get access before everyone else.. poser)

2 - Now for Quore.. it is an "online" magazine.. which cost 2.99$ and for a subscription 24.99$ for the year.. the access to beta tests and demos are bonus features to lure in customers who wouldn't consider purchasing Quore.. its called strategy your like me.. and you see through that.. then simply do not purchase the magazine and wait patiently for the demo to release to the public.. for you to whine and complain makes you a real hypocrite..

3 - Sony sold, and continues to sell ps3 consoles at a loss... so for them to charge for a service like Quore (or anything else they decide to charge for) is not a big deal.. (to me at least).. and most people on this forrum appear to feel the same way.. and are also patient with whatever demos they will be receieving.. and for this reason.. im going to have to say that you shouldn't sell your PS3.. you should give it away.. I mean seriously.. you don't deserve it.. go give it to someone who appreaciates the service they will get... reguardless if they want to pay the 2.99$ for Quore or not..

you should consider yourself lucky.. there are people who can't afford a ps3 or any next gen system for that matter and are just getting their hands on a ps2.. oh and if you do get rid of your ps3... good luck going over to the other console which charges you for their monthly service.. (hate to see the kind of post you would put for them).. now.. if you feel the need to complain about something again.. please feel free to BLOG about it...

if for any reason you dissagree with whatever i posted, or wish to argue any of my points.. i feel as though i throughly explained myself and in doing so have wasted my time.. so please if you feel the need to reply.. do so by going to the highest building in your area.. get to the roof... walk to the edge and simply take one step foward..

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you guys are all fools.. they are not girls.. they are young boys.. 10-13 year olds.. we all know girls dont play games... ;)

but seriously i have one girl on my list.. she only plays cod 4 and she is never on.. i need more girls on my list..

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i was watching an interview wiht the developers and they said that they didn't want to allow people to create Jedi characters to take away from the special characters in the game... however maybe in a patch or most likely in DLC.. they will allow you to buy the moves and items to create a jedi..

i for one.. dont care about this and will still be picking this game up because i haven't bought and played a soul calibur since the first one on dreamcast... partially because i either didn't have the money.. or was busy buying other games.. but reviews say this one is as good if not better than the first.. therefore.. i'll be picking it up today..

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i would say that belongs to both late boomer and token hoarder.. i pretty much got everyone except for the two.. and 10 nukes in endless.. but i got up to 8 so its dueable.. and the co-op one is also doable if you have someone competent.. but i wont be getting that.. cause everyone that i play with sucks bad.. sigh.. oh well..

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Well I was just planning out which order i was going to replay my games.. then i heard about having to replay for trophies.. talk about incentive.. Honestly 60 $ is too much to not replay a game.. I actually have been looking forward to replaying my games.. and now i have a greater reason..

It's just like when my PS2 memory card was corrupted.. and I replayed all my games to get back my saves.. To relive all those games again was just awesome...

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This is a No Brainer.. MGS 4.. if you played the games you'll love it.. if you haven't.. you'll still love it.. besides.. metal gear essentials is only 30 bucks.. or you could just look at the database.. to get the back story.. but honestly.. its the better of the two.. and its Multiplayer is also great... so yeah.. MGS 4 all the way..

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[QUOTE="CoreoVII"]I hope to god, they have the battle music theme from MGS2, Like when raiden fought that fat guy on the helipad. You guyzremember the song?Its so action packed.Goku2639

It's called "Yell Dead Cell"

Great song :)

hell yea. I have it as one of the only active songs on the Shadow Moses Island stage in Super Smash Brothers Brawl

Well one of the songs in there is called Metal Gear Solid 20th year music... something.. ( Part 4 ).. and its the theme to the fight with Gene in MGS Portable Ops.. i recomend it.. its awesome.. when i first discovered this on the ipod.. i got goose bumps... haha..

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I agree with you that calling 30+ hour games like GTA4 and MGS4 short is a tad ridiculous. But in general games are getting shorter. I mean to be worth a $60 price tag a game should be atleast 10 hours long, 15 hours being a sweet spot. The problem we're facing now is that a lot of the big games coming out are only 5-10 hours long, also most of these games are very scripted and limit replayability. Now in certian cases a 5 hour long campaign is ok, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare had a 5 hour campaign that I beat in 1 sitting but it was one of the better campaigns I've played. Not only that, I also have clocked a few hours short of 5 days on COD4 online (Which has made it worth my buy). But in general games are getting shorter and we should complain.Dreamable

i completely agree... any game thats over 10 hours is pretty decent in length for me.. and anything thats about 5 hours is not really acceptable unless it provides a great and unforgettable experience.. such as COD4...

also before you complain about a games length.. how about playing it on the hardest difficulty available at the start.. i started with the Bourne conspiracy on the hardest difficutly and i got more hours than 5 but it was still beat mostly in one day.. but call of duty was easily more than 5 hours on the hard and hardest difficulties... just a tip..

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no.. snipers would not be overpowered.. battlefield 2 had prone.. and i felt the game was very balanced.. i mean sure with no kill cams.. a good sniper can pile up kills with the right spot.. but people will eventually get you.. or you'll end up moving out of boredom when people stop comming to your area.. I used to snipe in battlefield 2.. and the best round i ever had was about 50 and 4.. and thats cause the same guy just kept comming for more..

however i do agree that without prone there would be less camping.. and it just keeps you on your toes.. and i think the game works really well without prone..

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#10 DWCsUpAFrEaK
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it actually happens to me only when a game freezes.. or gets stuck on loading or something.. but the only reason it happens is because i restart the system.. so when it turns off.. it gives me those two beeps.. nothing major.. its happened to me a handfull of times.. and most recently with GTA.. i wouldn't worry about it.. i would just think of it.. as your playstation saying "Sorry" to you.. like those CD players that apologized when they skipped..