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#1 BodomArmy666
Member since 2004 • 354 Posts

[QUOTE="Da_lil_PimP"][QUOTE="lbjkurono23"] Personally it's worth every penny, it's loaded with content. As for the difference , the only worth mentioning is the extra character on the ps3(Kratos)Drakan11

The fatalities are actually the reason for me considering getting this game. They look so awesome :P I guess the deciding factor to which system to buy the game on is the controller of each. Does the game use the d-pad at all? If so I would go with the PS3 copy.

Don't have the full game but I played the demo and I used the d-pad, if that helps.

I was actually surpirsed how well I adjusted to the 360 dpad. I dl the demo on my friends ps3 and played it a while before getting it for 360. I HATED the dpad for 360 when playing oblivion a while back and thought it would be horrible for a game whos main control is using the dpad. But it works really well...I really cant say I have had any problems with it. I believe it is actually easier to "roll" the fingers to pull of moves whereas on the ps3 d pad i feel like i have to input each forward back move etc. Dont know if that makes sense but its the best i could explain it.

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#2 BodomArmy666
Member since 2004 • 354 Posts

just wanted to add that the endings are lame as would think that in 2011 we would have nice cgi endings or something...but no we get a slideshow....really really lame.

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#3 BodomArmy666
Member since 2004 • 354 Posts

offline is a blast! be sure you have friends to play with cause online is pure shi*. It is like playing a game at 5fps. It is THAT bad! It sucks because I really like this game and it would be so awesome if it was flawless online. This is why I do not suppoirt the online pass, you rent a game like this or buy it used and then you purchase a pass for 10 bucks only to see that the game online is ka ka. And you dont get no refund. It just amazes me that I can play bad company with 24 people on a server with all types of stuff going on and no lag at all. But when i want to fight one on one it is a lag fest? Maybe Ed Boon and his buddies suck at developing net code...I dont know.....but bottom line, if you got friends to play local you should love it. Story is actually damn good to, cheesy but good and fun.

The Krypt could be better...there are a ton of things like fatalities and such, but you dont really need to unlock them, if you get them from the internet you can still input them and it still works. To much concept art and dumb stuff that I personally dont care for....who really likes looking at a sketch of ed boon's 2nd grade drawing of a fatlity..i mean come on. Xrays also get a little old...they look boss...but when playing and I pull one off or vice versa I want them to be quicker....they just take to long after a while. Id give the game a solid 8. I would give it more but the online is THAT bad!

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#4 BodomArmy666
Member since 2004 • 354 Posts


anyone else getting a ton of lag online? and what happened to Kano's eye lazer? you would have thought they'd remember not to leave that out.


Aren't most fatalities needed to be unlocked?

Yeah they all have one fatality when starting, need to buy the rest.

Also after trying Kabal i just don't like him, probably just me but IMO he doesn't play well. l;

im just talking about a move not a fatalitiy..havent you ever played a mortal kobat before

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#5 BodomArmy666
Member since 2004 • 354 Posts

anyone else getting a ton of lag online? and what happened to Kano's eye lazer? you would have thought they'd remember not to leave that out.

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#6 BodomArmy666
Member since 2004 • 354 Posts

game is great fun...but online lags like nobodies buiness....this is why i do not support the online can they justify this. if i rented the game or ought it used and payed for the online pass i would be furious. this game should be flawless online no questions asked. why am i able to play bad company with no lag at all but a game with two people fighting each other lags like crazy? games that have this online pass need to be perfect in this repsect. while i am glad i got the game, this is commpletley inexcusable. and plus......where is kano's lazer move???????!?!?!?!? how could they forget that..i MEAN COME ON!!!!

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#7 BodomArmy666
Member since 2004 • 354 Posts

got the midnight is fun as hell...however i entered the redeem code for the costume and fatality, the costume works, but not the fatality, it doesnt seem to be unloced, i cannot find out how to do it or where to see it. any ideas?

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#8 BodomArmy666
Member since 2004 • 354 Posts


[QUOTE="percech"]From the streams I've been watching it seems that PS3 lags more often than XBL.percech

Theres 2 things going against that. 1 the person could have crappy connection for the system or 2 the stream itself isint that stable. I never trust streaming vids when it comes to lag. I gatta see for myself.

It's not the stream itself. I can tell and the guy streaming even mentions it. Although, I noticed a fair amount of lag on the 360 too. Plenty of connection losts. However now I'm noticing how barren PSN is compared to XBL.

while i was watching a stream last night i heard them mention that the net code was pretty bad but they are releasing a patch to fix it. you guys hear about this or know of any release date for the patch?

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#9 BodomArmy666
Member since 2004 • 354 Posts

im lucky my sister has a ps3 so i downloaded the jsut dissapointed 360 didnt get a chracter or something. kinda lame...but i still pre ordered it

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#10 BodomArmy666
Member since 2004 • 354 Posts

it comes out in 7 hours....