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#1 BlueBarad
Member since 2003 • 2218 Posts

"We make war that we may live in peace." -
-- AristotleUrbanSpartan125

The catch-all phrase, "War on Terrorism", in all honesty, has no more meaning than if one wants to wage a war against criminal gangsterism.It's deliberately vague and non definable to justify and permit perpetual war anywhere, and under any circumstances.Don't forget: the Iraqis and Saddam Hussein had absolutely nothing to do with any terrorist attack against us including that on 9/11.

Special interests and the demented philosophy of conquest have driven most wars throughout history.Rarely has the cause of liberty, as it was in our own revolution, been the driving force.In recent decades our policies have been driven by neo-conservative empire radicalism, profiteering in the military industrial complex, misplaced do-good internationalism, mercantilistic notions regarding the need to control natural resources, and blind loyalty to various governments in the Middle East.

For all the misinformation given the American people to justify our invasion, such as our need for national security, enforcing UN resolutions, removing a dictator, establishing a democracy, protecting our oil, the argument has been reduced to this:If we leave now Iraq will be left in a mess-implying the implausible that if we stay it won't be a mess.

Since it could go badly when we leave, that blame must be placed on those who took us there, not on those of us who now insist that Americans no longer need be killed or maimed and that Americans no longer need to kill any more Iraqis.We've had enough of both!

Ron Paul
Statement on the Iraq War Resolution
Before the U.S. House of Representatives February 14, 2007

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#2 BlueBarad
Member since 2003 • 2218 Posts

OK, dude? Slow it down just a little bit. I agree with most of what you said. But the idea that their is some kind of active conspiracy within the media to oppress the truth like an evil James Bomd villian is a little out there. It's close, but it's still barking up the wrong tree. The problem is the media doesn't care.


Check this video out. Tell me that the host doesn't want to destroy his guest?

Check out the vids on my signature also.

Dude, that's Fox News. Everybody knows Fox News is the GOP's mouth. That doesn't necessarily mean the GOP is pulling strings in every facet of media. The problem lies within Americans themselves. Americans don't want to hear about things like "National Debt", "Peak Oil", or "Global Warming". They would rather hear about things like "Britney Spears", and "American Idol". The media is probably one of the most beholden organizations to supply and demand.

You're close, but not exactly on target.

That guy he is interviewing is a GOP Presidential Candidate.

No wonder you never heard of him.

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#3 BlueBarad
Member since 2003 • 2218 Posts

The solution: Eliminate China

problem solved.


"There is no peace looking down the barrel of a gun"
-Ron Paul

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#4 BlueBarad
Member since 2003 • 2218 Posts

OK, dude? Slow it down just a little bit. I agree with most of what you said. But the idea that their is some kind of active conspiracy within the media to oppress the truth like an evil James Bomd villian is a little out there. It's close, but it's still barking up the wrong tree. The problem is the media doesn't care.


Check this video out. Tell me that the host doesn't want to destroy his guest?

Check out the vids on my signature also.

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#5 BlueBarad
Member since 2003 • 2218 Posts

or how about we force people to pay their debts to us. every country is in debt to us. we just don't force them to pay. it sucks.


Actually, we should stop helping.

If people wanna help they can get together and send the money themselves.

But why does my government send my money without my authorization is beyond me.

Example: The Governement refused aid from foreigners when Katrina struck.

The answer: The government hired Carnival Cruise Lines to send cruise ships to "help"

Guess who paid the bill? YOU DID!!

A rich guy, Micky Erison, owner of the Miami Heat, just got a LOT richer at your expense.

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#6 BlueBarad
Member since 2003 • 2218 Posts

Yeah the ripple effect is a b**ch isnt it? Michigan is feeling that hardcore right now with all the Auto jobs gone, that is affecting the housing trades big time.Darthmatt

You see the mainstream media even mentioning it?

No, we are oblivious to this type of stuff.

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#7 BlueBarad
Member since 2003 • 2218 Posts

I would imagine that is true for a lot of the big ticket items. But the basic level stuff like groceries and entertainment is probably not as reliant on credit as RV and boat sales are. RV sales were down this year too, so thats a good indicator that people may be less able to use credit to buy stuff like that. Man, people have been so irresponsible with credit haven't they?! Not only do people buy houses they cannot afford, then they use Home equity to get even more crap they can't afford. Its a wonder we didnt run into this credit crunch sooner. Darthmatt

What goes around comes around.

If the RV sales are down, then the guy who sells the RV loses his job. The mechanincs that work on RV's lose their jobs.

So you have a whole bunch on unemployed people that buy less groceries, go less to the movies, and so on.

And the cycle repeats.

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#8 BlueBarad
Member since 2003 • 2218 Posts

Yeah, but that will probably change when the economy gets stronger.We are still experiencing growth (GDP +4.9% Q3) even in the face of the credit and housing market problems. I think people just need to be more aware of the impact consumption can have. Everyone can do small things. I mulch leaves in the fall instead of bagging them to the curb, or I use Tupperware instead of sandwich bags...etc. I didnt always, but I started thinking about my lifestyle and how ridiculous it is the amount of stuff I throw away and buy that I dont have to. The consumers have a choice, but consumption is so much a part of our lifestyle now that a lot of people don't think about the consequences to our planet and economy.Darthmatt

GDP Growth?? Ok the GDP is growing, but the dollar is declining.

So you have a fake growth. Looks good for the papers. But in actuallity you are poorer.

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#9 BlueBarad
Member since 2003 • 2218 Posts

Bush says: "Congress I need money"

Congress says: "If you need money, then we need money for our 9000 earmarks"

Congress passes a 1 TRILLION Dollar Budget

Guess who is paying for that???

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#10 BlueBarad
Member since 2003 • 2218 Posts

No, I never brought up credit cards or credit. That was the other guy. I was talking about consumer consumption. Its good that it drives our economy, but its bad because it consumes our limited resources. This will be the challenge which threatens the stability for all economies unless we find a sustainable solution. So to stay on topic it wont happen in 10 years, but it may be a reality in 100 years. However, 100 years ago people still made buggy whips too. So I wont exclude human innovation the ability to tackle the problem.Darthmatt

The problem is that our so called expansion has been entirely based on credit expansion.

We think that we are growing, actually we are pilling on more debt.

Which in the foreground makes us look great.

It's like taking out a Home Equity loan, you can buy a new car, new clothes and fix up the house.

Exept that in the end you now OWE money.