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#1 Bahn_Yuki
Member since 2003 • 1644 Posts
[QUOTE="coolseth123"][QUOTE="mattyftm"][QUOTE="coolseth123"][QUOTE="DreganMK"]PS 2 graphics just plain suckShakeNBake1491
Your kidding right, right now their better then wiis and they still have better graphics then gc.

You realy need to stop talking out of your backside. The PS2 had graphics tonnes worse than the GC, It was years out of date by the time the GC came out. The wii's graphics are about on par with the GCs at the moment, but they will improve with time.

Then why didnt they have games with better graphics for the gc?

Resident Evil 4 looked better for the GC than for the PS2... do you understand that or should I break it down?

I don't understand, please break it down for me.  I own both console versions, so explain to me why the GC version is 4:3 letterbox while PS2 is 16:9 Widescreen?  Please break this down, I want to know.
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#2 Bahn_Yuki
Member since 2003 • 1644 Posts
Wow even after all these months people still can't accept the Wii for what it is.  Truly amazing, I remember all the posts of people calling me a basher, a hater, and downright Satan.  Oh th death threats I've recieved.  But where are the people now? Aren't you happy with your PS2 ports? Aren't you happy with your last gen graphics?

You should know better by now.  It's months AFTER launch.  The Wii is "two Gamecubes, duct taped together"..Get over it.
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#3 Bahn_Yuki
Member since 2003 • 1644 Posts
Launch night from NintendoWorld. We went to Gamespot a few hours earlier and picked up Twilight Princess for my friend as his birthday present(his birthday was Nov 13th). After that we took his GF home and we sat in the car thinking about what to do next. I already purchased 2 Wiis for my and my best friend out in Oregon. But my friend Ken said he wanted to come along. Now I didn't have to wait out in the cold since I wasn't a reserve, I bought and PAID for the Wiis + software fully. We drove to Rockefeller Centre and I saw the same people I saw earlier in the week(I visit Nintendo World often) and gave high 5s to them and talked Nintendo. It was really cold and the line was getting longer and longer. Toys R Us closed and you basically saw a parade Nintendo nerds marching, it was quite a sight to see. I was surrounded by people dressed as Mario, Luigi, and yes even a hot girl(she was quite pretty) who went as Link(man did she have a nice shield!).
As many on here know I'm a SEGA fan, so being around all the pro-Nintendo people made me a bit uneasy at first, but then I met the fine folk over at We spent hours talking with them about strategies and gaming. Personally if Nintendo would listen to them, and us the true gamers, Wii could be it's own self sustainable console, but let's get off that as it's out of scope of this topic. my friend and I waited from 1AM to 8AM in the cold...but to be honest the Nintendo fans and I were unified for one night. It's an experience I'll never forget and I am thankful to those people I conversed with which made me feel a bit warm inside.
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#4 Bahn_Yuki
Member since 2003 • 1644 Posts
I bought Trauma Center on launch day.  It's a very cool game that's highly underrated.  I'd give it a go as it's a game that can't be done on PS3 nor 360.
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#5 Bahn_Yuki
Member since 2003 • 1644 Posts
wii is actually pretty quick, I'd check your settings to ensure the Wii is getting a proper signal.

BTW is the Wii the only wireless device you have? I'd check the other devices too just to make sure it's only the Wii that is "slow"
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#6 Bahn_Yuki
Member since 2003 • 1644 Posts
He has yet to list a point worth arguing over...ShakeNBake1491
Exactly, one cannot argue the truth.
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#7 Bahn_Yuki
Member since 2003 • 1644 Posts

[QUOTE="Bahn_Yuki"]ok guys I'm playing 360 right now and I put my Ipod in, and guess what? I can use my playlists DURING gameplay!!!

Now why can't Wii do this? I mean it'll power up the Ipod(shame the Wii is now relegated to an Ipod charger), but seriously there's no excuse custom soundtracks isn't supported SYSTEM WIDE(I'm well aware of SD cards for Excite Truck).

It would be a simple thing too, like a nice firmware update, hell they could even make a "Music Channel" where you can download videos and stuff. Hell not only do music, but Ipod video too! I'm telling you the Wii is very capable of these things. Guys I want the Wii to be #1 and STAY #1. But right now it looks like 360 has an edge in software and features...despite it lacking Blu-Ray.

All you want is this. It's another useless thing. Play your own music on a game, IMO, is lack of respect for the composers who work hard to put their music on the game. I would never put my music on Nintendo games. Kondo is one of the best composer in the industry. The 360 and PS3 also have gimmick things like that. The only worth channel that I want is the demo channel. Many people want a DVD playback or a music channel. 2 things that are useless for a console. The news and forecast channels are so useless as well.

My my aren't we rather assuming? I was talking about of that nature come with subpar tracks(and they're just liscensed crap EA gets).  I wouldn't replace Kondo's work, but having the option too would be nice.  I have all the tracks from  Wouldn't it be nice to play with real orchestral pieces instead of MIDI all the time?  You fanboys crack me up.  This custom soundtrack feature is LAST-GEN...besides I don't feel it's a gimmick.  I really care about music in my games.  You call music a gimmick, then I can counter with calling the Wiimote a gimmick.  After all has the Wiimote really brought any software that's truly "Revolutionary"?

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#8 Bahn_Yuki
Member since 2003 • 1644 Posts
ok guys I'm playing 360 right now and I put my Ipod in, and guess what? I can use my playlists DURING gameplay!!!

Now why can't Wii do this? I mean it'll power up the Ipod(shame the Wii is now relegated to an Ipod charger), but seriously there's no excuse custom soundtracks isn't supported SYSTEM WIDE(I'm well aware of SD cards for Excite Truck).

It would be a simple thing too, like a nice firmware update, hell they could even make a "Music Channel" where you can download videos and stuff. Hell not only do music, but Ipod video too! I'm telling you the Wii is very capable of these things.  Guys I want the Wii to be #1 and STAY #1.  But right now it looks like 360 has an edge in software and features...despite it lacking Blu-Ray.
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#9 Bahn_Yuki
Member since 2003 • 1644 Posts
I've been wanting to sell the Wii because of its lack of a true online system.  But a few friends of mine told me that they'd be quite disappointed as I was the sole reason they got the Wii in the first place.  I'm not really a salesman though, I just speak truth and bring out facts for people to see, it's up to them to plunk down the absurd $249 price for a Gamecube peripheral or not.  As is the Wii is pretty much disappointing me all around.  I already knew about how weak it was, but I wasn't expecting was the lack of quality software.  Wario Ware and Trauma Center are the only games I have that are truly "Wii" software.  Everything else seems tacked on or just a something that just doesn't benefit from Wii control.  Zelda? works fine on GC controller.  Sonic? it's arguable that a normal controller would be best.  Metal Slug doesn't benefit from Wii control at all, neither does Dragonball Z; do I really need to get into Red Steel?

So where do we go from here?  Sure the Wii is selling at a blistering pace(as I've always said, Wii will be market leader), but does it have the longevity? Games like Scarface and Godfather help, but they're just games from last gen with Wii controls tacked on.  Personally look at the other side of the field, 360 is bringing out Mass Effect, and Sony has God of War II.  What's Nintendo's big gun? Super Paper Mario? Sigh...don't get me wrong as I'm sure Paper Mario is a fine game, but I was hoping for something truly unique like Disaster Day of Crisis, or perhaps even a Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition(with all the extras the PS2 version had). 

Oh why am I back here? well there was a post in my farewell thread that really infuriated me...the poster called me a quitter.  None of you know me personally, but a quitter is something I'm not.  I belive in the Wiimote, I always have.  I just wish Nintendo would do something good with it.  Let me show you a site where people out there are tired of waiting around for Nintendo to do something. Don't you find it sort of sad that I use the Wiimote more on my PC games than I do on the Wii itself? Come on Nintendo get with the program.  Build an online system that works, there's no excuse why you can't use the Wii's unique ID for its games.  Gamespy supports all this and more...I swear if I ran Nintendo, I'd make sure the only console that's in everyone's home is a Wii.  Instead I had to rebuy another 360 because Nintendo just simply won't evolve with the times, they still think it's 1984 all over again.  While they're laughing all the way to the bank we're here hold the Wiimotes in dismay.  Then again many on here are called "sheep" and with reason.  I guess I'll just have to stick around to wade through the coporate spin as usual.

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#10 Bahn_Yuki
Member since 2003 • 1644 Posts

Another bash from Bahu_Yuki. And this time, you've bashed something that was predictable to start off with. The only thing the FC codes affect how you can interact the with online gaming community. I don't see how that can affect the entire future (and current) wii library or stuff up your console.

Then again, maybe you sohuld sell your wii to someone who is much deserving of one...

Deserving eh? Where you online at Nintendo World on Nov. 19th? Staying in the cold from 1AM to 8AM? Talking with the staff of all night? Did you buy any Wiis for your friends and family members?

Who in the hell do you thnk you are? I've done my best for Nintendo. But they can't do something so simple, it just frustrating. I'm tired of making excuses for the Wii. Nintendo has gone too far in my eyes, so don't you dare try and lay this on me. I've waited patiently and intently and own 9 Wii titles(excluding Wii Sports). I'm beta testing the HL2 Wii mod, trying to get people into Wii by placing it on my 100" screen. But no...Nintendo still sticks to it's archaic structure and although I wish the Wii the best(it's success isn't surprising, I've stated Wii would be market leader time and time again), they've excluded me, one of the Wii's faithful.

Of course your narrow vision and lack of scope only reads what you take as a "bashing" of the Wii. I love the Wii, but I very much dislike Nintendo, and I always have. I told you people from th getgo...I AM NOT A NINTENDO FAN, and I NEVER WILL BE. It's decisions like this "friends lists" for a console that just cements my feelings more.
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