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#1 -wildflower-
Member since 2003 • 2997 Posts

@invizo said:

@Mighty-Lu-Bu said:


Someone seems a little biased...

Anyways, I am going to get this game because I think it looks interesting, but I don't know if it will be a game of the year game until I actually play it this weekend.

Trust me, It makes Divinity Original Sin look like a child's game. The Combat has incredible depth with a party of 6.

I will take the turn-based combat in Divinity over the CF that PoE combat can devolve into. I like PoE, quite a bit actually, but combat is its weakest link.

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#2 -wildflower-
Member since 2003 • 2997 Posts

Give 'em a break. There's console games to play.

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#3 -wildflower-
Member since 2003 • 2997 Posts

I beat the game as a rogue. Wasn't even difficult. I guess I'm a bit perplexed....

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#4 -wildflower-
Member since 2003 • 2997 Posts

Did you play the Mask of the Betrayer expansion for NWN2? If you played that, and liked it, you will most likely love this game. I haven't had a lot of time to play (work, work, work) but the more I dig into PoE, the more I am liking it. Still wish it was turn-based but, whatever, I'll live. I've played RPGs, some of which were even so-called "Game of the Year," with far worse combat.

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#5 -wildflower-
Member since 2003 • 2997 Posts

Yeah, the nearest things you mentioned are the Neverwinter Nights games and to some extent, Dragon Age Origins. It really depends on how much you liked those games, and even then, it is still quite a bit different. It's much more old-school (to use a crappy phrase). Maybe watch some videos and see if it's something that might appeal to you. I'm liking it but we probably have vastly different tastes.

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#6  Edited By -wildflower-
Member since 2003 • 2997 Posts

@Mighty-Lu-Bu said:

I've never played Baldur's Gate, but I am a huge RPG fan. Is Pillars of Eternity something I should pick up?

Honestly, it depends on how you define RPG. If you define RPGs with games like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Skyrim, etc. than PoE is probably not the droid you are looking for. On the other hand, if you like games from the mid-to-late 90's (and, no offense, but having never played BG makes me guess, probably not) then you will most likely enjoy the game.

What RPGs do you like? It be easier to make a recommendation, one way or the other, if you stated what games you like.

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#7  Edited By -wildflower-
Member since 2003 • 2997 Posts

I just messed around with the combat speed but you can tweak different setting like when the game pauses, etc. Pretty standard stuff, really but in my haste to start playing, I jumped in without looking around first and found the combat a bit too quick for my tastes. Not a huge deal but it's better now. I was always a bit concerned about the RTwP combat because I've never been a fan.

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#8  Edited By -wildflower-
Member since 2003 • 2997 Posts

@rabakill said:

@-wildflower-: I have it on hard and rarely have to pause, choke points are easy with intelligent formations and movement. Damage tankers absorb, priest blesses, chanter chants healing, mage and cipher dps and disable. I find myself pausing for heavily armored enemies only, the rest I hack through like weeds

And the bear cave, I went back there once I paid a Paladin to join. Hold large bear with mage, kill small bear, kill large bear.

My issue was the speed at which enemies would swarm your party, not setting up formations. Tweaking the combat settings and speed helped and, like I said in an earlier post, the combat is now more palatable but there are still path finding issues, like there are in all RtwP games. This game would have been much better with a proper turn-based combat system.

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#9 -wildflower-
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@FelipeInside said:

I can't talk on the difficulty because I don't own the game, but happy that it's getting great feedback from gamers.

I was going to buy it, but from what I've seen of Sword Coast Legends, that has me more interested now.

Not trying to sound like a graphics whore... but from videos I've seen, Pillars looks really dated.

I dunno, PoE looks great to these ancient eyes, and now that I've tweaked the combat settings, encounters are a bit more palatable, too. Hell, I'll take PoE over something like Dragon Age Inquisition (Game of the Year my ass), and all it's graphical glory, any day of the week. Graphics ain't everything.

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#10 -wildflower-
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Well, yeah, of course. It's not my first kick at this particular can. :)

It's that the mobs seem to rush in so quickly that they often bypass my tanks and head straight for the squishy ones I'm trying to protect. Maybe I've just been spoiled by all the really good turn-based RPGs released lately (I've also never been a huge big fan of RtwP in general). Still, like I said, I am enjoying what little I've played of the game. It has some very interesting ideas. For example: I really like, being a big fan of character building in general, the idea that I can, at any time, hire a npc that I get to build to suit my needs or whims. Very cool idea.

The art style, atmosphere, writing, and vibe are great. I would have just preferred turn-based combat (but I will always prefer turn-base combat over RTwP).