"MOHEA Great Game With Some Flaws"

User Rating: 8 | Medal of Honor: European Assault PS2
EA went all out with its newest installment of its Medal of Honor series. This is one of the only WWII shooters out there that really grabs you and puts you in the battle. Even though European Assault (EA) does not have the D-Day invasion that most WWII games have, it really doesn't matter because every mission has its own special moments that you wont soon forget.

Graphics: 9

I would have given graphics a 10 but i did find a few cases of clipping. Other than that every explosion, every mortar hit, and every bullet ricochet looks spectacular. The cut scenes really help to further immerse you in the gritty environment. Also all the weapons look spectacular. Sound:10

The sound in EA is some of the most authentic that i have ever heard. With bullets snapping and zipping by and explosions going off in the foxhole next to you its no wonder that when my phone rang it took me a second to realize what was going on. All the guns, tanks, and airplanes sound like there in the room with you, and with a home theater system its like actually playing a blockbuster movie. EA also has one of the best opening scores i have ever heard in a game. Not to mention the others that play during a suspense filled moment, or after completing an objective.


When you first start EA you're thrown into a massive battle, and each subsequent mission is just as fast paced. New gameplay elements are introduced in EA such as: controlling a three man squad, which you can send to clear out trenches or use to provide covering fire, and the ability to go prone, this may not seem like much but in a fire fight being able to go prone is a very handy ally. You will soon learn the difference between a solid tree or rock and grass. Finding cover is essential to your survival in EA. The aim and peek feature saved my rump several times. Controls:8

It didn't take me long to learn the control system for EA. Very simple. My only gripe is swapping your weapon for a grenade. After taking out your grenade you can either throw it or take the pin out and then throw it. Then after that you still have to press a button to swap back. Not a big concern but still a little bothersome.

Final Grade:8

Even with its cinematic feel and its gritty environments EA gets a final grade of eight because of its low replay value. On easy mode it took me five hours to beet it from start to finish. With all set backs aside EA is one of the best WWII FPS's i have ever played and look forward to future installments.